7_-_2021-7-17_Angela_BloodFrom:Angela B To:Lori Barlow Subject:Painted Hills Date:Saturday, July 17, 2021 9:11:14 PM[EXTERNAL] This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley. Always use caution when openingattachments or clicking links. Hello Ms. Barlow. I would like to express my concerns regarding the housing development plans for thePainted Hills Golf Course area. When you consider the numbers, you'll be bringing thepopulation of an entire small town to this little space! I can only imagine the trafficnightmare it will bring to that area and crowding in our schools. This excessive summerheat has brought attention to the fact that our electric grid isn't up to par to support theneeds of Spokane County as we've seen Avista have to have forced power outages andcalls for citizens to conserve electricity wherever possible. Additionally, people who havemoved into that area did so with the idea that they would live off-the-beaten-path in anarea surrounded by nature and a quiet golf course - not a massive housing development. They've paid their property taxes and should get what they've paid for! There is alreadyenough destructive building going on in that area - filling wetlands with buildings anddisplacing wildlife from important habitat. Meanwhile, there are plenty of vacant lots andabandoned buildings/homes around the valley that are just eyesores and nuisances. Maybe instead of destroying more natural areas, developers should get creative andconsider reusing the abandoned spaces that are already sitting around looking hideouswith no useful purpose. People move to the suburbs for a suburban kind of living - not tobe squished in between and crowded out by massive cookie-cutter housingdevelopments! We don't want the traffic, the crowding in the schools, the added stress onour resources, the rise in crime that is bound to come with more people packing into asmall area, or any more displaced wildlife! Build it somewhere else - Don't turn the Valleyinto the very type of place we moved away from in Spokane proper... Thank you for your consideration. Angela Blood