34_-_2021-8-5_Monte_and_Donna_DeChenneFrom:Monte DeChenne To:Lori Barlow; fccobb@gmail.com Subject:Painted Hills Golf Course Date:Thursday, August 5, 2021 4:52:33 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. I live at The Greens at Midilome and I am concerned about the proposed development planned for what was the Painted Hills Golf Course. My wife and I moved to this location for theserenity it offers. We like seeing the deer wandering around, we find it quite peaceful. We enjoy the open space presently afforded and do not wish to see it change. Additionally, I believe I've seen comment regarding who will maintain the flood plane, Itseems a shedding of responsibility for the developer to pass on that responsibility to some future HOA. Should this project ever be approved the developer should be held accountablefor the full installation and maintainance of said flood plane. Also, we have three (3) schools along Pines that may not be adequate, as is, to handle the additional student load such a largedevelopment would surely put upon the schools. Must we shoulder that additional burden or will the developer be contributing to that issue. Another issue I foresee is the huge increase intraffic on all the streets surrounding this proposed development. The streets as they presently are were not designed for the amount of traffic they presently have and would surely need tobe upgraded for the future traffic load brought about by this development. The intersection of Thorpe and Dishman-Mica would certainly require a traffic light and upgrading toaccommodate the extreme increase in traffic flow. Who exactly will be paying for all these necessary upgrades? Surely the developer should be required to shoulder the majority offinancial responsibility for these and other upgrades just to maintain the quality of life we presently have. As you might guess, I and my wife oppose this development for these andother reasons and we would gladly attend a public hearing in regards a Draft Environmental Impact this proposed development would bring about. Thank you, Monte R. and Donna M. DeChenne 3818 S. Eagle Ln.Spokane Valley, WA 99206 H (509) 535-2710 or C (509) 869-3145