36_-_2021-8-9_Frank_and_Jill_CobbFrom:Frank Cobb To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills DEIS Date:Monday, August 9, 2021 12:24:54 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Dear Lori Barlow, System Maintenance & Operation. The developer is proposing that "the DEIS assigns responsibility for flood control systemMaintenance and Operations to the project's homeowners association". This cannot possibly be approved no matter how large the sinking fund, given that "the system is adequatelymaintained in perpetuity and that the liability for system maintenance and performance will not fall to the general public or to any governmental agency, including the City of SpokaneValley or Spokane County", (pp 4, letter dated 09/19/2019, City to Read Stapleton). Gustin ditch and triangle pond. The 'triangle pond' currently is the property of Timothy and Joanne Comer. The developerdoes not currently hold title to this property. It seems that proposed engineering on this property is not viable as long as the developer does not hold title. If this property is notpurchased or leased by the developer, can the project proceed? 400,000 cubic yards of fill. What is the point of all this fill if the system fails? Water is then diverted to contingentproperties. Who becomes responsible and liable for damages to those property owners? This property is best suited as a golf course, park or some other use considering the risk of flooding at some future date. Frank & Jill Cobb3922 S Eagle Lane Spokane Valley, WA 99206509.993.2216