2023-04-27 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTES Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Room 212—Centerplace Regional Event Center April 27, 2023 I. Planning Commission Chairman Karl Granrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. H. The Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, City Senior Deputy Attorney Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Karl Granrath Levi Basinger, Planner Walt Haneke Greg Bingamin, IT Manager Bob McKinley Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Nancy Miller Daniel Wilson, absent There was consensus from the Planning Commission to excuse Commissioner Wilson from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the agenda for April 27, 2023 as presented There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved to approve the April 13, 2023 minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, Commissioner Granrath abstained from the vote, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucchi expressed concern that HB 1110 (the Missing Middle)passed through both houses of legislature and is ready for signature by the Governor. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates gave an administrative report regarding the legislative bills that affect land use that were passed by legislation and are ready for signature. This included HB1110, 11131181, and Senate Bill 5058. Mr. Bates also reported that the City Council came to consensus to remove the owner occupancy requirement from Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) requests. This will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a future meeting. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: STV-2023-0001: 22na Avenue & Glenview Circle The public hearing was opened at 6:10 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger gave a staff report. He stated that the street vacation is privately initiated request from The Oaks Education Association to vacate 6,970 square feet (0.16 acres) of public right-of-way (ROW) in the alignment for Glenview Circle, located south of and adjacent to 22nd Avenue. Mr. Basinger explained that the ROW proposed to be vacated comprises the fourth leg of the intersection between 22nd Avenue and Glenview Circle. The ROW was originally dedicated as part of the plat for Glenview Acres 3rd Addition in 1968. This leg of Glenview remains unimproved and does not extend further south. Mr. Basinger stated that the Notice Of Public hearing was posted on the site, was published twice in the newspaper of record (The Valley Herald), written notice was mailed to the abutting properties, and the notice was posted in three public places. Mr. Basinger explained that the applicant plans to build a private school on the parcel to the south. The school will be within the alignment for a potential ROW extension to the south. Access from 22"d is proposed via a private driveway but is currently located outside of the ROW. Building permits have been issued for the school's construction and site grading activities. The applicants will be using the ROW as a temporary construction entrance, but no permanent improvements have been approved within the existing ROW currently. Mr. Basinger said that staff and the utility providers have reviewed the proposal and have not expressed opposition to vacating the ROW but have requested the following conditions: 1. A new curb installed across the ROW to be vacated along the south side of 22"d Avenue. 2. The existing driveway approach for 11706 E 22nd Avenue must be modified to match installed curbing. 3. Construction within the public ROW must be permitted and subject to inspection by the City. 4. Easements to allow for maintenance of existing utilities will need to be dedicated by the City prior to vacation. 5. All costs incurred must be paid by the proponent. 6. The proponent is to purchase the area to be vacated. (The cost is calculated by the formula adopted in City Council Resolution 2022-020. The total amount due is $15,111.00). Mr. Basinger stated that staff has reviewed the criteria outlined in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) for street vacations and feel that the request will meet all the requirements once all the conditions of approval are met. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 Mr. Basinger said that the City received several public comments regarding the proposal. The residents had concerns about traffic on 22nd Avenue. He explained that the City Traffic Engineer does not support the use of this vacated ROW to be used as access to the site. A fire access lane to the west of this vacated property has been approved and any changes to that proposed access would need to be reviewed by the Traffic Engineer for compliance with traffic circulation. Commissioner Haneke asked if the applicants could come to the City in the future to request making this access a driveway. If so, could a condition be placed on the property that would not allow them to do so. Mr. Basinger answered that a change to the driveway would require applying for an approach permit that would be reviewed by City development and traffic engineers. The applicant, Charlie Dowers (Head of School for Oaks Academy) stated that the school is currently housed within eight structures on the property and are in the process of building one large school so that all the students will be centralized in one location. He also stated that currently the ROW is supposed to be maintained by and at the cost of the City.If the vacation of the property is approved,the City will no longer be liable for that maintenance. He also stated that the school size will not be increasing with the new building and will not change the parking needs. Public Testimony: Nan Smith(Spokane Valley) stated that she is in favor of the street vacation because it has been a weed lot for 30 years. However, she would like the space to be used as green or park space only and not used for parking or as a driveway due to the safety