AC14_Spokane_Tribe October 11, 2016 Lori Barlow Planner RE: SUB-2015-0001 / PRD 2015-0001 Ms. Barlow: Thank you for inviting the Spokane Tribe of Indians to be a consulting party is greatly appreciated. We are hereby in consultation for this project. We have reviewed your project forwarded to our office; we are concerned that the project area potentially contains cultural resources which would be impacted by the proposed ground disturbing activity. Recommendation: Cultural Survey and Sub-surface Testing. However if any artifacts or human remains are found upon excavation activity this office is to be notified and the immediate area cease. These comments are based on the information available at the time of this review and on behalf of the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. Should additional information become available our assessment may be revised. Again thank you for this opportunity to comment and consider this a positive action that will assist us in protecting our shared heritage. If questions arise, please contact me at (509) 258 – 4315. Sincerely, Randy Abrahamson Tribal Historic Preservation Officer