2023, 05-30 Study Session MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Pam Haley, Mayor John Hohman, City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Tom Hattenburg, Councilmember Tony Beattie, Sr. Deputy City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Bill Helbig, Community&PW Director Laura Padden, Councilmember Sean Walter,Assistant Police Chief Ben Wick, Councilmember John Bottelli,Parks&Rec Director Mike Basinger,Economic Dev. Director Absent: Chaz Bates,Planning Manager Arne Woodard, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Levi Basinger, Planner John Whitehead, Human Resources Director Rob Lochmiller, CIP Engineering Manager Erik Robison,Housing&Homeless Coordinator Emily Estes-Cross,Public Information Officer Virginia Clough,Legislative Policy Coordinator Chad Knodel, IT Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll;all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Woodard. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Woodard from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public comments.Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley [via zooms: said she would rather have gray- haired people on this council as they know how to manage money. Mr. Dan Allison, Spokane Valley: said he would like to hear a report on how City Hall is doing, are they on target with bids, etc. Mr. Hohman said staff can do that at an upcoming meeting. There were no other public comments. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Ordinance 23-011 Amending 2023 Budget—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to approve Ordinance 23-011 amending Ordinance 22-023 which adopted a budget for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Finance Director Taylor gave a brief overview of the proposed amendment. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Mayor Haley, Deputy Mayor Higgins, and Councilrrrerrrbers Padden, Hattenburg, Woodard, and Wick. Opposed: Councilmember Peetz. Motion carried 2. First Reading Ordinance, 23-012 STV 23-01, Oaks Academy Street Vacation—Levi Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to waive the rules and adopt Ordinance 23-012. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed:none. Motion carried Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session:05-30-2023 Page I of 4 Approved by Council:06-27-2023 3. Motion Consideration: Broadway&Park Intersection Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Broadway and Park Intersection project #0347 to Cameron Reilly, LLC for the Base Bid and Alternate I Bid in the amount of$2,383,383.00 plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contact. After a brief explanation of the project and the bid, Mayor Haley invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Interlocal Agreement w/Water District#3—Rob Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement between Spokane County Water District No. 3 and the City for the Broadway and Park Intersection Project. After a brief explanation of the purpose of the interlocal, Mayor Haley invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed.' none. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Summerfield E Neighborhood Preservation Bid Award—Rob Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Bid Award for Local Access Streets Summerfield East Neighborhood Project No. 0339 to Inland Asphalt Company in the amount of$1,407,000 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. After a brief explanation of the project and bid process, Mayor Haley invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Broadway Preservation PH I Bid Award Rob Lochmiller It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to award the Broadway at 1-90 Preservation Project Phase 1 No. 0341 to Inland Asphalt Company in the amount of$1,282,828.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract.After a brief explanation of the project and bid process,Mayor Haley invited public comment.No comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed.` none. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Spokane Regional Transportation Council, Request for Projects—Gloria Mantz It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to submit Spokane Valley's 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda Projects for inclusion on SRTC's Unified List. City Engineer Mantz went over the background of this Request for Projects,as noted on the Request for Council Action form. Councilmember Wick asked about adding a project on the list for preservation. Ms. Martz replied that she can look into that request, but staff is under a very short timeframe. Council discussion continued about other possible projects, which discussion culminated in an amended motion from Councilmember Wick, which was seconded, to add a$3 million street preservation project to the list. There was very brief discussion about amending the Federal legislative agenda, but that this was not the action item tonight.Mr. Hohman said staff can look into this about a different preservation project; that Dishman Mica might be a good project but he will verify that with Mr. Jackson and then get this submitted if that is Council's desire. Vote to amend the motion: in favor: Mayor Haley, and Councilmembers Peetz, Padden, Hattenburg, and Wick. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Higgins. Vote to amend the motion passed. Vote on the fully amended motion to authorize the City Manager to submit Spokane Valley's 2023 Federal legislative agenda projects for inclusion on SRTC Unified List; and to include a$3 million street preservation project to the list: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. PION-ACTION ITEMS: 8. Legislative Update—Virginia Clough,Briahna Murray Ms. Clough introduced City Lobbyist Briahna Murray, and acknowledged that Senator Padden and Representative Christian were also present in the audience;that Representative Schmidt was not able to be present tonight. Ms. Murray went through her PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the 2023 legislative session,top priorities,policy statements,and next steps. She also noted the grants awarded for the Greenacres Park were included in the final 2023-25 Capital budget. Council thanked Ms. Murray for her presentation. Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session:05-30-2023 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:06-27-2023 9.Library Building Update—Patrick Roewe Spokane County Library District Executive Director Patrick Roewe gave an update on the new library building and invited everyone to the grand opening, ribbon cutting scheduled for June 17, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. 10. Homeless Plan Update—Eric Robison Housing and Homeless Coordinator Robison gave an update on the Homeless Plan, including the primary goals, critical needs identified in the plan, point-in-time numbers from the 2023 count, and process for adoption by Council. Part of the process for adoption by Council, he explained, includes Council's feedback. Mr. Hohman said staff will schedule discussions on this, or if Council prefers, to supply any feedback in writing and return to Mr. Robison, and then staff will incorporate the feedback for future discussions. 