03-039 RECEIVED D(HIBIT "D" QRDlNANGE TITLE FOR PUBLICATIQN C ity of Spo ka n e V a I! e y 7he Titte of Ordinance No. 39 of the City of Spokane Valley, adopted by the City Cauncil on February 25, 2003, is as follows: ORDINANCE N0. 39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PRO- VIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE CITY THE PALTHAMO NT OF ANO GGREGAT TO E EXCEED *Federal Tax I D No. 91-0420030 $1,000,000; PROVIDING FaR THE DISPOS{- TION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE OF SUCH NOTE; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, IN- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TEREST RATE, TERMS, MATURITY AND COVENANTS OF SUCH NOTE; CREATING A ~ C PAL OFACCOUNT NO NT R S ON SUC~H NO E STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ OF SUCH NOTEC ONFFARMERS H& MER- County of Spokane, SS. CHANTS BANK OF ROCKFORD; AND PRQ VIDlNG FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING TNERETO Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 A full text of Ordinance No. 39 is available at the office of the City Gerk and will be pro- vided to any citizen upon request during nor- P,Q.: Ordinance No. 39 NO. Lines: 64 mal twsiness hours. OATED this 25th day of February, 2003 Total Cost: $ 57.76 Log No: SR5204 CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington I/s/ Michael DeVlExning 1, Jill Leong I Mayor ArrESr: do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- /s/ Ruth Muller REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once ~ crty clerk each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the CERTIFICATION OF BOND COUNSEL City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of 1, trie undersigbed Bond Counsel for ,ns Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has I ciN of Spokarte vaney, of Spokane County, been so established and regularly published and has had said general Washington, hereby certify that I have read the ~ attache, summery of Ordinance No. 39 of circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd ; said City and that the same is true and com- day of July, ~ 1941 • that said newsPaPer is printed in an office '°'e 'fie and provides adequate notice to the put~ `°"te,ts said ordi,e^ce- maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, Dated this 25tfi day of February, 2003 Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a PRESTON GATES & ELLIS lLP legal newspaper by order of the Superior COllft of the State of I~Mdcco ►~°rrt's'y' SR5204 Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper, one time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: March 22, 2003 ~\~s ioN CF2 1 ~ - L . F p`S +'O Subscribed and sworn to be re me at the of Spokane, this 24 : v NOTARy ~P~,; daY of March, 2003 , PUBLIC :.•G . ~nW ??ASN~N o ry Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington . EXHIBIT "D" ORDINANCE TITLE FOR PUBLICATION The Title of Ordinance No. 39 of the City of Spokane Valley, adopted by the City Council on February 25, 2003, is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF THE CITY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE OF SUCH NOTE; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, INTEREST R.ATE, TERMS, MATURITY AND COVENANTS OF SUCH NOTE; CREATING A NOTE ACCOUNT FROM WHICH THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SUCH NOTE SHALL BE PAID; CONFIRMING THE SALE OF SUCH NOTE TO FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK OF ROCKFORD; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO A full text of Ordinance No. 39 is available at the office of the City Clerk and will be provided to any citizen upon request during normal business hours. DATED this 25'h day of February, 2003. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington Michael DeUlemina Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Ruth Muller /a f~D ; SZ b~ City Clerk G ~ 7, 7G (SEAL) Exhibit "D" - Page 1 CERTIFICATION OF BOND COUNSEL I, the undersigned Bond Counsel for the City of Spokane Valley, of Spokane County, Washington, hereby certify that I have read the attached Summary of Ordinance No. 39 of said Gity and that the same is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of said Ordinance. Dated this 25`h day of February, 2003. PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLp S/Michael C. Ormsbv Michael C. Ormsby, Bond Counsel Exhibit "D" - Page 2 I , 03/19/03 FPED 11:2F TA% 509 456 0146 PRESTON SPOKANE 0 001 ORDrNNANCF, TZTLE FOR PUBLICATIQN The Title of Ordinance No, 39 of the City of Spokane Valley, adopted by the Cxty Council on, Februazy 25, 2003, is as follows: ORbMANCE NO. 39 AN ORDINANCE 4F '1CX'ff COCI'NCIL OF THM CI'TY OF SPOKANE V'ALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WA►SFfINGTON, PROVrbING FOR 'Y`HE rSSiTANCE .A,ND SALE OF ATAX ANA REVENUE ANfiICYPATYON NOTE OF T CI'I'Y IN THE AGGItIEGATE pIUNCI'PAL AMOUNT OF NOT TU EXCEEn $1,000,000; PRO'VMING FUR THE DISPUSMON OF THE PROCEEDS Uk' SALE OF SUCH N4TE; kIXING THE bA,TE, FURM, INTERES'Y' RATE, TERMS, MATTJRI'Y'Y A,ND COVENANTS OF SUCI3 NQTE; CREATING A NOTE ACCUUNT FROM WHICH THE FRYNCIPAL OF AND IlVTEREST ON Si7CH NOTE SHALL BE PAID; CO1VFHLMWTG THE S.A,LE OF SUCH NOTE TO FA►.RNMRS & MERCHANTS BANK OF ROCXY012D; AND PRUVYDING FOR QTHER MAT'I'ER.5 PROFERI,Y RELA'Y'ING TIERETO Aft11 text of Ordinance No. 39 is available at the offce of the City Clerk and will be provided to auy citizen upon request during normal business hours. DATED this 25t' day of February, 2003. CTI'Y OF SPQKANE VtLLEX, Washiagton , Mayox -7 ATTEST: Cifiy Clerk ( S E,A. L) I ;sA o.~ :/tj wttt:~ Z Z~ 2.66 3 . I Page 1