32_-_2021-8-5_Ann_CareyFrom:Ann Carey To:Lori Barlow Cc:City Council Subject:Painted Hills Development - Public Comment Date:Thursday, August 5, 2021 10:35:12 AM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Regarding the development of the Painted Hills Area, and the two options presented by thedeveloper. I urge council members to proceed cautiously with the overdevelopment of Spokane Valley. Please consider the voices/wishes of your individual constituents vs. big name developers -especially as you face re-election. I share the opinion of many of my Ponderosa and Painted Hills neighbors in preferring singlefamily homes versus multi-family. It’s how this area was originally designed and why manyof us chose these neighborhoods instead of Spokane or Liberty Lake. It appears the developer is willing to sweeten the deal with trails, a park, and a wild lifecorridor - only if mixed use units are approved. It is a failing of the City of Spokane Valley tonot require things like that for any large development. At this rate, we will soon need tochange the City logo from trees and water to stacks of apartments etc. With either decision, before 500+ residences are added to an area with limited infrastructure - PLEASE consider the fact that Spokane Valley is already getting a failing grade for trafficflow (https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2021/jul/19/getting-there-new-fees-to-aid-failing- central-spok/). And reducing developer fees for multi-family is counter-intuitive as morehousing units create density in an area, which will increase traffic (unless they are closer to urban services or are near bus routes which this area is not). Thank you for allowing, and listening to, public comment. Ann Carey11317 E Sundown Dr, Spokane Valley, WA 99206