Resolution 23-007 adopts TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION 23-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2024-2029 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley,the City shall,pursuant to RCW 35.77.010,develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Six-Year TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six-Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce and has been reviewed and approved prior to the scheduled adoption of the TIP in accordance with RCW 3 6.70A.106; and WHEREAS, following adoption of the Six-Year TIP, the City will forward a copy to the Washington State Secretary of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 20, 2023, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six-Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section I. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six-Year 11P for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2024 through 2029. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2024- 2029 Six-Year TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before June 30, 2023. The Six- Year TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City's transportation requirements. Projects and timeframes identified in the Six-Year TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. In the event a railroad ceases to use rail right-of-way within the City, the City will utilize all reasonable options available under state or federal law to preserve the right-of-way for future rail purposes pursuant to RCW 35.77.010(3), Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Resolution 23-007,Adopting Six-Year TIP Adopted this 20'h day of June, 2023, 7A ? S • City of Spokane Valley Y` QA‘ _ 1 Q Kristine Bainbridge, City Clerk __ Pam Haley,Mayor Approved as to Form: Off f the City Attorney Resolution 23-007,Adopting Six-Year TIP 2024 - 2029 Six Year Slikane�lo� Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 410000V .11ey14 - ti - ' _t. r ti.0 • _ v ii Y- }v—_ r L sue. _ 011114° e`er -- �'- �. `I y a �N _ ....c `. �.- • ..gyp _ J+' - �� Ate'... i.• g i is�sa3 * City of Spokane Valley Community & Public Works Department crrr o 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Spoliane Walley Glossary & Abbreviations Project Phases: Funding Sources: • PE Preliminary Engineering • City City Funds • RW Right-of-Way • CDBG Community Development Block Grant • CN Construction • CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality • COM Washington Department of Commerce • DEV Private Developer Funds • FHWA Federal Highway Administration • FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board • FTA Federal Transit Authority • HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program • NHFP National Highway Freight Program • Other Misc. Unidentified Funding Sources • RCO Washington State Recreation Conservation Office • REET Real Estate Excise Tax • RR Railroad • SRTS Safe Routes to School • SW City Stormwater Funds • STA Spokane Transit Authority • STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant • STBG-SA Surface Transportation Block Grant—Set Aside • TIB Transportation Improvement Board • WAL Washington Legislature • WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation . 2024- 2029 P01 1 1 ' Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .siorgOValley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description 1 Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 1 Sullivan Rd.1 Wellesley Ave. Intersection Improvement 40 City 3 3 CMAQ 17 17 Description: Spo.Co. 20 20 Traffic signal and intersection improvement project,partnership with Spokane County. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 40 40 Total 40 40 2 Barker Rd./BNSF Grade Separation Project 190 City 33 33 NHFP 54 54 Description: TIGER 55 55 Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290). FMSIB 45 45 WAL Other 3 3 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 WSDOT administers CN 2021-2023,2024 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 190 190 Total 190 190 8 Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing S City Other Fed 8 8 Description: Surface preservation of concrete bridge deck over Evergreen Road. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.0 Secured CN 8 8 Total 9 S Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 1 2024- 2029 pjSu'lrkan�ej' Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program galley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 4 Barker Rd.at Union Pacific Crossing 58 City 28 28 FMSIB 10 10 Description: STBG 17 17 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section between Euclid HSIP 3 3 intersection legs and install shared-use path from Euclid to Trent. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) 0.1 Secured CN 58 58 Total 58 58 5 Sullivan Rd. Improvements-Sprague to 8th 76 City 14 14 Other Fed 29 29 Description: TlB 33 33 Pavement reconstruction with signal and concrete improvements at 4th, ITS,sidewalks and stormwater upgrades. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN.2024 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles) 0.3 Secured CN 76 76 Total 76 76 6 2022 Local Access Streets(Summerfield East) 26 City 26 26 Description: Street reconstruction with sidewalk and stormwater upgrades as needed. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 2 Secured CN 26 26 Total 26 26 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to Ise considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 2 2024- 2029 PO le Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 7'Tilley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 7 Park Road Sidewalks 18 City 7 7 TM 5 5 Description: CMG 6 6 Sidewalk infill on the west side of Park between Broadway-Cataldo and Nora-Baldwin. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.2 Secured CN 18 18 Total 18 18 8 8th Ave. Improvements(Carnahan-Park) 60 City 47 47 TIB 13 13 Description: Pavement preservation project with sidewalk infill and bike lane on the north side between Fancher and Park Roads. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 2 Secured CN 60 60 Total 60 60 9 Pines Rd.f Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 1,612 City 214 4 218 CMAQ 1,366 28 1,394 Description: Signal and channelization upgrades to improve capacity and additional turn lane on southbound Pines. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023 CN,2024 Closeout Secured RW 0 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 1,580 32 1,612 Total 1,580 32 1,612 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6113/2023 Page 3 2024- 2029 Spl ka4i Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description f Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 10 Broadway Preservation- Fancher to Park 1,615 City 458 24 482 STP 354 19 373 Description: TIB 722 36 760 Two-Year phased pavement preservation project with concrete intersection upgrade at Park Rd. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2023-2024 CN,2024-2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 1 Secured CN 1,534 81 1,614 Total 1,534 81 1,615 11 South Bowdish Sidewalk(12th to 22nd) 1,925 City 300 6 306 SRTS 1,587 32 1,619 Description: Install new sidewalk on the east side,including crosswalk,signage,and ADA ramp improvements. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 15 15 2023 PE,2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) 0.6 Secured CN 1,873 38 1,911 Total 1,887 38 1,925 12 Trent Avenue Access Control Improvements 375 City 1 1 WSDOT 367 7 374 Description: Median installations near Dale, McDonald,and Evergreen Roads. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 11 11 2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) Secured CN 357 7 364 Total 368 7 375 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 4 S ITYT ne 2oza - 2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description!Current Status!Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 13 Citywide Retroreflective Signal Backplates(2022) 113 City WSDOT 111 2 113 Description: Installation of backplate panels at select traffic signals. Status: Funding Status: PE 2 2 2024 CN,2025 Closeout RW 0 Length (miles) CN 109 2 111 Total 111 2 113 14 Ridgemont Estates Street&Stormwater Improvements 150 City 75 75 150 Description: Stormwater and road reconstruction evaluation and improvements in City's southeast neighborhood. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 75 75 150 Multi-year,phased project. PE required to define scope and CN cost. RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 75 75 150 15 Pines Rd.(SR27)/BNSF Grade Separation Project 39,549 Gity 1,505 3,766 269 5,540 STBG 2,360 4,483 320 7,163 Description: Other Fed Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/Trent(SR29Q). RAISE 5,422 15,182 1,084 21,688 DEV 158 158 WSDOT 1,250 3,500 250 5,000 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 PE completed in 2023.ROW finalized 2023-2024.CN 2024-2026. Secured RW 1,077 1,077 Length (miles) Intersection Secured CN 9,618 26,931 1,924 38,473 Total 10,695 26,931 1,923 39,549 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 5 2024- 2029 p�l Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .000,0*Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 16 Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension 5,000 Unfunded 25 25 4,950 5,000 Description: Street reconstruction and sewer extension with Spokane Co.: Flora& Techirley(Euclid-Garland),Dalton(Flora-Tschirley). Status: Funding Status: PE 25 25 50 RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 4,950 4,950 Total 25 25 4,950 5,000 17 Sullivan Rd./SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction 42,985 City 788 48 836 NHFP 1,276 255 1,531 Description: STP 1,118 50 1,168 Reconstruct interchange to improve safety and capacity.Includes Other Fed 2,650 2,650 widening of Sullivan between Trent&Wellesley,adding ITS,center turn Unfunded 11,040 12,880 12,880 36,800 lane,lighting,and shared use path. