AC2_Dept._Ecology September 14, 2015 Ms. Christina Janssen Planner City of Spokane Valley Community and Economic Development Dept. 11707 E. Sprague Avenue #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Painted Hills PRD, File # PRD-2015-0001 Dear Ms. Janssen: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposal to subdivide an approximately 99.5-acre, former golf course into approximately 42 estate lots, 206 single family lots, 52 cottage lots, 228 multi- family units, and 52 mixed-use units to include use and preservation of the existing clubhouse area, the addition of green space with trails, and a 10-acre park and wildlife travel corridor (Proponent- Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc.). The Department of Ecology (Ecology) has reviewed the documents and submits the following comments: Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program-Wetlands-David Moore (509) 329-3474 Wetlands likely exist on the project site near Chester Creek. The applicant should develop a wetland delineation report or wetland verification report. If wetlands are present, the project will need to be constructed in a way that avoids wetlands and wetland buffers. Impacts that cannot be avoided will need to be mitigated following EPA, Army Corps, and Ecology wetland compensatory mitigation guidance. Impacts to wetlands will also require permits from Ecology (401 Certification) and possible the Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404), which are obtained by first submitting a JARPA to those agencies. Please contact David Moore at (509) 329-3474 or at david.moore@ecy.wa.gov for more information. Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program-Floodplains-Lynn Schmidt (509) 329-3413 Based on Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Special Flood Hazard Areas (100-year floodplain zone AE and floodways) are shown to be located across a major portion of this property. Floodplain and floodway boundaries are not shown on the preliminary plat maps as required. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 21.30 requirements must be met per the National Flood Insurance Program, including obtaining a Floodplain Development Permit from the local jurisdiction and prior written approval of the plat by the Department of Ecology. Residential development is not permitted in floodways (WAC 173-158-070). For Floodplain Development permit information, please contact the City of Spokane Valley. Please contact Ecology’s Floodplain Engineer Lynn Schmidt at (509) 329-3413 or lyns461@ecy.wa.gov for more information. Ms. Christina Janssen September 14, 2015 Page 2 Water Quality Program-Michael Hepp (509) 329-3536 All new dry wells and other injection wells must be registered with the Underground Injection Control program (UIC) at Department of Ecology prior to use and the discharge from the well(s) must comply with the ground water quality requirement (non-endangerment standard) at the top of the ground water table. Contact the UIC staff at UIC Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/grndwtr/uic/registration/reg_info.html for registration forms and further information. The operator of a construction site that disturbs one acre or more of total land area, and which has or will have a discharge of stormwater to a surface water or to a storm sewer, must apply for coverage under Department of Ecology’s Construction Stormwater General Permit. Owners of sites where less than one acre of total land area will be disturbed must also apply if the construction activity is part of a larger plan of development or sale in which more than one acre will eventually be disturbed. Discharge of stormwater from such sites without a permit is illegal and subject to enforcement action by the Department of Ecology. Application should be made at least 60 days prior to commencement of construction activities. A permit application and related documents are available online at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction; or by contacting the Water Quality program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600; (360) 407-6401. Water Resources Program Any surface water diversions will require application to the Department of Ecology for a water right permit. Please contact Herm Spangle at (509) 329-3488 or at herm.spangle@ecy.wa.gov for more information. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)-Terri Costello (509) 329-3550 Ecology’s comments are based upon information submitted for review. As such, they do not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or legal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please contact the appropriate staff listed above. Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office (Ecology File #: 201504335) cc: Todd R. Whipple, P.E., Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc.