210_-_2021-9-8_Lance_VerityFrom:Lance Verity To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Development DEIS Comment Date:Wednesday, September 8, 2021 10:40:02 PM Attachments:Chester Creek Flow Study 001.jpg Overflow ponds Out flow.jpg Water Over Run 1 Inlet.jpg[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Lori Barlow, lbarlow@spokanevalley.org I’m only going to comment on one issue, possible flooding within andaround the proposed building of the Painted Hills project. During theDEIS discussion I was hearing descriptions of larger pipes andcollection areas. What I didn’t hear was specific numbers (acre feet) ofwhat amount of run-off was going to be controlled “safely”. In otherwords, what was this system designed to handle? As far as I know I was the only person out in the rain measuring streamoutflow from the project area. Completing an analysis of the ChesterCreek Watershed can’t be done in one, two or three seasons, especiallyduring dry seasons. Out of date information should not be utilized.Weather patterns are changing. Attention must also be given to possible effects that can or will occurupstream and downstream of the Painted Hills project. <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Upstream – Chester Creek flowsthrough or next to numerous private properties. Many of which haveoverhanging trees and brush. Contrary to written comments, debris canbe carried quite easily from the Watershed down to the culvert/pipedebris racks and plug them up. <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Downstream – Another development isplanned for the area east of Sundown Road in the Ponderosa area. Thisarea must also be mitigated because it also resides in a flood plainarea. This will alter the water movement not only in this area but alsoup stream. Finally, what is the amount of run off that will occur in the next 100 yearflood for this area? Also, when will the next 100 year flood occur?Before giving thought to this question please review the attached photosshowing the inlet to the project area and the outlet flooding ponds that were constructed alongside Dishman Mica road. The outflow pictureclearly shows the first retention pond full and over flowing into thesecond retention pond. Thank you,Lance Verity4222 South Hollow StreetSpokane Valley Wa 99206