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 1,764 353 2,116 PE&ROW ongoing;some funds may roll over into subsequent phases as Secured RW 4,066 4,068 available.CN funds pending. Length (miles) 0.2 Planned CN 11,040 12,880 12,880 36,800 Total 5,832 11,393 12,880 12,880 42,985 18 Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 6,899 City 333 333 233 89s Unfunded 3,000 3,000 6,000 Description: Paved shared-use path on north bank of Spokane River between Plante's Ferry and Flora Parks,including two pedestrian bridges at each end. Status: Funding Status: Secured pE 333 333 233 900 PE planned for 2022-2024 with local funds,pursue RW/CN funding. RW 0 Length (miles) 5 Planned CN 3,000 3,000 6,000 Total 333 3,333 233 3,000 6,899 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 6 _ I I 2024- 2029 SPt ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 19 Argonne Rd. &1-90 Interchange Bridge Widening 23,700 City 81 81 162 Other Fed 519 519 1,038 Description: Unfunded 11,250 11,250 22,500 Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes and improve pedestrian&bicycle facilities.New channelization to evaluate future STA park&ride facility. Status: Funding Status: Partial pE 600 600 1,200 2023-2025 PE.$24 M total assumes bridge reconstruction, Planned RW 0 rechannelization,adjacent signal rework. Length (miles) 0.1 Planned ON 11,250 11,250 22,500 Total 600 600 11,250 11,250 23,700 20 Sprague Ave.Stormwater Improvements 7,870 Other Fed 186 35 310 354 885 City 312 78 417 476 1,283 Description: STA 34 7 57 66 164 Phased replacement of travel lanes with storrnwater swales between WSDOT 126 30 178 204 538 University& Park Roads.Signalized crossing improvements at City Hall Unfunded 1,050 200 1,750 2,000 5,000 and potentially other locations as warranted. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 80 40 120 2023-2024 PE.University to Herald is funded 2024 CN.Remaining CN as RW 0 funding allows.°Other Fed"funds are COVID relief funds. Length (miles) 2 Partial CN 1,628 310 2,713 3,100 7,750 Total 1,708 350 2,712 3,100 7,870 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to he considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6f1312023 Page 7 2024- 2029 arSpOk ip Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program alley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 21 Barker Road Corridor(Mission Ave.to South City Limit) 27,057 DEV 50 50 50 25 25 200 STP 108 271 108 271 271 1,029 Description: Other Fed 1,500 600 300 150 150 150 2,850 Phased improvements:Mission to 1-90&I-90 to Appleway(5-lanes), City 200 500 200 500 500 1,900 Appleway to Sprague to 4th to 8th(3-lanes). Roundabouts at Sprague,4th Unfunded 1,926 2,652 5,000 2,049 4,757 4,694 21,078 &8th Ave. Bikes lanes,sidewalks,ITS,and stormwater as needed. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 176 176 176 88 88 704 PE, ROW in 23-25.Appleway-Sprague partially funded$1.1 M STP funds. Secured RW 3,300 1,320 660 330 330 330 6,270 "Other Fed"are DEMO earmark funds.Sprague RAB complete. Length (miles) 1 Partial CN 2,114 5,285 2,114 5,285 5,285 20,083 Total 3,476 3,610 6,121 2,532 5,703 5,615 27,057 22 Barker Road&1-90 Interchange Project 500 Unfunded 200 300 500 Description: Develop initial concepts from S. Barker Corridor Study and existing Interchange Justification Report(IJR). Includes potential intersection impacts at Boone and Broadway Avenues. Status: Funding Status: PE 200 300 500 Planned 2024 preliminary design kickoff. RW 0 Length (miles) CN 0 Total 200 300 500 23 Argonne Rd. Concrete Pavement-Indiana to Knox 3,000 Unfunded 100 200 2,700 3,000 Description: Reconstruct with concrete and improve stormwater and signal operations. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 200 RW 100 100 200 Length (miles) 0.3 CN 2,600 2,600 Total 100 200 2,700 3,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 8 an 2024- 2029 Sl brie Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 24 Mirabeau Parkway I Mansfield Ave. Intersection 2,700 Unfunded 100 100 2,500 2,700 Improvement Description: New intersection control(signal or roundabout). Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 Potential for Developer funds via Mirabeau Subarea Traffic Study. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,500 2,500 Total 100 100 2,500 2,700 25 8th Ave.I Carnahan Rd. Intersection Improvement 3,001 Unfunded 88 88 250 2,575 3,001 Description: Add intersection control(turn lanes,potential signal). Status: Funding Status: PE 88 88 175 RW 250 250 Length (miles) intersection CN 2,575 2,575 Total 88 88 250 2,575 3,001 26 Citywide Safety Projects-Biennial 6,999 HSIP 1,866 351 1,866 351 1,866 6,300 City 207 39 207 39 207 699 Description: Projects are consistent with the Local Road Safety Plan's Prioritized Project List(including signalized pedestrian crossings of Sprague near Chronicle and McKinnon). Funded projects identified separately in TIP. Status: Funding Status: PE 18 48 18 48 18 150 Costs assume project implementation in odd-number years and RW 0 design/closeout in even-numbered years.10%local match. Length (miles) CN 2,055 343 2,055 343 2,055 6,850 Total 1 2,073 390 2,073 390 2,073 6,999 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 9 2024- 2029 SSpOk i Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description!Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 27 Local Access Street improvements-$1.5M Annually 7,500 City 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,500 Description: Fund#106. Project type varies(surface treatments,grind/inlays, reconstruction).Asphalt replacement work completed through Local Access Preservation Services contract. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 100 100 100 100 100 500 Potential project neighbhorhoods:Aloha East&West,Midilome, RW 0 Carnahan,Ponderosa, Hillcrest,Sprague,Vera Crest, Donwood. Length (miles) Secured CN 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,000 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,500 28 Street Preservation Projects-$3M Annually 15,000 City 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 Description: 8th&16th(Dishman Mica-Sullivan), Indiana(Sullivan-Flora),Sullivan(8th- 24th,River-Kiernan),Broadway(Havana-Fancher),Dishman Mica, Wellesley(Sullivan-Flora),32nd(Pines-SR27), Fancher(Sprague-Trent), Sprague(Univeristy-Evergreen),Appleway(E Conklin) Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 100 100 100 100 100 500 Active projects identified separately in TIP. Projects may include signal, RW ITS,storm and sidewalk upgrades as applicable. Length (miles) Varies Secured CN 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 14,500 Total 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6113/2023 Page 10 2024- 2029 SpoE' Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program I a ley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description!Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 29 South Bowdish Rd.-Phased Corridor Improvements 2,900 Unfunded 200 100 2,300 200 100 2,900 Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as urban section. May also include intersection improvements at 32nd Ave., ITS,and a new signal or roundabout at 16th Ave. Status: Funding Status: PE 200 200 400 Phased improvements to align with available funding opportunities. RW 100 100 200 Potential sources include TIB, SRTC,Local. Length (miles) 3 CN 2,300 2,300 Total 200 100 2,300 200 100 2,900 30 Park Rd.!Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 2,500 Unfunded 20 160 2,320 2,500 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations. Status: Funding Status: PE 20 80 100 RW 80 20 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,300 2,300 Total 20 160 2,320 2,500 31 Appleway Trail- Farr to Dishman Mica 240 Unfunded 20 20 200 240 Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica.Potential upgrades to existing stormwater facilities. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 RW 100 100 Length (miles) I CN 1,000 1,000 Total 20 20 200 240 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 611 312 0 23 Page 11 Q,,. kaane 2024-Spo 2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description/Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 32 Pines Rd.(SR-27)/16th Ave. Intersection Improvement 4,906 Unfunded 100 150 50 4,606 4,906 Description: Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton(potential roundabout) Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 200 Potential Developer contributions. RW 50 50 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 4,606 4,606 Total 100 150 50 4,606 4,906 33 8th Ave.1 Park Rd. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 260 2,660 3,000 Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 Potential Developer contributions RW 240 60 300 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,500 2,600 Total 80 260 2,660 3,000 34 Broadway Ave. Improvements-Flora to Barker 5,000 Unfunded 80 520 4,400 5,000 Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and realign connection east of Barker. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 Possible partnership with WSDOT.2029 CN RW 500 500 Length (miles) 1 CN 4,400 4,400 Total SO 520 4,400 5,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 12 z-ia,,, LOL4' 20Zg -x`'pGka4i Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program lley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 35 Sullivan Rd.1 Kiernan Ave. