2_-_2021-7-16_Beth_DoohanFrom:Marc and Beth To:Lori Barlow Subject:Comment Painted Hills Planned Residential Development Date:Friday, July 16, 2021 11:18:34 AM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. To Whom It May Concern, As a property owner who lives on 40th avenue, I have deep concerns about this environmental impact statement. While we do not object in concept to the development we object strongly tothe omission of the consideration of the impact on our property. The "Triangle Pond" with the dry wells as stated in the study is only about 100 feet from our well. This well supplies water for 3 households. There is no mention of our private well orthe 4 others in close proximity, supplying 7 preexisting households. There seems to be no concern or thought for the impact this may have on our water flow or quality. There is also no mention of the traffic impact on 40th avenue, which continues to be a point offrustration, as we have been vocal in our comments and at meetings regarding this. While it is nice to study the traffic impact on 32nd and Pines, the fact is A LOT of cars use McDonaldand Woodlawn to cut across to 40th. This is particularly true during school traffic times, where people will turn right out of University High School, to turn right on Woodlawn to turnsouth. 40th continues to be an unmarked road with no lights, no posted speed limits or school zones and is unsafe. While walking my dogs and young children a car drove by to cut throughat least 50 miles an hour just a couple of weeks ago. People regularly drive 45 down this road, and rarely stop completely at the stop sign at 40th and Woodlawn. I do not think it isunreasonable for these roads to accommodate more traffic, but it really is unreasonable they are not mentioned for planning or improvement in any way as part of this proposal. Additionally, 40th avenue becomes a private road and it is not equipped for heavy loads. I justwant to make sure that it is clear that the "triangle pond" does not have an easement to use our road, which runs along the fence line on the southern border. I know that in the process ofposting and surveying we have seen vehicles on our private property. Should they need to run trucks or traffic this way, there would need to be discussion with us as the property ownersabout compensation or preparation of the roadway. Thanks, Beth Doohan