11. Regional Homeless Entity,Update—Gloria Mantz City Engineer Mantz introduced Mr. Gavin Cooley, former City of Spokane Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Rick Romero, former City of Spokane Director of Strategic Planning, who will be giving Council an update on the homeless collaboration; adding that the 90-day due diligence will culminate mid-June. Mr. Cooley mentioned that the 90-day date is close, and that there will be an event June 28 at the Convention Center and he will be sure to send out invitations; said the group has been holding bi-weekly meetings with elected officials,and Mayor Haley and Councilmember Hattenburg have been attending; said the goal is to set something up that everyone is comfortable with; said a previous discussion included the idea of having elected officials on the leadership board; said he wants to leverage different groups according to their response in order to get a full response; then they will send out a draft to all involved. Mr. Romero then explained that funds are coming from three federal programs; that HUD is broken into three programs;there are two state congress programs, and three local programs all with funds dedicated to homelessness; said they are working to identify what is out there; that the challenge is there are different rules on how those different program's funds are disseminated, but that each program has been turned around through the RFP (request for proposal) process; said they could end up with 60+pots of funds; he said the City and County together have$30 miIlion dedicated for homeless and affordable housing;he also mentioned HB 1590, which allows local sales and use tax to be used for affordable housing to be imposed by a councilmanic authority; said the City of Spokane choose to impose that option late in 2021 but that is not into the budget yet; said about$190,000 is in Spokane Valley's budget for 2023;that there are funds in the County's budget and some could come to Spokane Valley if our city has its own plan;he also mentioned the HHAA(Homeless Housing and Assistance Act) with recording fees making up the largest part of that; said as they get more details,he'lI be able to make up a spreadsheet for everyone Iater;he also said they are encouraging most entities that have funds, to be regional/collaborative. Councilmember Peetz asked if we have a different policy perspective from the County and the City, would this come back to Council for a vote. Mr. Romero replied that he thinks this is an opportunity to be more strategic, but also knows the different policy wishes of the different partner entities, by understanding what each other wants to know. Mr.Cooley said they would like to have a long-term commitment,adding that all jurisdictions have different levels of collaboration; that there could even be a hybrid approach if Spokane Valley didn't want to fully come into the regional collaboration. Mayor Haley said that she would like to see the total of what it will cost the entire county,our City included, to participate. Mr. Cooley replied that is difficult to ascertain because some treat the one-time money as continuing; said the primary focus is on the on-going dollars as the other funds are unpredictable; and said they don't want to mix one-time funds with ongoing dollars. Mayor Haley asked what he thinks it would cost per year to put together the program they'd like to have. Mr. Romero said they look at what they have to work with and how to start out with that; using what they have to buy better return then what they are now doing. There was other discussion about finances, including the status of finances of the City of Spokane, with Mr. Cooley stating that the idea is to use the funds they have without going in the red; said Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-30-2023 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:06-27-2023 he doesn't think Spokane City is in a deficit situation but they'd like to have more dollars then what they are spending. Mr. Cooley asked Council if there is anything else they'd like to see before the group meets on the 28"1. Councilmember Hattenburg said he'd like the spreadsheet so we can see where we are, what we want to achieve,what we have done, and what we want done. Mr. Cooley agreed. 12. Parks Maintenance Update—John Bottelli Director Bottelli explained that our current parks maintenance contract is now in its second of two, three- year renewal option periods and will expire December 31,2023, and tonight will be the second in a series of discussions with Council to explore options for how best to structure future Parks Maintenance request for proposals (RFPs) that will be competitively bid in 2023 for services beginning in 2024. Via his PowerPoint, he gave some background of our current contract and of what falls under the Parks and Recreation Department, and what falls under the Public Works Department, as well as what is and is not included in the current contract with Senske Services. Mr. Bottelli also went over notable contract changes since 2017 such as adding the Appleway Trail and new restrooms; he noted the contract values and compensation amounts from 2017 to 2023; went over some of the 2022 challenges and 2023 strategies; next steps; scope of work; current contract provisions; interviews with landscaping companies; highlights of comments received; and considerations for our next RFP. Council discussion included questions about taking anything in-house; breaking up the contract; repair and maintenance as an in-house item since it appears to be one of the higher risks; daily park inspections; and having more than one contractor for some of the other services. Mr. Bottelli said we will be having future discussions on this topic. 13. Advance Agenda—Mayor Haley There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS There were no additional Council comments. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS At Mr. Hohman's request,Legislative Policy Coordinator Ms. Clough gave an overview of the legislative priorities;also mentioned she was informed that Representative Schmidt was watching our meeting on line and extended thanks to all. Ms. Clough also mentioned the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) legislative priorities, and she provided a list of ten with five that rose to the top, and that the top two were public safety and criminal justice, and transportation. Mr. Hohman reminded everyone of the 2024 budget priority projects ranking sheets to please hand in tonight to him or Ms. Patterson, or as soon as possible. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. A -E . Q.._. - 4„,\,, ,,, c Pam Haley,Mayo hristine Bainbridge, City Cleric Council Meeting Minutes,Study Session:05-30-2023 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:06-27-2023