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 420 2,500 3,000 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 RW 400 100 500 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,400 2,400 Total 80 420 2,500 3,000 36 Sullivan Rd.1 Marietta Ave. Intersection Improvement 3,000 Unfunded 80 420 2,500 3,000 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 RW 400 100 500 Length (miles) Intersection CN 2,400 2,400 Total 80 420 2,500 3,000 37 Flora Rd.1 SR 290 Intersection Improvement 200 Unfunded 100 100 200 Description: New signal with added turn lanes or roundabout,per adopted Planned Action Ordinance.Assume ROW&CN after 2027. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 PAO contributions from Developers expected. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 0 Total 100 100 200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 13 2024- 2029 Sporn' liane .1 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program yDollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description/Current Status/Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 38 Flora Rd. Reconstruction-Sprague to Montgomery 150 Unfunded 75 75 150 Description: Reconstruct to city standards,including a shared-use pathway connecting Appleway&Centennial Trails. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 75 75 150 39 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail 400 Unfunded 75 325 400 Description: Shared use path following existing railway,connecting to City of Spokane and City of Millwood trail network,and the Centennial Trail. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 PE Concept Design in 2028 RW 250 250 Length (miles) CN 0 Total 75 325 400 40 Sprague&Pines Intersection Improvement 250 Unfunded 75 175 250 Description: Install SB right turn lane and intersection control(signal&channelization). Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 150 Based on N. Pines Subarea Study.May include developer contributions. RW 100 100 Length (miles) Intersection CN 0 Total 75 175 250 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 14 cm 2024. 2029 SpOne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description/Current Status I Length Total Sources 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 41 N. Sullivan Rd. Pedestrian& Bicycle Improvements 60 Unfunded 20 40 60 Description: Improved shared-use pathways and sidewalks from Spokane River to SR 290,including an improved crossing at UPRR. Potential transit upgrades. Status: Funding Status: PE 20 40 60 Project identified in 2015 and 2020 Sullivan Corridor Studies. RW 0 Length (miles) 2 CN 0 Total 20 40 60 Totals: 9,203 14,715 200,676 224,594 28,900 53,838 45,587 47,735 17,903 29,669 223,632 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 6/13/2023 Page 15 01 : Sullivan Rd. / Wellesley Ave. Intersection Improvement Sp'k1'e`er 4000 Valley- a 1 01 I y - Spokane Valley II II 1 ► s ter! kI in I i. N I„Mr Q ZalMODSV QC10 QA7f ma nrr .11;iii vt 4 i.. d�`— a ,' _ f • ism I I • 44� I , ,' ca `'' 'IIy I ' it ir,_ ',�„.st r' ',¢ 1',. '! , •may-i �4i , ri t I Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects .M Arterial Inprovemer I -Bridge Project Description: Traffic signal and intersection improvement project, �l„rer5eclien Improvement partnership with Spokane County. .,...PedeslrIon/bicycle Inprovemenl Safely Starr-weenier Funding Status: Secured —511'0.0 Preservolion Funding Source(s): SlreelReconslrucllenPralect Spokane County I Congrestion Management/Air Quality I City Funds Total Project Years: 2019-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 230 2021 Right of Way (RW): 165 2021 Construction (CN): 2000 2022 Total Cost: $2395 Close Year: 2024 Page 1 of 41 02 : Barker Rd. / BNSF Grade Separation Project Sii'okan ` .....Valley. "1"11911"11 { m fir ' 91411111111t. ;F - . Spokane Valrey 1111 jr' `i hide d , ...- ..fit r gN 'y =' tiy\ �,;, , `- ,, tt 1 errr-s ,,, .., , _ y. Y _ _ r-r • ,wry ,1 . .4A 7'I'. t ■ w a 'r'1� s r,. ___ _ - � y� ,.. _ i�l a SFr- r, ....... J5tl M '`f` "`• s Nq I ;` I� . s. Is _ i � r_�:r • ; 11111 V : 4 ,. d? Y 1 1 N .f ' 1. `I, - _ ,p t11< , ,`brut f. Project Type: Bridge TIP Pi-oleos �s Arterial Improvement - Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/ Intersettionln,prpventent Trent (SR 290). .Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Slat rewriter Funding Status: Secured —Street Preser•,etion Funding Source(s): Street Reco,tslIuvian Project City Funds I Washington Legislature I National Highway Freight Program I Transportation investment Generating Economic Recovery I Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board i Other Federal Total Project Years: 2017-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project On $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 3006 2017 Right of Way (RW): 3420 201 9 Construction (CN): 19000 2021 Total Cost: $25426 Close Year: 2024 Page 2 of 41 03 : Mission Ave. Bridge Resurfacing Sp"okan �' Valley t ,{` to '7`ry ' G nil". <F1111 i iq tit 4 Q4Ftiy 7^�,� y./. E ee0 rrc �i S,,On Qf ;,ram -> '- , .; _ r • loiti 1 - _ — - \,{�, "f: ,�.g5•:;ilA ''ti� 1 J•,}. r rti IL. t �k i i- 7 r r.r ar!�r SSA",. a ;;' r •1 r -�.. 8 r I �y l�$ a ��t� a' ' , , 'r._wryI ! `.=.,-,,•.� t _ /31 r �R N'�i 1 r T• yJt - • vti ` L J 1 / ti� eP _ .l I r it ' am J � K ' t ,, � .t �r ,! j - 1 , Iw w r r I :I' f .. . • r Project Type: Bridge TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement —Bridge Project Description: Surface preservation of concrete bridge deck overIntersection Improvement Evergreen Rd. —Pedeilaion/Bicycle Improvement -Sorely Slormwaler Funding Status: Secured r...Stroal Preservation Funding Source(s): Street Rec'nsttuclionProIecl City Funds I Other Federal Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 25 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 408 2023 Total Cost: $433 Close Year: 2024 Page 3 of 41 04 : Barker Rd. at Union Pacific Crossing Spbkan' ' Valley 4.li ) -.4.-,-tz 111 i'414V - !ill •, 15 1'. , ; �_ Spokane Vai c y ss—"+ i st Ij"_ \ n0111, � �' r c yr, ' i I a �l\ F ,c 7 ! t1. I I " i 3l 3 '1 r• .1r - seW I F ir. Mtn, fl I~ , ,,, tt.e IA Euclid per _____ -'9brJ. �r w fa - Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP Projects Arterial improvement ,r Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section —Intersection Improvement between Euclid intersection legs and install shared-use path from Euclid —Pedestrian/Bic/de Improvement to Trent. —Safely Stormwoter Funding Status: Secured — Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconihuctiee Project City Funds I Freight Mobility Strategic investment Board I Surface Transportation Black Grant I Highway Safety improvement Program Total Project Years: 2020-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 85 2020 Right of Way (RW): 50 2021 Construction (CN): 2919 2023 Total Cost. $3054 Close Year: 2024 Page 4of41 05 : Sullivan Rd. Improvements - Sprague to 8th S¢okane`'"_ ....Valley ,. .I _ ,' ,., '. I < 1' ITetwAkrjegr, v,--„ - : 1qt I 1` • I I 1 I,i �I Ii. - :-h" i " 1 f i I , ii, rf ' 4 Spokane Valley `' , li ,; Ii E i 1r.. 1 r'l - I' .Ir r 1.i II lr r r'Ezo Rout tilt-r•, I . 1 \ I - :.1 'r � - I 1u {-d7 a ,I Il , l i y ? F r` }•i ;I 11 _ • r!-iw % rp. i ,,,i 111 fiI 1•'l iln vix''' iI 1 � ri X'` y 1 + r _ �Y, ' .- r,�, If h PA-' Iftl , i wi r� r .� fi4'- - 1 ,1 v -.-i-. k.. ,�j I' J—I 1.1 f ...'l f 14 E 2n A► t 1 r `( 1r\i'—'s C?Z1- f4/i 111, " T 1—:0,t,r ' r1 l ! IT i 'I ' ( 'b ' 11r d="1 .g r v I . r I. I r �ti l r �' w�I li Iir •I I i�? i. '.L I ,r 4:r' 1 iti i..i p,"� , ( 'mYl 1 -,. t" .� f I. � 'it Al�',lI f ,:t- i! • 'C- I �— -4,.7i" I t s, ?^; '�. • l.I rlr�i4 r .!._�+ - .■ � d f. (�f I's i 1-.1 1 I 1 4.il,:r .r (7 w, k. y'. � .1;. • ( '',,r i II I, „ 1. by ,.-.a'I. ,r: f t1 Li r jt' 1_ I'v- �4'y °��19�,/., `.. /'. . S .Y'. r t A f 1, i ; I �0.. 170'.r ;IL- 1'. d (ri 1 'I 1 ''' I I h l '�� fflil»J f'" ,• �' i„ t / ( ,I_. + di y I •r ) , -I ry g}3I4 I 1,. ' ` .. I , IS I, ", (3,rr \0'l 4 �I rti1 - , r�'l i, I ;'i II k w� 4 M x 1_; ■ ��� 1�' t f ' ti e V' �! @� f r. / I i G r • [ yfi9 6 q• .I 1i i-b i' 1 I "•rrlITT�` h}T� 1 IT_ trr. ,t' I r i �r I 1 •t rt dr I r if 'I - „,., r , _I 'i t i i '„Ij 4 C 13, fir i" .,,, I 1$ {"r\ ¢ yyyyr. {�., b,- r-;r ? '.r i.. e it 17 t `--1« ,I - 1 I` - .,.-,!�'hi`r t"fr-+ , ', **Wee� i'r l d,r5. , ;°.1,Ir.,, F r+ cAltifI, ,` rate r. .:'z .447-n,,al.71. -L; TIP Prolecis Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project -Arlerinllmprovemenf ilissi Bridge Project Description: Pavement reconstruction with signal and concrete —IntersectionImprovement improvements at 4th, ITS, sidewalks and stormwater upgrades. .Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement —Solely Fundi�1 Status: ng Status: Secured -Shoal Preservation Funding Source(s): Slreet Reconstruction Proleci Other Federal I Clty Funds I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2021 -2023 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 252 2021 Right of Way (RW): 242 2022 Construction (CN): 3800 2023 Total Cost; $4294 Close Year: 2024 Page 5oF41 06 : 2022 Local Access Streets (Summerfield East) Spolcan " Valley' = y' ■ .. , .d ..^ d:`I ;3!.a+iitlk + _� k-r •v �' I xl r' l l '1 1 .ib.t‘ 1.. i ° � - . , - I v I -- ''.' '1 Spokane Valley i [T I I. eY � ._ � L. p � � , e � et ._ a . E�iOIynpiCrAve --'" 4. r r'ti" r ,o: —jLs ltrT I! y ��rr'irk Lei 4. ' 1I• 1,k- • ' ' ' �rw ,. » 1_ C f CI) _ _ • '` � • I '� _' '�Wabash'v..,., M�, r' '`� #L 14F.� 1 _ Lit 1 i r ' _- I I ' ' r. ._ z h a d . ,,Ni ..... ,x1 - ,,.,.2 , ' • 1:: .__.' •. 4 . ',1,14-'74-,,, li IC ''' j 1 'fr, I 1.. '11 tn— - 'r , a - - .ra-� {ryl, "i t V' ° CFI EEE r Ii �� I .. h 1 f, , � � 4w I 11 • r n+"- .I l� {- t • Y ea' �I k' !' I , r 4 eY y" Ij I II r t+rr lip 'r °' 6. ' j j ; ' , a t + <a --- C.E Wellesley Awe iv '` Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project UP Projeels -Arlerinl improvement -Bridge Project Description: Street reconstruction with sidewalk and stormwater �Inrerseclionlmprovemenr upgrades as needed. =Pedesnton/Bicycle Insp,overnens -Safely Slornswoler Funding Status: Secured s Slreel Preservplion Funding Source(s): SireetRecpnstluclionP.ojecr City Funds Total Project Years: 2021 -2023 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 80 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1600 2023 Total Cost: $1680 Close Year: 2024 Page 6 of 41 07 : Park Rd. Sidewalks SSioka elegy' 1:'Valley. R Ini .'1- �4` �r } � ' � a -a. .YY.