03-034 ~ *Federal Tax 1D No. 91 -Q42a030 cFT174~ E sg~a r~;Ee'' AFFIDAVIT C~F PUBLICATI+DN Spokane. WA 992D6 (5(}9) 921• 10L0 N[3TI!GE OF fiRDINANGE PASSED STATE C3F WA5HINGTON ~aY sPOKaNE v►aLr.Er cIrr couNciL County of Spokarre, ss, The {oEfovving is tEie title ant3 sumrnary of C7rdi- rtance Na. 34 passed b4 the Cit a# Spakane Vaffey City CQUnciB an te 11tM ~y of nnarGh, Narne; City of Spakane Valley Acc#: C042365 2003. , a~pRa~~~ASH°a~~TOr~ A~oP~i~KaNE P,4.: Summary cafi Ordinar~ce trlo. 34 Na. Lines: 47 BUSINESS REGI5TRA71aN SYSTEM FOR "fHE CIl`Y (}F SPOIfAfi+lE VALLEY. Total Cost: $ 43,48 Log No: SR5259 The introducto ry paragraphs sta#e tfie City de- sires to adapt a business regisCration sys3em. 4 SacRion "t yarovides rlefinitians. ~ 1, Jill Leong 5ec#ian 2 requites registratian of business. ~ do soIemNy swear tMat Iam the Principal CEerk of the SP+DKESMAFJ- Sectqon 3 exempts cortaan businesses from re- g'$trat'°n. RE111EW, a newspaper established and regularfy published, once Section 4 establishes the applrcation pro- cedure. each day in the EngJish language, in and of generaa circulatian in the SeGtion 5 states thQy ;s no fest~b~ish ~ a fof fee, 2003, t~,ere- after the Council ma City of Spokane, Spokane Caunty, Washington; and in the City of Sectisn 6 relates to irans#er of a busirtess. Section 7 ~arovides a penafty. (.OeUI' C~'/~fe~le, Kvotenai IaOU(lt]/, IC~a'~1Q; t~lr't SaiC~ newspaper ~135 . section 8 escabaesnes a severabirty clause in been so established and regularfy published and has had said general the event some portion of ihe OrdinanCe is ,,efd inValid, circulation contirauously for rricare than six (6) months priar tv the 23rd Section 9 siates lhis Grdinance shall be in #ull force and eff@et iive (5) days after publication ~ da'y' of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an ofFice of the Qrdinance Summaryr, and on tne date of ' incor maintained af ItS p1aGe O$ pubiecativn i~'1 th+P C;ify+ U# SpOke~'1eporatian. : The fulf text of the {3rdinance is avsPlabie at the WaShlClgt013; that said newspaper was approved and ciesignated as a cinf Spflkane Valley ri€y o#fices as i~enti~ iegal newspaper by order of the Superior Caur# of the State of ~~~~bowe. a, C~,Py wiftl be mai€~, o~,t u~~ WaShington for 5pakane Gounty on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and JsJ Ruth Mulfer that saEd vrder has nvt been revaked and is in fukl #orce and efiFect; Interim City Clerk sR5259 that the natice attached hereto and which is a part of the proot of publication, was published in said newspaper, one tirne(s), the publicatian having been made once each time on the following dates: March 29, 2003 L. I~~, . Subscribed and sworn ta fare me at t ity of Spvkane, this 31 (0) N Q TA R y day of March, 2+DD3 pLI ~ : Bf~ 1 C ~W S~ tary Public in ar~d for the State of Washington, residirrg in Spokane County, Washingtan ~ w (.ity oi5pol:aile ~alicy 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinancc Nlo. '14 passed 1)% th~: Cit% Valley City Council on the 11`h day of ,'~-Tarc11. 1-00 'i. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI"TY OF SPUKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTUN, ADOPTING A BUSINESS REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SPOItANE VALLEY. The introductory paragraphs state the City desires to adopt a business registration system. Section 1 provides definitions. Section 2 requires registration of business. Section 3 exempts certain businesses from registration. Seetion 4 establishes the application procedure. Section 5 states there is no fee for 2003, thereafter the Council may establish a fee. Section 6 relates to transfer of a husi1les-,. Section 7 provides a penalty. ~ Section S establishes a severa'hi(ii~ciaisc iil til~2 ~2~ ~2m }N)rt10I1 011, the (?~.'Iina»cc i~ 11~21d invalid. Section 9 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect iive (J) day5 atter publication oi' the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified abo A copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk Published: ¢ $ C:\Documents and Settingslrmuller\I.oca1 SettingslTemporary Intemet Files\OLK11\Ordinance No. 341.doc