of children walking on 22nd Avenue. Greg Doering(Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the City gifting property to a private Christian school and concern about traffic and children's safety if the area is used for parking,pickup, or drop off. He said that he would like to see the area used as a green space only and not as an access or driveway. Jim Rowse (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the deceased owner being listed on the application. He also provided a photo of the area showing the proposed vacation that was provided to the Commission. He expressed that the paperwork submitted by the Oak lists that the area could be used as parking or open space. He feels that there is a significant difference between those two items and would like to see the area just used as open space. He also expressed concern about the safety of the children and is against the vacation as parking or access to the facility. He would like to see the space remain as open green space. Thomas Santorsla (Spokane Valley) expressed concern about the traffic and the vagueness in the application about what The Oaks Academy plans to do with the property in the future. He stated that he would like to see a better presented plan of what they are proposing. Art Zach(Spokane Valley) stated that the application does not specifically say that the area will not be used as a parking lot that accesses onto 22nd Avenue.He also expressed concern that the fire access curb cut could be used as an access point for more than just 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 fire personnel.He feels that 22"d Avenue cannot handle any additional traffic that might be produced from an additional driveway or access point from this vacated area. Doyle Kanabica (Spokane Valley) stated that The Oaks has a sidewalk that will go along 22"d Avenue to the new property to help with the concern about children walking on the street. The Oaks hopes that this new sidewalk will help alleviate some of those problems and concerns. Mr. Art Zach stated that he is happy that the sidewalk improvement is being done but does not feel that it will resolve the problem if the vacated area is used as an access that will put more cars on 22"d Avenue. Commissioner Miller asked the applicant about utilizing the vacated area as just green or open space. Mr. Charlie Dowers stated that the school has not researched a 20-year site development plan for the property. He stated that he would feel uncomfortable stating that without reviewing if it is the best use of the space long term. Commissioner Granrath asked if a condition could be placed on the property prohibiting the vacated area from being used as access in the future. Mr. Bates answered that the City could not be able to attach that type of condition on the property. Commissioner Delucchi asked if the City could require that the curb and sidewalk be extended all the way through the vacated property to help prohibit it from being used as an access or driveway. Mr. Basinger responded that the City does have a condition of approval regarding curbs and sidewalks that will have to be met before the plat is signed and the final vacation is completed. He also explained that any future changes to the area making it a driveway or access point would require City review and approval. The Senior Traffic Engineer has documented that he is not in favor of the area being used as access. The public hearing closed at 6:54 p.m. Commissioner McKinley moved to recommend approval of STV-2023-0001 to the City Council as presented Commissioner Haneke stated that he is extremely concerned about the property being used as a driveway and would really like to see a condition that would keep that from happening in the future. Commissioner Miller agreed. Commissioner Delucchi said that requiring a curb and sidewalks that extends all the way to the vacated property could keep a driveway from happening. Commissioner Granrath commented that this ROW could have been used as a street since the inception of the plat in 1968 but it has never been used as an access. The City Street Engineer has stated that he does not support allowing a driveway at this location so he feels that it will never be allowed as a driveway or access onto 22"d Avenue. 4-27-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5 Commissioner McKinley said that he feels approving the street vacation will make it more difficult for the applicant to use the property as a driveway in the future. Commissioner Haneke agreed. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. Commissioner Delucchi requested that the Planning Commissions concerns be noted in the Findings of Fact and forwarded to the City council for consideration and discussion. Mr. Basinger said that the Findings Of Fact on this matter will be presented to the Commission at the May 11, 2023, meeting. b. Findings of Fact: 2023 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Planner Levi Basinger presented the Findings of Fact for the Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. He explained that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed CPA on April 13,2023. The Planning Commission deliberated on the CPA and voted unanimously to forward the proposed amendments to the City Council as presented. He explained that the Findings of Fact will formalize the recommendations that were made at the public hearing. Commissioner Delucchi noted a typo on page 3, paragraph 21. Commissioner McKinley moved to approve and forward the Findings of Fact to the City Council as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi requested that the staff give a formal update and analyzation of the impacts of HB 1110 to the Planning Commission once it is signed into effect. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Haneke moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:17p.m. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. i' �� Walt Haneke, Vice-Chairman Date igned —197I7 Marianne Lemons, Secretary