�ro; r- y�r 1 1� r".A � 1 � , 1\w p.w`a°7'y i., t ,, i ',1.4 , -pm rT. ■ ". q .SGd VW" II I,* 5 5 AA ',1 . '1 t t ■r 1 ' r\ ' n - ;a ■' e Spokane Valley t '. A - r ,. E. • r t,r LG' .i ■ '.; t;. • tr r'.L' •F`r „ E Nora Ave 4,, w) ' ' -'1'' .8 .u_ I• i,t I F •.1.. W ', iLl''4yl , I', -i .1 r' r • ::,: .r- E'Augusta Aye r: V i.1ry` i 1 ;siron Ave' _ r' r1 `' �I l� r ' �'•,, } .,I l ti r,, r , • I rG ' t' r i ! � n yr 1 .5t 4 n ',� I . * r.� 111 S , s x r rf J c'. . r e0`+�•-Ills J y� I fi :1' r - 7 r�.�! -iArl E SF'�A6. ver r Ave , �„ , 4 ,Ili .Z ,a: �' n v ! wl "' ,- 2 of 1 A ...Al: :, " 'w ',. m c 1 N Ir M I. 1 i n >I 11 j-a 1 r........ 1 1 {'1et1 - I1,4 j:'.. ' 1 , 6 '. .. < oel . , a . 11 't E Cataldo Ave I - I . 1 -It*A , ' • - l - i 1h _ l. - \ - ' F sS'rt3C1t)o Is, In `' g , r: Mallon Ave a 11„ e " "°E Broadway,Ave' Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIP Protects rswams.Arterial Improvement Bridge Project Description: Sidewalk infill on the west side of Park between .Intersection lntprovanenr Broadway-Cataldo and Nora-Baldwin. . Pedestrian/Bicycle Improverent . a Safely Star awoler Funding Status: —Street Preservolion Funding Source(s): - Street Recanrlraction Prated City Funds I Community Development Block Grant I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 121 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 907 2023 Total Cost: $1028 Close Year: 2024 Page 7 of 41 08 : 8th Ave. Improvements (Carnahan-Park) Spokane�' Valley ti�h E 1 s tj Ave .!,1 I 1 ill , �r ' Al ' /' ' •�1 r.n}I or �; . 1 1.; . II I Nor r..t E t� ■■ oi.. Spokane Valley II Q i m �ltl 1 .� .i,1. 'E 3rd Ave ~•- - r o.l' rr�d.r'1 E�. e C4thAve al f't 1 ,, ._ Il e l l l I r i '1 E•6th Ave E"6th Ave'. E 7th Ave • l ri erliff I irL'.. ., - � y F !tth Ave „ E 9th Ave a �- E 10th Ave. 1 E 10th Ave N E'11th-Ave" E'11th Ave', �'• i E � Q1ie :3 t r .r • ,, .y'3th'!ve _-. ,.. I • _ �.t�u 1 r" t,`1 Avtie . , , r 1`4th,Av , ' �t6�e `. ,, 1 ti tt 4 p ,�- t, r' r s fr- c7 cn "Lk 'i:;'1 5 t h Ave Project Type: Street_Preservation TIP?'rolecls ' r Arterial Improvement tt Bridge Project Description: Pavement preservation project with sidewalk infill +bNersetllon improvement and bike lane on the north side between Fancher and Park Roads. — Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement � • Solely 5lormwater Funding Status: Secured >✓Streot Preservodon Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Prolpcl City Funds I Transportation Improvement Board Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 1 30 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 3000 2023 Total Cost: $3130 Close Year: 2024 Page 8oF41 09 : Pines Rd. / Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement *Wane Valley. 1 , -- ,ter,,_ L r ' . _ y-- fir.. - 1 Spolae Valley III ;'y I .�. .� _ .. ... • V 1 '- ` - Q Nora ptV}e - o f .701! N+•,-:�' ..ro 1' \,4 ;r '" . E+, I'` :, 1 I T1I :r F rkk y+ ,j I 'r' � a . ft'W �t t 1T4/1 r. . 1 L: 1st"r: 1 ;771 : 4r. i_0. iii qr. i. :1411 til ra :,ruYr, Q Mission la[ -- "" c4oba Mexican `- 4. r Grilll"�' t 4 fd , it 1IIvie 1e`= l r s- 52 a fp y 4 i. "} 1. fi 1 1. ..� I Y''�Irll i l� ' v 1- - 4N ■ _ C I _1 i a,or.P V rlet0 tai t :: 9� Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects Not Arterial Improvement + .Bridge Project Description: Signal and channelization upgrades to improve —IntersectionImprovement capacity and additional turn lane on southbound Pines. —Pecresvinn/Blrycte Improvement . . Sorety Storntwater Funding Status: Secured .ter Street Preser votion Funding Source(s): -- Street Reconstruction Project City Funds I Congrestion Management/Air Quality Total Project Years: 2020-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 355 2020 Right of Way (RW): 191 2022 Construction (CN): 1612 2024 Total Cost: $2158 Close Year: 2025 Page 9 of 4 1 10 : Broadway Preservation - Fancher to Park S'pr'okat ` .000Malley• E.Sharp 'Ave . �* i,Ye4 L':'' i 9 ,I..... I I I, Cy .' 1 . © , i 4l l ik`rS. •' t kz 'll i i c } 1"3r,r„ '1 a r ea L t s M ," 1^ , r — 11-I-rr r- ')t. .; , I Spokane Valley _k Z ''1 I tl r 1 i 'I II s 1 It ali ' —.1 ' ' � r ,� Jl -, . r t,Nc wSr L. �� ii t I,,r, r`. rl a ),` I t 1 I I I I 1C I � Ira . I r 'I f k a f � � �! + r e• r� t l tsF',i f3N5FrQ , ' ; . "� — Pdilc f uid r. '1 1 _ I - IIE Dean i `,> r t n ICY • , ' 'I 11i , { ,t 'I'd;,,,�,J,� I ,i I.'I '1'n d ,��` lie ri/I, nr i I L , i• r ,I I L Rodewa, 'rive /i M„I '' (r. r I Apr. m_ + t— 1 r-s r} l- fislnnSpTkae , Iri -ti-,, 0 }i r� 1 r , . t 'ABG Officer 0f la'I ..,r--� ]i . . ,it ,1 r ,,, , te. i. ,Equipm7ent '"I Speedy I� n� zJ rr j^ it I !III 1kW .ram. , --:4; =: 'I N`r , r'i F I I I ; /: r I� 1 :tEAt'.#lallt f9P ' i---i-r./1"4./ ems. t,r'.E Aoet ve�Y:g, .,., .' .-,, r . .,.: • ,, �,�r Cry aci ',At,',---':-..„.--,r1L.41 r• , IJ.�� 1 - ` °K �. d r a'� 1'ILIA. , 1I-1'., I oaf , Ji � ,s��l i s �.,t�.713 A ra XI R 1 I ,.r, ry'1 r,, , �. I till • J :J s {f- 1 !.Y i lii1 i- i ',EN,1 cl7 r,`I_ J' r ,, 2 , ;' f '2r.4 I! .SI r Project Type: Street Preservation TIP Projects ii Arterial Improvement . •Bridge Project Description: Two-Year phased pavement preservation project huerseetionlmprovemenl with concrete intersection upgrade at Park Rd. —Perleslrlan/Bicycle Improvement '. ...Safety Srarn,wuler Funding Status: Secured Ssrem preservotion Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruuion Protect City Funds I Surface Transportation Block Grant l Transportation Improvement Board I Surface Transportation Block Grant I City Funds Total Project Years: 2022-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 217 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (Chi): 4036 2023 Total Cost: $4253 Close Year: 2025 Page l 0 of 4 1 1 : South Bowdish Sidewalk ( 1 2th to 22nd) Spokan'e��...00Valley. .fro l t •,��, �4 R1. t y v M1 ; p� 3 a 2• f`f _ :.fir ''1 E .,,f Ave-, '2 trr.� I I RA r �I I fk Y 17,7e`�� 1 Or L;,.. ', i fro r# .7YJ -! ' .'r r i a lisp 1` r rr ..• Spokane Valley 14 11,PIIIIIP"Pill rl, ` rr: k 11" 1 ' i [!°•' I 14'11 r {err`r elf I r ' ,c , j4r • rt1. `{ ' A R' j {{t 'IIr, S{{r y/ .tsy� r 74 �s r 't y r Ir i- 't .. �,'e ' , it '"Eg AO m i'p' I. Ir 1, ^ F . ,,,f 7lep r p),:-..4., `i� e t [ p r ,f ,,.•' @@ 17. I i'r x% �¢ fi1 1, 15t1 1'fI4' rri,.,, s rY - ,' '' i ^C • i .. I v :1 I : 5 J :m •MAR M., I• ' ,•� I • r).' 11 p(({{',i T it I¢f lP 1t9. 1�,y,,,„ +J} _,. .4�•r tff ' k,q '.�r ! tY r f.:,.., �s . . -r,�� ' ,, �4 "�•4,� `7 ai- ,ly,?„f.f Z7 1- yip 1 r I F & 4♦ V t'�, 1 ,� 1- t (f� �, � � 1, t' ties Gee etery Tf� . t r r r ,. u I 16t ,—, r ri_ I !t-, li ,,; '.a :i rw l I., *... r;t Pip y� �y r h 9L '���°tYlt•• �� �11 t 1 � �' r,,�6' ,I 'IPT :lit '` :, ,41 r 4 ,r 4 .,Crt3 II=�,' - , t • :,yt} i, 3 r { T E'1 Tth Ave, '',. $ i •'I, r ; i i `" r 1 t1k, ,4 r r�� j � �1 P r�, r err 9 I }t� ryf�°� k r I f- ,` I � tl'+ I' � N w .1 gr �,�� r r't , r,, i "lam '.ti -,c11 C 11 r�, i �A r fl , E .� tlhAv.e ? 1 y� p I r tsitt I� / r try.' -',. !.'� e �' _ r yr i r l ?i' :4 I ti 4i.jriv iF T i 4,417:r 4,r I I„'c `- 4 : W . ,l cn ! n a}1'1r" ,.. I - �is 1 ,.. 1 + 1 J t •in 1 �+'` ,,`, , .�, � p � t r , ati•' `�`• it .d �'I'i f �! C11P�= L .st, r 1 M v t t s..iW r„' �p �I 'A ' ,1.'Y", �J rp.. 19t61Ave .Y ,fir} •,�- vlzr hi tt p Esi ;�' r� �.,'t"�'ji�Zt d1�A1 , '`q , 'M J • ' . '' K� 1• , Y �,. �u1 '? � 3 I ft 1 r,d r t., ,� f ma` s t, i , , t t k ,14 •r 0 . 'l � rot - 7 0 1 ` X.,, „) r„ '"y- 4 r . . ' .'4' . I '''''‘. ' *it-4 - '' . -0- - ` 7 *, Z it''f -L.-- - - -It r 'r:toi , '''' �9 e y .! �� o- s,:R r, I ;1, ;re, - -R'1. s.a X- ro .,Flr' r - r , _ E 2,t st"Ave r vA, i 7 v ' r R k. r 410 K. •''^ r 1. > Y •,;'1 3Ar' p+Jr,. �t l kr-Ir '' 122f1d Ave 1 ;rf ¢' 1 at.''`, • E 22ridV".` *`' ' ' '' , , " ' It inir&i Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIP Projects ttttttttttr•Arterial Improvement Bridge Project Description: Install new sidewalk on the east side, including mr6,ter5ectian lntpravtnlent crosswalk, signage, and ADA ramp improvements. ,ttttttttt.. Pedestrion/Bicycie Improvement - Safety Stonnwoter Funding (Status: Secured rrrrrrr�,Street Preset vorioni i m Funding Source(s): S Reconstruction Proles City Funds I Safe Routes to School Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 74 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1911 2024 Total Cost: $1985 Close Year: 2025 Page 'IIof4I 1 2 : Trent Avenue Access Control Improvements Sjiwokan Ualley. 1 iieilesl'ey5Av !tnt u illy J^ err . " Q ,fir ,y ., tir'Y t a Palley 11 ..-.,r r rs 4 ` t � _ -,,,,„:Wile 5 l .,i 1 , tfir kr Pasadena Park s''si �. _ i Sports .Umple {'W'h'I'•pI E Upriver-Dr r1�,;\!'t--, I r , My r V i• yo t .,. .%.1 E `Sr �r:' e`I ' ". * I *11 • ° r9t� `.. K , r V 8z -+i v 1 ' ,r ,,r' ' ,u2f .roze p�i� ei, r 1 1 klik.0, --•f, a 1 � ' - i ' .* fed " t r 7s StT (l, pat,- .. �. r s /f.e,: - rini r -1 . 3", t r �'.,. • �v Ma, go C7 r� `�" .�; � ��T h 1 r �-`}114''' ro .r'i L r�1. I { r t41f S(3okanne Rhr,r * ,lams. r ' .' I It i ` 141 r fi lr� P+� l u L 74. Adt r�stip a , C] "1 Millwood , .. ' Po 1` , r,4 44 E ° Avea .. • E Grace Avci° v r Cr 4 Ir. 9F ,' : FW i , t;i �.M1-, Montgomery a „ rl.l.t71 —11 I y I y oar+ " k.A 7. I ,i ,r. ,_.1.,,,,, Evil t t + ... i,-`" GI: E NIa�1�5ficf[! Aug i Knox Ave i ,, k� ... ... rr �} r _ E IndLaila Ass' i. Ism e� n '�Yk��� li a '� mall ' il !' 1ii111111a1ilr;l` sll .`°ill u L .. =,r ��4 ,T !'