52_-_2021-08-11-LuFrom:Lu To:Lori Barlow Subject:40th Ave on the painted hills project Date:Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:50:15 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. 40th Ave that connects to Pines Ave at 40th get so much traffic that it's a real problem already all the people in the painted hills that want to go east on Sullivan go across 40th and upWoodlawn to 32nd the average speed is 4550 miles an hour along that stretch on 40th there are no signs there are no school signs there are no speed bumps there are there is not a normalwidth of a road there's only like 2/3 of a road because across from the junior high they never finished extending the road to the full length yay for the sidewalks but there's still a realproblem on 40th and turning off and on to Pines at 40th in the morning especially when the school buses are lined up there can be a real challenge thank you for considering this Get Outlook for iOS From:Lu To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted hills development. 40th Avenue be addressed. It already carries all the painted hills traffic that is he’s dead east on 42nd. The cars routinely go 40-45 Date:Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:44:59 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Morning the painted hills golf course area runs across 40th Ave at the 40th and Pinesintersection that short level that shirt back up Get Outlook for iOS