�-., - ,tJ ri r a A v e Project Type: Safety TIP Prolecis -Arterial Improvement _ , Badge Project Description: Median installations near Dale, McDonald, and GWEN.IntersecttonImprovement Evergreen Roads. .Pedestrian/Verde improvement Safely Slonrywaler Funding Status: Secured — Street Preservation Funding Source(s): Street ReconstructionPralerr City Funds I Misc.Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 55 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 364 2024 Total Cost: $419 Close Year: 2025 Page 12 of 41 1 3 : Citywide Retroreflective Signal Backpjates (2022) Sp"iilcane� Walley lift,,. is sE .` - (.;_,.k :d u_Y_.r_" .� _ -•firma's — -- -1 .,„ — �� X o- •. + 0) Spokane Valley ill ft, -NI ,I .cam r I r 'f i7,1001 _ ` k (f fir;✓. "tT• r u. 1j , , @ 1I 1.. Ili' Y.. �'� 1. W �- ,, l 1 111•J1 \. � i yf r "` `� 4 ly it I + 4 Rki., . • ,_ -_ -:A. 11_, _ j I/ , l i 1 ti -1i Iti, 211 'S.I, fAf i � 1,7 r 11 F-: _ I __ I r' i I TIP Projects Project Type: Safety . 10 Arterial improvement i Bric3Be Project Description: Installation of backplate panels at select traffic —rntersectionImprovement signals. IIMMIM.Petieslrlon/Bicycle Insprovement — surety Stormwnter Funding Status: Secured +u street Preservation Funding Source(s): - Street ReconstructionProjact City Funds I Highway Safety Improvement Pfogram Total Project Years: 2023-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE):. 11 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1 1 1 2024 Total Cost: $122 Close Year: 2025 Page 13 of 41 14 : Ridgemont Estates Street & Stormwater Improvements Spokane .0000Vallley ri{D s 7 tiG ) 7 E 3 f aI �.� .elm _ k P I ( I rS r°• A r a-yL, 4 ' r iJUl1 rL N L t 3 a Y a v yCR ! ,•' Jy 3 r , y; „,,. ar �.I 4• s •:'.,,,, ,k' ...• 1 f .i r! # •o r r .19. /�_c i' +r r 7.n 4. rrlPx'"co s Y. s �• ?i7 .' I•' ,er, `�• I-,+.r r r• ?,,.� v '.. r!ni1 E}I IN yy 1i. r t 4.1;- y t.'9�`�..441 ;`r 0 s,. k i " +r rR` , } .II I�rip� •>< I. , •'.may:: ,, ah 5 'max ,r Y�* !?>A. ''L1r+S', 4 y `` • - b.�?.t �. ',. 11i�1. 'It 4.1 I r 111r r'} A'0 tr'7,t 4ffTr �1,r,, t Oy '/ r - 4.1; . r_ r 1!' i ,. { -i ,k I_.1 r r r •r'�i+ r r • r• r NO i r .4 r r / i S t $'° + 1'.. 1 r,'a A.''. -k, .... r)'+'91 3 `E1„1'GLhkAve� 4 s f T. rr 1+ 'k et" 477. -L-IT y}rr d I }Y y1.rg y r • , i , .. ' �,�'d'' k _. f r '� - —.. Jrk}�.-�. • �l 'u 'li4 n ql ti r' 9! r e i' r�l i 3„1 ,k .1 Y'k,i i L 1 r ;,, ''• -- S , r , . nf�,A, �`: fi j 1�6 al st r` ,f 1, .� �. t•I' �,."•r+ 11 r I -'(' a �''.• �� ;; r • r , ..).„:;,,,t1,,,,,,..1,-.,; 11,''''. 1�i � - .,. a sr 0Xow1# `s.. r 01,P'f 'Y'tf tir9Eq r:' r"f•'r ..,�r ,j a'" �tt i .f• ; 11.a1tir;, .:11r '� Ir yl I-11!� , I # ;'ZiGei r. - 9 Ohl • .n ..E� J' • � '�ks 'f TT �� �, /sf �, 'a� r + �?.r sr� r r, •°' i, _aw_1 1 ♦yIp2,111, 4 a , r ``. r"' r .? 3 wr, J +}, r ' A }• ['; }?Li314-0 1,t t '_r �x,r< i t ,. r,i `r.♦f'y, ,u _ j ,.r 6 iF}` _ '*rl _r ,r, 1 q. `� tfi % �•A•:' •• ! 4 d 7 I s• r+t • 1 i _ 1 a ' ' jlr d r 4 r IT rprr :-„. M'�.� e r !• f ,8e r ,0` `� � �°• r fr C S `1 , r r ['F' � ' . ,r},, • , ( V 1, 49 f 1 5�, r.r '�9S}•lr F b_ € °'� r # '9 a' 7 P • ,1 t • a1 1 rj�, 4 i•lf s . N ,.✓. ,1-', t ,- -1 Y-__ .. ' Ii 9 rr 71,Ir e.:14J-Ly rr r I ; 0," 1 C ,. " ' .k,<ea -. i 1 - # 1 " • "''', + - x:r i' ,f"a.. r. +� a•. r 4 �+ y , Y•• f F I k, • yi "r t\ Iy ' 11 , P7r , . , I'• , f y."- - •; a5. o :'a r M 1 1. I ; •I lei _ _ ,I.'p -!1+�- I`, ! °i >'uIr � k ` f} _ { 4 ! �I. 3''.y, I - f,i7' - • 1', "` Ir 1 ,. w i,- r rw Srrr12 udi '~ �. _ .� C r r .a��r r �- • .. 1•f � • k; `rbr _t- y` � .. YI E 32nd Ave .1�+rd`+4 `.a;` i,, a-j'11r+.J }-'1 r_ • ,_,i): i•,v. '� r r' Project Type: Stormwater TIP Pro;ecrs -Ai-ler-itI Improvenreni i Bridge Project Description: Stormwater and road reconstruction evaluation —Inlersecllon Improvement and improvements in City's southeast neighborhood. -Pcdesirion/Bieycle Improvement — Sc,rely Stormwater Funding Status: Secured .Speer Preservolion Funding Source(s): Slmei Be[on3,ru€rion Project City Stormwater Funds Total Project Years: 2024-2025 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 0 Total Cost: $150 Close Year: Page 14 of 4I 1 5 : Pines Rd. (SR27) / BNSF Grade Separation Project o �, � .00,0*Malley• rtw •e+ - n sue.,. -u r— • s � ,`, is i s r* L" b r i Spokane Valley 1111 _ 63,01r, _IT (_i s `11 ' ,,p ,1.). I It ®rt° • � dew; 1� J t•' 6 y, i r. .P 3 1. l ,411 -, t..b - i• is "�$ v T ti F at , 1 7 • Protect Type: Bridge TIP Proleces -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/ — IntersectlonImprovement Trent (SR 290). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - safety Slormwater Funding Status: Secured —Street Plesereol'vars Funding Source(s): =' Sireei Recnnstturtron Protect Washington Department of Transportation I City Funds I Surface Transportation Block Grant I Other Federal I Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainabllity and Equity I Private Developer Funds Total Project Years: 2019-2026 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 2300 2021 Right of Way (RW): 5385 2022 Construction (C1\1): 32767 2023 Total Cost: $40452 Close Year: 2026 Page IS of 41 1 6 : Northeast Industrial Sewer Extension Spokane .0,00MaI(ey- _ - E Garland°Ave _ p_ r r A ' Spokane Valley I E raiLidi irk A=St' w ,, i }. " �i+,c" is 45' zi',I it 1 G l O. i I I I y1- ` _ r r,/, 1„:�,� ,, t i 1 1 - :r rxi e iI 111 N U: r I+ „_ em I�';=,?_� , S v: - f.f t. _..o Qa ,,,,fin ) , w_ S' 1 ,,, I • • 11 I ;_ r 4 co • 4 Iaeific la II11` _ ,I( .. ., �_.- � .:a� �1 III r� �.• y4fF�' �`�, �� ,I s I+ F.-- -, - - Cam' pr rrr l- - I i ;_ ` r w I+ '11. ' • •� a '� .:i.4. •T s f'9,III1 1 ;1 If �1 j'. .y Il / , '4 'f IV I+,Ifr.ir * I ', ' +se •1 1 r '.rm a �. 1 ,%_...R �,4,/ i ii•1ry�i. :, 1.. t r v ii I i. I... 1 i C''ryl1.14. t' 1 WI r D.// II' '{d1k1`i.1 'i 3 -� I t4 F�:., , I i EPIC fr ' lOnfP3CIf�C;,.^!,. -—I p Irri 144.7i - ' L ^''. +4,11it",,,4', ' p 'i r __1111 I i I ,+ r! [ �qll I ���r r I � --- — I II r `ert l., ' 1 : r'+ ' . s rr t n1r�,iaww 1 -f�` II'i If 11 FI � I hJ I ilk: ti • . l i 1 't' 1 01-, -,N,1 +!q I EI11h��rE ', .,it`:'Ll 4edr"1 .> ,y s, 11I' Euclla CM E3 i nl y 9 Ira Eucl Ave Q Project Type: Street Reconstruction Project TIP Praleds rimi Arterial Improvement ant Bridge Project Description: Street reconstruction and sewer extension with .I,ilersectiwi Improvement Spokane Co.: Flora and Tschirley (Euclid-Garland), Dalton (Flora- .Pedestrian/Bieyrle Improvement Tschirley). Safely Slerniwul er Funding Status: Planned .Street Peesarvelion Funding Source(s): Street Recansliuctien Prefect Misc. Unidentifeds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2024-2027 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 50 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 4950 2026 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2027 Page 16of =1I 17 : Sullivan Rd. / SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction Spok-.n'�' .Valley e ,cel �: I 1 { r �" r s' a^ :`i ar. -:r - - rg ' 10. 111., II. II, ,, lie f Spokane Valley IN 1. f +i4 S— - J. v r g�' Ire) " iiiir T • y�� '! _ f i tor y r I �y Y_ r„"- L. ��.t.. . F.;t re0 MP r! 1 __ - - .. .N, • �[ ti - �.-11111.16"1=r— • —- , tlnt'ori"Pactfic: -�'' Ire l 1 .a: i • --; 1- Union Pac3t e �sw�� pci4tco , ! , -.ate= - rw- Project Type: Bridge TIP Protects -Arterial Improvement �•Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct interchange to improve safety and +—Intersection Improvement capacity. Includes widening of Sullivan between Trent and Wellesley, —Pedestrian/Bicycle Intprevement adding ITS, center turn lane, lighting, and shared use path. — safety Storm water Funding Status: Partial r..Street Preservation Funding Source(s): - - StreetReconstructionProiecl Surface Transportation Block Grant I Congressionally Directed Spending(Earmark) I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources I City Funds I National Highway Freight program Total Project Years: 2021 -2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 3527 2021 Right of Way (RW): 4068 2024 Construction (CN): 32767 2026 Total Cost: $40362 Close Year: 2028 Page 17 of i1 18 : Spokane Valley River Loop Trail Sporn!a' .....1PValley- ''e '';.i %nt r �r - K !i I II r "i,sls,,. 1 111,1 I �. r 1 t+ 111111 IN w .:-8� f.. �,. r, ,� II ,irltJ "� � �ilil,�--��:I I.IIII }" lb, , e 1- .,ii: „. + , .� • ;� Ti I .'e, t +Cry — k �.t III li lI II II 11I . yi11 , I. - rN-r- , y mil . _. �.; Ir L'il, �. ,-I II 1 1'r lllllllt 1}IIIIIII. 7,1 I 4 i '.t' $ Y• rli r s �" ,1 f +. !+ I ft n-CANNsPr-1'N1' �I I 1 1.-- , ti` r ,. \ l' !' +AI I I Y 5� I l� II� si{�i._ I is 3pal, �i�`' , ..- .- $ k � 1 r' IJ I oA. 'r I 1 i li� °� -I` ��rti 111 sti$ I" . .. ... titic ► pt 0 a �• � ,\ .�-r� : i! ' 17 ~ � , R ` r-`. - ^ ` II'l l I• ,T41 I , r Ell it/ - f 'k 'Af! • •w -_ ' . IJrkj . • t ' ic ''r -p ` r i „la., c 1 r • -,M► " I ,l '.u. ]'": , it.. `, E Ma115flold Ave -4t •:'.:'' 1r 71. ''n. r• ft..II i� !.I ^., r: • ' r r f0 :rM; Ire I �,1 ,! I, II 1 1 E Indian I ♦. ,, ,C I+ s 1 ' E Indiana Ave a 4- I. • 11 t"� rp a Ili • ` fl . 1,i I — J. ��lmn .°.,.KiIv"� ;•. S"'llvan ,r-i II--,..init.'.. —''' n ., ,• I " ' Illll Ili _ _ ► OM .S,r� �i Spekan'ell4IT�Valley e s�f '1 _ ! ') 7rV+t E Nora Ave • Mall a F e. . �`. �Y 1 F �'a +#-' - � I fp .. E 4„.0 Mission Ave, e� a rt crl , Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement TIPProjecls Arterial Improvement i Bridge Project Description: Paved shared-use path on north bank of Spokane —Intersection Improvement River between Plante's Ferry and Flora Parks, including two pedestrian +Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement bridges at each end. PE planned for 2022-2024 with local funds, --5cdely Stmmweeter Funding Status: Partial a! Strobl Prei:rgation Funding Source(s): - Street Reconstruction Pra#ect City Funds I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2022-2024 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1000 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 15000 Total Cost: $16000 Close Year: Page 18 of 4 19 : Argonne Rd. and I-90 Interchange Bridge Widening Spolcan°�' � Iley. _- — r II 0 f _ .1r ;�. ,': •` - _ okane Valley 11 I}I ,�y i Ma x' _ AAllill Y l ,I • '=_-�J _- . Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects mmoll Arterial Improvement �� Bridge Project Description: Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes and —IntersectionImprovement improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities. New channelization to .Pei,estrian/BlcycieImprovement evaluate future STA park and ride facility. —st,rety $fotn,weier Funding Status: Planned —Street Preser uatdon Funding Source(s): Street Reconslruttlen Project City Funds I Other Federal i Misc.Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2023-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1500 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 22500 2026 Total Cost: $24000 Close Year: 2028 Page 19 of 41 20 : Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements Spokane Val ley• Bark Ro;-ici Pc of , , 1. # 1 _, ' 1 t E Broadway Ave. 7► r::'; SA okane Valley II k 74 .( f rr ; r 4 @. . I N .. .y.',iv. z,.,.4 z ,. ' . ,t -, . • Zo I `� z,l :o " (4Z • ..1rila, - r i< ''m r SI p w— r c I-n -, ° _'. w, wo I m •_a, ro n a a. aat Al n o t .XI 70: a n A ,okt1 W1 ;G "°rCiHarrin�t(7r� ., . S 4 'G iiI :a E Main A‘ .Ave • E. Main Ave , ^pia .1..4 ` i i,: 1 , war ^ 1 1 1 1 r 1 r ` i 'j er! : 5 >! ri f . r- P 11 r , `" r r F P r _ �� a ,p - j IO�Cc�61G" r 9� ' :, I 1 & 4, 1 I, la'!..lA I r ,ei;r E vt ••sS? ! a��:rt A vp .i )1ivg-1�11 d9pfew�Y el.'. rf i rx . ;`4!, 4 s, u� Z ,_, ti d �. i c� d ,eamp`CPoro i- t. d t - r • 4 - ' - 1 r", i4:h, I. yN. I I . E 4fh Ave r7, \ • r?tiJ , s• , •E 4lt Ave a w } � ' 1 '4 rt 3f i TIII E 6th Ave ,c'd n< .t• } r tr ,r, *s^i „a r ,..t isy0. Erich"Avs, f' 4 fi is '� {r4 °m• ,,, i ' �1�. t - ili"t lecilkf Rif,' .� - Iiit ,rtl t.41-- + •""•-, . •'r7' t `', /' ,'r tr. r' r # r z Y 'p a�fi yE'8tk1'Ave K ` • Q , C r q y.r4. ,y■■ 44 1'si ti I:sit,: hl. `+, ,.;;iP `'.'. fG e 4 IA '"tl '"t `, - w ,'"" � k f y Y a E9th,Ave'.-. i. TIP Proiecls Project Type: Stormwater , ,Arterial Improvement, is Bridge Project Description: Phased replacement of travel lanes with —Intersection Improvement stormwater swales between University and Park Roads. Signalized — Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement crossing improvements at City Hall and potentially other locations as Solely Stew water Funding Status: Secured .Street Preservation Funding Source(s): —. Street ReconstrocGonProlecl Other Federal I Misc. Unidentilieds Funding Sources I Spokane Transit Authority I Washington Department of Transportation I City Funds Total Project Years: 2023-2027 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 7750 2024 Total Cost: $7950 Close Year: 2027 Page 20 of 41 21 : Barker Road Corridor (Mission Ave. to South City Limit) Spcikan�\'' `al ley- • E Mission Av,t E Mission Aur n ,; , - ! 'f l• Mtn v V °' t . I Spokane V. m Ave r Boone Ave 1111118 ntl, :r a1. _ - - r ._ECtaldo Av!i�� IU r . ity. :a Y E Broadway Ave F CountT,y Vista P ii oadvra Ave � I l t '. EAlki'AveA _ E l Oki Ave rote, �af I-' , e - �eY 4. . N I I' - i.4 9 �' .ti - ' . i I ,- , UGf GiocnacreS• 2 r ESpra;tueAve ... I : E,2nd Ave ° Li - , E 4th Ave{ ='4th Ave coxi je - (D. ;fir.Ili'S' 1 Labe Q. L• rt Project Type: Arterial_Improvement TIP Profecls . .Arterial Improvernenl ip Bridge Project Description: Phased improvements: Mission to 1-90 and 1-90 to —tnierse[fion Improvement Appleway (5-lanes), Appleway to Sprague to 4th to 8th (3-lanes). —Pectesrrion/Bicycieimprove,nern Roundabouts at Sprague, 4th and 8th Ave. Bikes lanes, sidewalks, ITS, — Safely 5let+nwuter Funding Status: Partial .Street Preservation Funding Source(s): _ Sheol RecaneIuctiun Proiecl City Funds I Private Developer Funds 1 Surface Transportation Block Grant I Congressionally Directed Spending(Earmark) I Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2021 -2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 880 2021 Right of Way (RW): 6600 2023 Construction (CN): 21 140 2024 Total Cost: $28620 Close Year: 2029 Page 21 of '11 22 : Barker Road & 9-90 Interchange Project Spokan' ' ....*Valicy 7O i 1 1 . _ L1i M I!� i �• ', F • .-- ., 4 r 1 WAFr- 1.--idgilli1111lo111ll1l11111 Spokane Valley tl rt4 �► �-, i Ertl, �' �i \'� , } Y t I dr • y7! J i ti J *4 'e;:i I . 4/ t r w- \ 1 IF__ — ' — 1 P �:• PI ei ,S X4Y �'� " r�� 1 ,F mar Mt 44efr \\ ♦ _�_ —� de: t t — --- E Cafdrilo Ave— , __ ' - -'. 40 Vet tilli t' O y 4 5 % R, i 11 r f N. 0 •h 16li Project Type: Bridge TIP Projects . .Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Develop initial concepts from S. Barker Corridor —InterseclionImprovement Study and existing Interchange Justification Report (IJR). Includes —Pedestrian/Bicycle lmprovernent potential intersection impacts at Boone and Broadway Avenues. — Safely Sl ormwater Funding Status: Planned .Street Preservation Funding Source(s): — Street ReV]nSrrt'ctiortl Follett Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2024-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $t000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 2024 Right of Way (RW): Construction (CN): Total Cost: $500 Close Year: Page 22 of 41 23 : Argonne Rd. Concrete Pavement - Indiana to Knox Spilcan ' Walley, *--' A. R le li mit?-f i,-IIP*"1 1 t • 11111Prill 1.. i .I_ — _ 6fi. - I ' 1 ' .. yr !'t1,, pokane Valley _,F ••=m.horlitl A cr r _ , ro . ., , . ,g, ^ _.� : 1 IJ- I, oi . 4 . , r _. t .. Ie � - " — �. - I Mi 1 „ r ' . 1 ' , _ i Ire L11�1 - ,or , no _ I tie i P __ 1 I , r i • , F -. x .', ,- I'd ' + !!l `- ' 1. • . . ..„, ,, _ . .,. _ ..-.1,_____,,. ., . . -fr, If 11� It -:.rt; 0JI '� 1 r: '+ C , ! I .', -.* ILL, ' 0 '..fI _ u - a; _ . T `1 �. �` i .' , ` -t , —,�q` _ r IIIIIIIII �, . r rt 7V1 A c { i, .. • fr1�E'[ � IF Y P l tub k I !} , ', • a1 ftikrt}k br t mi 1 t�r _ i• — ects Project Type: Street_Reconstruction_Project TIP ProjArterial improvement Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct with concrete and improve stormwater III IerSeC„an In.prpeeieen+ and signal operations. —Pedestrine/BFcyde Improvement Sorely Stmrnwater Funding Status: Planned .Street Preser.atian Funding Source(s): —` Street RecenstiveaertPratecl Mist. Unidentiiieds Funding 5aurces Total Project Years: 2025-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2025 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026 Construction (CN): 2600 2027 Total Cost; $3000 Close Year: 2028 Page 23 of 41 24 : Mirabeau Parkway / Mansfield Ave. Intersection Improvement Spiikan� °'� Valley. ,rf ,: ` ' / l�` , , (, oka.Valley III Cit / j' , , _ -w'`-.-� . ;, F.f'r a r ', ` . 14611411171. "IP r IF - • r0141441 ' ram- 9`. {t. f i ��.�i r" *r,i ), l l ; C,�,� sS aa• f a,. ,---40, , .n. ,I.' t1 f .e. - - L Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects i A.lerioi ll provemenl �_Bridge Project Description: New intersection control (signal or roundabout). .InIersection lmprovotnenl - Pedeshion/Bicycle Improvement �. Safety SIotinwoter Funding Status: Planned .Sireal Preservorian Funding Source(s): - Street Recrsnstivcllon Proj.ct Misc. Unidentirleds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2025-2028 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 1 35 2025 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026 Construction (CN): 2500 2027 Total Cost; $2835 Close Year: 2028 Pose 24 of 41 25 : 8th Ave. / Carnahan Rd. Intersection Improvement Siiokan .00Ual ley. - -- `- f� 2-4 .1z .e�, .rct - ...Ia•_..ti •+ .i to r y' SpokaneVaIley 11 -,t il" f pi- ft cr i mod ; :1,- '7 'fi` -31,. ��% `. r ®ea W V V , r• ® Ilill/� �. ._ - _- '� i. ..j 1. $I t 7 —.. •1 3 `7..ice � )7 F 'Ai, la T:. Q a rf ,_1 �- f.�.^+: }[� e`: II 1 _ 4;21' tr- gip A`a ry�`•,'Ir •F k. t -, - m; •�' I F t, t •! a� , * " f0 ,,7-, s '. u -r r ` 3 s' �' ,. c a I i I 'a(Q ` ���f mo. 4 Y - Projects Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projwi Arterialhnprovefnent -Bridge Project Description: Add intersection control (turn lanes, potential s Intersection Improvement signal). i Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement - SoIely Starrnwoter Funding Status: Planned ref. sire.,Preservation Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 175 2025 Right of Way (RW): 250 2027 Construction (CN): 2575 2028 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2029 Page 25 of 41 26 : Citywide Safety Projects - Biennial Spokane , Valley ' t "��`� lArdlikalliiiMillili -�� _ Stu_. �' _'�! � �r'' 0 Spokane Valley ei k) ,;" -7,41.Ai ?fr---?. ..-c: . ... .r....., . 1100' 1 , S�' •lt Ip r q . O 1 1\il ii:', :,4 t '_v I g 1110 1 I liglikaa - 14 r' ,, '7; 4l'�'�T" tlly" IS , 2 iiiiigt• . _ ,, Pm [--...,, , i 7 „ - - 1 y� + — - — @�! a , .ipir '�� RI � . ,;_,..4 , . wI , .'.i F • �lf� '� �� 'lr-itif _ m� ' irr rr �t.� .iV 0 i , ,- I `- - - 114 , *, .... Act tir'llii ''' '' , , s. .,tr• o _l i ji.z, Project Type: Safety >;lP Projects t_Arlerial Improvement ��Bridge Project Description: Projects are consistent with the Local Road Safety ilntersectionImprovement Plants Prioritized Project List (including signalized pedestrian crossings =MOP Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement of Sprague near Chronicle and McKinnon). Funded projects identified —Safely slorrnwaler Funding Status: Planned +r Street Preservation Funding Source(s): -- Slreel ReConitrertiefl Pioiect City Funds I Highway Safety Improvement Program Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 150 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 6850 Total Cost: $7000 Close Year: Page 26 0! 4 l 27 : Local Access Street Improvements - $ 1 .5M Annually S'poka e� .Valley' jadmi I ,Ai , i �'"�' Spokane Valley li s 00 , di r, r _. .,_ . ........ _. _.. lit .1i1 Ilit y r T v • Ver�ciale G,: ' `r _ s i- • _ DIshrr n C . , '7ii�r^ . � ,� reenacres ill - , - J Our <I Ar, ,, I �" t a+srr '/ aishmaII Hills �` :1,. " . : •,, Aonserva€Ion• 1. '`4 .�,f j ,i'' ' i t: ' Area o Glenrose s :. . .' I • ..•4► +�y f4. '4- r., Project Type: Street Preservation TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Funded by Fund #106. Potential project �Inrersedtrm Impraveirsent neighbhorhoods: Aloha East and West, Midilome, Carnahan, Ponderosa, ....Pedestdan/BicycleImprovemenr Hillcrest, Sprague, Vera Crest, Donwood. — Sofety scorn,water Funding Status: Secured —Slreel Preseruotion Funding Source(s): - street Recansrluuion Project City Funds Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $l 000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 500 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 7000 Total Cost; $7500 Close Year: Page 27 of 4 I 28 : Street Preservation Projects - $3M Annually SOokan `' 5Valley. I' - IL Trerltwood y.. Vol,; Pasadena Par i s l ..- Val(ey - a Spokane r. Its .-• f 1 t Fl t• /.. ..�rl 71 f } Cc n(C nn! :. s , L, - C�rt:#�lard {1vc> i --I � I � - - - t i� !rk Tali '�`"'1� --4 ' iSl_1 sif . 4 : r f'. • i I, Lib ` F Y ` G I t _ r I � 'I Mrr Sp- IIey , �; Val{ey, Ir I a t I ;-. ,-1.1 11111 ill I i. ,t" -lt - 'Saltese Uplan Conservatio a * t I Dis ma Efllb b21K ] Co serve ion l ,'" I ram.. parkways ep� II. iiii r L. • i >rt itti " •. _ t€ TlP Prolee Project Type: Street Preservation -Arte al Improvement - Bridge Project Description: Possible Projects: 8 and 16(Dishman-Sullivan), —IntersectionImprovement lndiana(Sullivan-Flora), Sullivan(8-24, River-Kiernan), tttttt .Pedestrian/BicycteImprovement Broadway(Havana-Fancher), Dishman Mica, Wellesley(Sullivan-Flora), —Safety Storenwoter Funding Status: Secured it Strout Preservation Funding Source(s): .-- StreetReconstructionProlect City Funds Total Project Years: 2025-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 14500 Total Cost: $15000 Close Year: Page 28 of 41 29 : South Bowdish Rd. — Phased Corridor Improvements Spofsan °'� ...0Ua11Gy. ht-��`° -. a •f it ! —.•a .1.,-. t t a 1 _ s r-M I r 9 I. { a.} r .::i iii x ik� -tiji�'`.m Tr ,• I� ,r a Sp—,..;-- , �19a��S_1.,, se �s �i � pi...,s_ ..".+r arm IStlfT I:r m a�Al + ' Iivalrey iit , t , f•... slttl �a r a to 1� l�'r'� All r•• 1,G , 1 '3 1 }r k' � Y�� ea Ipnn4away r3:vd °��� I� ] l� l r G-r ail r A ,. �i�r�Y �•"Mri ri+ii+ ti ""��6á1 ' a'�'.44 ,+!!►'.I y� 77 e '. 1111112 ,.r -. n��„e h i .+i<$ `�§S .; r ,fs,'S-:.♦ r 4 r •} 0.� 'a £d.n., 'i { fy.4 � 1 d ,k .- r , 1 .1 .r + 1ti4 �fi ti , t n :Ii� 9ttr, r srtl .`,,';g r ik ; rt , a. I! .14 „0 •� �)1 : ,.4.`` .`: Y ',b'. �. • s 1, 1. .�1 ry' fi,; 'fr.4,tr�i'W;I t`�+i 1 'ir 74. �11c-4�,G,,,t.. u+'t`1 f.sh ,,. µ iitrA o-. �,, t2• ;', 'c �ca..YSm. fk l� Dishrnan Hrps� r;'S .r 07� :'r7;FK' ,t) {�,; +ilv{r �yJ s} „q.c m� ;tr,r,"'`'`9�,-r �'�ti 2sF+•� °e'{,'°'_' � 1`�°• 5`r�j�n "�1 ,+ �, ' +.tsl,'AII_ G1+�+[. !�d'�w Area e;, .�,1�1^.�,., � i�•I.`e1 r y T.+ 4�1 .;a, is—st i' j {{4 •, +`y' �dyyi{xi!'• .�. t cZ.lyd '�r :d �' I'Y" 6 j, .74 it '16'Z ?o,x 7r 1 'k;A r ' E. '�f', P'f /ti 'e r "y 1. ,''�;-,4 1fy ', . � t� s7 , 1{ �I�',� + '��4 � fr' i ti t 1.� IS .'G . 'S•> '�, ::r �a .• '.�+�^• P�+ � i7} Oar}.;���.i } �� c''• ����� >,1.� �N��•>: inert.. ,: aua, �' +•, C a ,r !, t �. t o v "1 G t3 1 d l 4 « : 7.4. r� ' r "'11I� ,n i. Kid '[f fl Sx atcT t} �nru Y.tiSet. i. I S• i �•.; , �. e4 .t.y[� d•�. _1 rr { i �,1�i,1 ntili.'� I�i l 1.,. _, ,h{Av6 }3?t..° £*.sTi, rl.,Pyt' 1 �,C �� '•� �r M I ' E'�`15th Aver � , �,r 1Bt x surd+ _ . ,, , .s f 9 ,5 " } Y.0£ '{Ir r r t: �R 41-A' lvit � *7 it a I!' Nill: .1:i11 + '4, az w - .a4.. y i� 3 . rrr 4 i( * i m.,,.,W1 ,t . n 4'ra'ly r,.t��.„.„..* :tp;tij ul Itifd r pAi y /F. _. ,. ,.. . .. I t t r . w.''i 5' " l r. • 15it .., %.' i '• 1 - , r 4 Tr" 3T"r.'•1' d i r L'''' . 41�11T.� 4ii�IT'4,4,_`. �Y . �,. •1 4: ., s •� , '. • ? 7 j 14 :2! ` �f its ' el {'i'p` `, /A e'4 i'''1�Q (-1,10'El, yl ,4 �,e .. ,-, i, h lv_p+ • i j , Au 9( •`, Ga ,% a £=k "ti 1 .. •.',. '1.9 J ,- , ,, ^r i _r *P" f , ■ . '' ;f i re�_�. :. ii { 'L , � mom, �' 7 ,. Dist man Hiils .. ",Y� t . ., if,tl A;; 1 '� + �� t!` y , ,,r, ,1 "t Conservat'ior r d :! y •` } N:i 7rt s i s vq+�t., I y iN iG1a., a ; i is i C,4.Y•>`rm1 I _., y7 lr'.' I Area Glenrose V . • 1;, �1 { ` L �112. TIP Projects Project Type: Arterial Improvement ffr Arterial Improvement Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as urban Intersection Improvement section. May also include intersection improvements at 32nd Ave., ITS, Pedes,rian/8icycle Improvement — Safety and a new signal or roundabout at 16th Ave. Storm✓ller Funding Status: Planned et,Street Pleser vorian Funding Source(s): Slreel Reconstruction Proracl Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2024-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1000 2024 Right of Way (RW): 500 2025 Construction (CN): 1 1500 2025 Total Cost: $13000 Close Year: 2029 Page 29 of 41 30 : Park Rd. / Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement S 'ikan�e Walley - A ��4 rk k• Spokane Varle II t' -, c• /4. --L - - AAA. Tiii T. i `, t" ". r_erg a.4 •A. ■ ir, pry, _ A. . I ,�' t ---7 r I. _ r .'A gl 1 w , . r___,,, ,,„,....._ _ . . _., _______ .7tk E'Mission Ave l Mission 1A I i3 it , - d -.{ ' —. i , . • I r ,�e D { 4. 9 rat � �i' 4 a Y Z •11 rr -yE s C .,t It 1 i t'U , _— , K } :Till ��' 73 � 1151 I jr , • ram, i , V r s k'• . fit F Project Type: Intersection Improvement T11,Protects . 1 Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations. .hrtersectkmImprovenent -Pedestrian/Bicyde Improvement -Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned .Street Preservollon Funding Source(s): Street Recattitt eaten Proieci Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 2300 2028 Total Cast: $2500 Close Year: 2029 Page 30 of 41 31 : Appleway Trail - Farr to Dishman Mica s okan ., 4000 Val ley. (DO I.' a. ' , ', i .or 411 I t •ri I 4' 1/ 1 spoka Vaey Iti Ito a rj 11,. 1_ l 1 IR ,4,-...,:r.,,,,,, r: -- -1--.‘414-6-. t '''' . 1 .,_., I, ,, ---4. , ; r, - r„, . ,, . ,E,getiamr -- ift...e....--: ,r ' � . „11�� % if �y,� rIT i t. '1, 1 4, ,- ):., ir ( ._ , ........7.....„,,.........„;.......,_ _ .. , , t --— ,ir..7; 1 1 !+1!_. i SV. \ riliPIPI -------" 10"'""=""—",_ 12 AptilauwDthnil_--,i.---.., 71---- - • x * , In... ' ,; .:. Yt*.r's'' 'rIr� II' r - !l� rr p , r a 'f a *' l r 1 _ `+.1 7s.� r'. t 1t `\ � P c(CI , I I [j,. �' iI 1t+ #F- rlp,_,. '' 1 I;Ir r r Rh al at I Projects Project Type: Pedestrian Bicycle Improvement TIP Ine Arterial Improvement womb Bridge Project Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica. —IntersectionImprovement Potential upgrades to existing stormwater facilities. .Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement �+ Saki Statmwater Funding Status: Planned +-StreetPreservotion Funding Source(s): •—• Street Reconst,ecrienPr*t Misc.Unidenti(ieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2029 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction {CN): 1000 2028 Total Cost: $1200 Close Year: 2029 Page 31 of 41 32 : Pines Rd. (SR-27) / 1 bth Ave, Intersection Improvement Spokane ,.Valley. 1 . , . . . ^l fit" , { r; Ave• Spokane Valley ii 4. , w . ) . ftl, ,, , .3, t r t-AliAl. R - Y ri ,p '~ r 111, 'y , Jf•�C r r' lI 4 : . , 7411, �A } .`� ,' N,'• •4itt*, , gi; ,.. , , • ic(1.i'',, ,, _ - etts ,,. .:, - .. . ,,,...„4:4 i ' 4. '4...; -.'il:A.''5- 4', 4 'NlIl ,42 , ' '‘' ..: V • • a , ilikillikt ) ' ' - 1 ' -' ,r-.' !..`' r , I {' rr I r. ,�. c nr•m,tSY/ g9 A '+ t� ` w.. '1._ /i 4_ # � `M' _ z: t1 I 1 i' jII 7 - ! r�—� VTC 4. r ��F -) �� '... {! "t111 t _ _II r J c. F. . S. ;_..15 Pm ell I r �!' a r rr s ti 41,1,:) * • y. I�. a • el r /� Zir1 ' ...• i , alitti ,s ‘ pI Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects i Arterial Improvement mem Bridge Project Description: Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton (potential Lrtersedianlnsprovemel:t roundabout). —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement safety Stermwater Funding Status: Planned —Street Fraser nation Funding Source(s): - Street RcconrIr ct',nnProject Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2026-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 200 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 4700 2029 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2030 Page 32 of 4 I 33 : 8th Ave. / Park Rd. Intersection Improvement SO-Mane.e`er 1.Valley' ,-,piernin --gr,_ . . ., } ( ,/i Spokane Valley III i'I' G nia. f ,-. 1 T �� ll �7 ,i i Y !f, Y4. '.,, I 1 r'.-, . ter` Y , _ 111111. — — — —— — ... witilealLaz9 - ..,' +^^ ' i . Ir R :� � r g ;y e• eL `% r t • '.'et n , , ' N# • r I Fi '4 i; * �"' r * - - _ Y,. iy , {'spy ','r _ *L^., /' � � 1 - . .... , 1 i i, . . rv7 r' F Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Protects !Mk At feria,Improvement ommoi Bridge Project Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. —Inter-sectionImprovement Pedeslrien/Bicycle Improvement imIII Safety 5lormweier Funding Status: Planned —Street Peeserverion Funding Sources): -- Street Reconsteuction Prorett Misc. Unrdent3fieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 300 2028 Construction (CN): 2600 2029 Total Cosh $3000 Close Year: 2030 Page 33 of 41 34 : Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker Siiikan � Mi11ey , . ... .., . O i 4 rfi ,r, ,fi ' ' ., .r 1 { G � ) '7"r'.4'•-•t IF T� • gi - E B©on'ee''Ave F 1 .Boone,Ay.e ©Boone A4 Spokane Vall Q• E,.Boana l3a_) i s �� ':• 11 '.:" f'±. 11•••` • Ailli f{j . a { • 'h i e - ,,41 y�'`[" m ' f �. ; t, l ' .f ' 'I' "r ' YI� 11 " ,, A, 5 1 � , �` ffilits -I ald g. v.;'' ' .4 E•Cataldo Ave -- 1[ M1`. 'of - '- —,r ' r r;/RxrAt.' . - ;,,,. 't, -. ?,I. I :- '/;' 1 ] Jell,,, f "IT 11 7 �" t'�h4tT . '1 . .• , ,ri, ` ll � ��# �r fi f. r IF ( -'*rI"� r1J ,-- - ~ , r '`it .— ac Ire h�r , ,, y :■� s , . ' �s'1.io",-n'r• +' ..-„+.'�= - �f f ��) 0, r ..r:'..a r I*1"r..•Y` : r� f ..Yt 1 i ' •'� t c ire. r (4(. y�' Vrv- k � ° y .. ~ ,�- {,�'t Y F ' 'fir .i"i'1 r r r� '.' a '+Itl � �.\\\ r . ,[s # '. - , 4yt .. ESpr;ingfierde'Ave �; 4 r• y 1,.4' r ' A ,yro 1,11 ra rt'. c:5;tr .? 0*e a' .- 44,1 r ref" 'r 1. stt-s'ftr o` r .r .:1�, . , } 1 � YYM „ r r .. ► s'e .w, 6 .i re. i ,. Ef`AilkifrAve • .- '' glom A"Ye I _ Z ft. re- Ti-f 2 10 tot-LIT,.i,F ,= -It,..w r, �;_1ii j14.a :•.#'.��A4il.PI'r r •} rli '; I ' r .'�,fyr�. '' f ...0:.1.i 11 #• .'t' -`-• ' . fit'y6'• Tf x 14,11h 'r. r.' i,. L A. i- u !,. Z • i.. ..I a �. e F /+ �'- :.1"r y.,°•, z ,qr a 2F1. - ,i r j' .,, i. n Cowley,Ave ka ,� 1 r , ,:p �.., '{' y:to ..0. s rn ..•y; ' � � i� © f,-' l r �. .,1 �1- ''' .aI .aa• � .p�pP y2�: a `" �R.1. .111 pee + w°� 1,. I 5* 4 _mo vel t Project Type: Arterial Improvement ISPProiects -Arleriul improvement i Bridge Project Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and i Intersection Improvement realign connection east of Barker. —Pedestrian/BtrycleImprovernent —Solely 5tormwater Funding Status: Planned —Street Preservot,an Funding Source(s): — 5lreel R.crsnstruction Protect Mise. Unidentifeds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2031 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 4400 2029 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2030 Pane 34 of 41 35 : Sullivan Rd. / Kiernan Ave. Intersection Improvement *Wane ......Valley. E 410 Spokane Valley x i R. , ��� j S • r t ir' r 'lpI i It.YA�IIIc g r 13 WIMP tit , d � 3- 0. - � r n. iiiiki Ic — 7 : 1... _..e. ,s30, 1 > r top. 11t, id. - f II�trilr� 1r dx_ - II !i, t11;r i- � i � } -le otAY Projects Project Type: Intersection Improvement 14P-Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at —Intersection Improvement intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement +Safely Storntwater Funding Status: Planned Streol Preservpl;an Funding Source(s): — Street Reconstruction Project Misc.Unidentifleds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN); 2400 2029 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year; 2030 Page 35 of 411 36 : Sullivan Rd. / Marietta Ave. Intersection Improvement *Wane .00 Valley• 'i- i. c III 4 '1� i f 0 r t I 1 �� I! =� �� I Spokane~Talley IIIII I t I 404 ill t r 41111.. tan 1 I t IQ I';-1 �, r,a — „^ . ,' - .., - ,I rs _y.. H' . _1 1 I 1 t 4., IA aZO=r A I I Q LMCIalin Q , .„ to. L ., • I' i i.,,,.,4, , . .. , 7 , . '_ 4 ' �t I ti 3 `¢`4 I_. • i - ,r Project Type: intersection improvement TIP Projects r_Arterial Improvement ._Bridge Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at —Intersectionlnsprovensent intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. —Pedestrian/Bicycle Intpraveinent -Saki Status: Funding Status: Planned i Street Preservation Funding Source(s): ' Street Reconsituction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2027-2030 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2027 Right of Way (RW): 500 2028 Construction (CN): 2400 2029 Total Cost: $3000 Close Year: 2030 Page 36 of 41 37 ; Flora Rd. / SR 290 Intersection Improvement S okanki •• alley. S.1ti r wro,.�g'a �;'111111111prilliell 1i4 rr/y' Spokane Valley 1111 ' 7Y-11-11-11-11-11k f/r r •• — -- • '' i`,) 36, '+.- 0.• AlAil "' J •S IA 9rIJ I• o �" �•� ( ' n d i 'j +0 1, 't � s r i 1 7- I i i - r r[ TA IA VlIGGA at'2 v is _ 1.r- - a _µk 1 Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement enttttt,Bridge Project Description: Provide new signal with added turn lanes or Intersection lnrprovemon, roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. — PedesIrion/Bicycle Improvement - Safety Stormwater Funding Status: Planned —Street Preservotian Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Project Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2031 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2028 Right of Way (RW): 100 2029 Construction (CN): 3800 2030 Total Cost: $4000 Close Year: 2031 Page 37 of 4 I 38 : Flora Rd. Reconstruction - Sprague to Montgomery S on ......Valley �y� 4yI t r vs- ,? Imo.., , +� ,tilt" r )W1'40 Spokane l ai,„ 3'1,.1 ,.i ti1 � ±ti;t srrliL r. s.l! • r •,4, i n,-, 7 r P �' �, 1 ti • f �' - a i, I I, 1 E Indiana Ave, ! ,, ; ulL,viii Park'- ;1 I I' -.7.f ';-, Pi.: 1' ' , ,. , E fAtssion Ave , ro PP 3 . • .E Irt t ARIL! , �, N 4 tit? Ave L z 4 E Boone'Ave.' t , .1 ?.figjug— '' i, - '— r ` .- t IE.C��ldlo` E IIro sdway Ave rr.!IiYadwdy', z " *� E Alki Ave t E Alki Ave I" "i t cn I I # i w I .r �,�v�ay A o E.1., :(P 4_l L 4� Y itlwliltiiiil ls�^ " �IJ..lil ii "' " I'�. l Ydp - — t :r i , t — -.E=' ! d �r` �_; -,3'.`V,eradale�l .-1-- Gree lacres Project Type: Arterial Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement ro�Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct to city standards, including a shared- —Intersection Improvement use pathway connecting Appleway and Centennial Trails. —Pedestrion/Bicyete Improvement -Softly 5tarnwater Funding Status: Planned —Street Preservation Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Proitcr Misc. Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 250 2030 Construction (CN): 3600 2032 Total Cost: $4000 Close Year: 2033 Page 38 of 4 1 39 : Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail Siokan�°e .Valley. r4 « + , s ' r t fi �utQn is r ;� YT� '. .7. .� r11 r Q '��+ ' '1R :t, ,+'. — t( spokan: 1 ` ` .ti,, , y , .., y ;rM #� , - 'SettieMent f.. S ;. ,r 11 r ,f , fie Jp P,4 -" "t ,a't .a x 1 r Ir liiArt� r i s , �1141ante`s rArry )., . .'1 t 4 Cam 5ekarti{ l tW a p�� y r Pasadena:Bark . 1 t spprts co fAext• -it�,. 1 4 , +, 'it„,.ttpb f k!f - ,ri h1-�' b 1 t ,t .1. 1 n4/.111' 11%- J1 T`, ... V r h:.. .i '1 1.1 v 4 } $ r!i s i s.n k.t ! g a h - 11 I v Y A arr 1 y t 'f it` I v�fsy44 ,t R �i f *r�a<�'iR" a ,^ ,l�,�, Y, rC+ -^r '',' . Felts Field Acts ,. t� 1 , o {, 1, '. I' .. . ,Jy;. t , } . I:w ' +'FI "/� Park , b .r Spo`k`" t ,. � ,,. �� +'fit/J//r ��. ar�t'Rrvr,l 4 ,y, �. z "r fit` s f -1h : : ; t t , _- ./L:�1n pxu t ww r , _ Ii, ' `��4 J I . , , rat-f" E r 1 G { ,t: w7 a - t`'"� ,„ f. M/. MIS , t j.' �1.L,1 .'�" t _ %+ t `r- Orcliard,Ave ,> 1Ilf r _ I + I nq RtCI II °h'.r:... _ - ow ,PR,.. s i e� t , @a; tyF y �� 1 E Miss,on Awe r per-, r.,` .i..,' i,i ' ,11, r -i Z I. �^ n (10 '5 i1 m. , rrr 4 r fCLa. ,a ?:3... - Y r ' Spokane I,,. - , . Y .., .�� R' .L.I� r... ,. >v, Per arSvl-S_�sysr;. A .. 1nIlh rI CY7all, 1--coo) .:_-. '. -.s s_el-_.. ....h _ .. V. Project Type: Pedestrian_Bicycle_Improvement TIPPrajeds Arterial Improvement :Bridge Project Description: Shared use path following existing railway, intersection Improvement connecting to City of Spokane and City of Millwood trail network, and trPedel,riar,/Blcycle Improvement the Centennial Trail. . 'Safety SIor,nwuter Funding Status: Planned —Sheol preservation Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Pro(ecl Misc. Unident(fieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 500 2029 Construction (CN): 6350 2031 Total Cosh $7000 Close Year: 2033 Page 39 of 411 40 : Sprague / Pines (SR 27) Intersection Improv. Sp"okan�e ' 1„. , W,', ,,, ., ^F — I I h Spokane Valley i t . , F - I. Allii w.J I I i rr. ri .-. 1 i 1 • rat re l ,g;Sprague az - f Sprague Al. ! i I. it-.I I � w ., a �li' t! ii. , ,r. tip . !'1'If ifs- cP jj if� .. ■ "r` . 1. i1 '� n �S I Mt 1 s , r rrf Starbucks I ` v t Walgreens _ w I I ° 4 11 rl -,. ects • Project Type: Intersection Improvement TIP Prol-Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Install S13 right turn lane and intersection control i Intersection Improvement (signal and channelization). —Pedestrian/BicycleImprovernent - Safety Storntwater Funding Status: Planned .Street Preservation Funding Source(s): — Street Reconstruction Prolect Misc. Unidentiiieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2032 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE); 150 2028 Right of Way (RW): 200 2029 Construction (CN); 1000 2031 Total Cost: $1350 Close Year: 2032 Page 40 of 4 I 41 : N. Sullivan Rd. Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements Spv �''� Va11ey- F Nich Ave c31! ! ! ! ! ! , .V,CIVA`-, .111° N-•• Ali' , c a t I 'P r i rl ,, ,I I III I I�� s i Spok• - II ronve "• , i!® I i.�t t R _ •.; F 1 - i t 'x4 di .y- -f- _+- i ii-• .. y 'mini t MIMI I ` _ ✓ir 11.�! _ ' 3, • fir~ .1 .'1„i 1..L.f \% I ! , I!lit�a.IIInNI � _,,- J+ t .i. 1' 1 r,: ,I-:__—r 1i`ill lilt , -- •-. I-t I ,'tia i r,r' ir- 1; a,'t /T' i� -1' __ N_ , 11 1 w -1 I all I'la Mil 7. :„ 1 )1. . Kaiser .A,I," i ! ..� E IEuclltl .eve'.-i ''"� y r 41, . , .r�r I Alumin m 11C' �,v: f' i, fi, .1 0•, ■� �� ;I �� f bM1 {,, 'dlL ■ i i 1_.wl�� H 1��,"FA i7. �fJ F �T^ At d•t .fitr %Pi ICIli, 1 it•LL ! f - /i AvG I t,;''- •�-v ,ram ',` '• w 11 r} Pt ' - _ ; I l I EyN1a rletp .t. , 40,, ,,,,i19"-(411,A,I `-,_,... -, -:."`",Yre....,'"....... .' ', . , , I ,°-";,,,,,S, 7,..7..1,-+,:t°.. ,,,, , , /. -1 r / -..� t. Y� � r{ a /f('• r , I, ,1' t' l 14._I I r i■ �1 i 1, f :FI i %!` I) ,.,i. , �nsfteidrAve -.61 r..',, , - .Y i t . r 1 : Er}lndian -'{�i ---I L-.E Indilra«Ave a a- �� 'ir r r s � i= q ;r>4i'� t +„: A. Indiana A ` � ilrt�tF,; i[�Il� 31 I ���'��,� li��`` �Sullluan�f',� rk^� :,:4 � , - � t 1 1 * ., L T, j Spokane Valley �; �� �ra'Ave;r �� f , , Mall. ?}. , l b y Project Type: Pedestrian_bicycle_Improvement TIP Projects -Arterial Improvement -Bridge Project Description: Improved shared-use pathways and sidewalks from —1i,,ersectlan Improvement nt Spokane River to SR 290, including an improved crossing at UPRR. . Pedestrian/BicycleImprovemenl Potential transit upgrades. — Safely Stortsswafer Funding Status: Planned Street Preser.ation Funding Source(s): Street Reconstruction Proiect Misc, Unidentifieds Funding Sources Total Project Years: 2028-2033 Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2028 Right of Way (RW): 250 2030 Construction (CN): 4650 2031 Total Cost: $5000 Close Year: 2033 Page 4 1 of 41