03-046 City 4f ne Valley 1170i .ypra t.re 5pokane, V'UA 9~2Q6 (509) 921-1000 NdTlCE OF f}RDINANCE PASSED BY SPt3KA1VE VAtLEY CITY Cf3UMCl1. ~ . The fallowing is the title and ~ summary vf 4rdinance {Jo. 46 passed by the City oF Spokane Valley City Craun-, a4 fln the Gth day oi March. , 2QC}3. AN ORDINANCE UF THE CITY {]fi SPOKAIUE VALLEY, WASFEINGTflN, ESTABLISNING A CFtIhAINAL CDDE, ADQPTING 9Y REFERENCE NUMERdUS CRIMINAI, C(]DE PRC3W151f)!V5 FROM TME ' REWISED C(?C3E dF WASHIM+GTON, DEfINING OTHER CRIMINAL OFFf ~NALTIESFflRSiNG *Federal Tax !D ~Jo. 91-0420030 CRiMINAL V1C)LA760NS Wl-IaCH OCCUR W11'HIN , r"E cITY,''N° AFFIDAVIl` OF PUBLIGATION ES TABI.ISHING AN ; EfFECTIVE DATE. ~ Tne introd„Ctory pa~a - ~ STA,TE OF VIIASHINGTQM graphs state the City de- sfres ta aclopt a Cnminal Cvun#y of Spakane, 5S. Code- secrion 1 is the Preliminaryr t Name: City of Spokane Ualfey Acct; C042365 s:atement Section 2 is the Purpases Arini;ipfes of Cerrtstruction. Section 3is tne city cram,- a P.O.. Summary vf Ordinance No, 46 Nv. Lines: 221 nai lurisdictibn. Section 4 is the Ctass o4 cr'mes. ~ Section 5 prpwides for P'un- Total Gost: $ 244.89 Log hlo: SR5256 ishment anr.i RestiCution. Section 6 prawides f4r Lirni- . aati4n of Action. I, Jil{ Leorrg Section 7 provides ror ' Proof bvyand a reasonabde do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Gler9c of the SPOKESMAN- d°ub{. Section 0 provides far Gen- REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once era" pr°"'s"°ns - ad°Pt'°" by reference- each day in #he English language+ in and of general circula#ion in the Section 9 provides Frar Prin- [;9ty of Spokane, Spokane County, Washingtvn; and in the City of ciples of Liability. Section 10 prau,des tQr Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, idaho; that said newspaper has Deienses. Section rov;d~ for been sQ established and regularly pubiished and has had said general `'c'~'a`°r~' O~$ns`5. Section 12 sta4es crimes re- cireuiatian cantinuously for mare than six (6) manths prior to the 23rd Iating to Abandoned Re#rig• da)1 Qf JLJl)f, 1941; that Sc`]1d newspaper IS printed ifl c'3a'1 QffICE eraEion Equ+ptnent. s$ction 13 staxes crimes ►e- maintained at its place vf publ4cation in the City ef Spokane, latinc to Advertising. Sect~on'!4 sfates eHrnes re- WaShlngtdl"l; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a ratcng tca Aggressive ~ lc'g8l C1eWSPaPer b]/ order c~f the SuR ~~~,ng. erior Caurt af the State of Section 15 states crimes re- Washington for Spvkane Cvunfy on fhe 23rd day of Jufy, 1941, and Isfirrg to Alcoholic Beverage Co«trpl- that said arder has not been revvked and is in full force and effect, Section 16 sFatescrimes re- lating to Alcaholie Beverage tlla# fhe notice attached heretv and which IS a part af the pfo{)f C3f C°n"°1- °pen'ng C°°'- suming Li publication, was published in said raewspaper, one time(s), #h+e quor or Fassess- '"g ppe" cai"er of Li~,- ucar in P ub9ic Ptace publicatian having been made ance each time on the follc~wing dates: . Section 17 states crirrtes re- Mar,C}1 2~'j, 2003 iatin, to A,nimals. Section Is states crxmes re- That said notMCe was published in the regular and entire issue of every patins ta assault and pther I crirne5. number vf the paPer durin9 the period of time of Publicativn, and that Section 19 states crirnkes the rlotiGe waS pUb1lShed in the newspaper Qroper ar]d Flot In a fatine~ tp y Competitive Biddong. supplement. Section 20 states crirnes re- lating to Ctantrolled 5ub- 54ances - Drug Para- pltisrnalia. Section 21 states c~imes re- Subscribed and sworn tv b re me at the t Uf S okane, thiS 26 lat.ing to Cpntrolftd Sub- y p sFances. dr3}/ Of MaI'Ch, 2{)(}3 Section 72 states cr'cmes re- , lating tcs Corpcsrations Section 23 states crirrses re- fl latirtig lv Custcrdial lnter- fe'ence. oNf Section 24 states erimes re- NOtery Pubfic in and fpr #he State of Washingto sl ' T Iating to C)iscfharge af Fire- ~ ~r~,~ ~~a~~~~~~~. residing in Spakane Coun#y, Washington Section 25 states crimes re- O. O~oI ''~Y c~i~ lating so D6sordefay Gon- Z U duct. Section 26 states crimes re- ~ ~ p~ BUC lating to C3omestiC VioienCe. • Section 27 scates cr+mes re- >(AAn lat301g 1.d FalSG' R@pfL5@fl- 13TIOf15. OF Section ZB stat9s crimes re- rvr•laTing to Fadse Swearing and T~I`T"I~C:f3i'IC~- '~or*ti~n.n TGcTafne rrimnc r~ , ~ Sectr"on 2 stat8s crirnes re- ~ latinq 4o Fire Afarms. Section 30 states crimes re- ry EaEing to Firederns. I Section 31 stetes crirnes se- iat+ng to Flags. Section 32 states crimes re- lating to Fraud, Section 33 s4ates crirTtes re- lating to Gartab}ing ~ C7#fenses_ SeCtipn 34 states crimes re- iafing i4 Harassment. Section 35 s9ates criines re- fa;ing to Inhaling Toxic Fumes. Section 36 states crimes re- Iating to InEerference with Healthcare Faciliides or Froviders. Section 37 sta#es crEmes re- lating ta Juries. Sectian 38 states arimes re- lating tio Lasers. Section 39 states erimes re- lating ta Littering and PaNution. Section 40 states crirnes re- lat'sng to Miscellaneous Crrmes. Section 41 s4ates crim$s re- , iating ta tvlisconduct in SIgn- ing a Petiiian. Section 42 siates crimes re- 4ating tv C]bstructing Gav- ernrnental Operatian. Section 43 states crimes re- latin to Officeal 4vlis- ' con - uct. Section M{ states crimes re- lating ta Prastituiion. Section 45 state5 Erimes re- 4ating to Public Disturbanca. Section 45 states crimes re- lating to Pubiic Nuisances, Section 47 states crimes re- lating fin Reckless $urning. Section 4$ states crimes re- lating io Sexua1 Ofienses. Section 49 SF3ies crime5 ve- fatinn 4a Sexual C7ffsnses Rt~~'~f4EtQ MII14f5. Section 50 slates crirr:es ra- 6atina to Tekephvne Credit Carcs. Section 51 states crimes re- lating to Theft and Posses- sion of StoVen Prqperty. Section 52 states crrmes re- iatir7y tca 1'rademarks and Ctkiee Marks. Section 53 states crimes re- lating to Trespass and Frowfing. Section 54 states crimes re- lating to Urinat+ng in Publie. Section 65 states crimes re- lating to Vehicles Resern- bling Pcsiice ar Fire Vehicles. Section 58 states crimes re- lating tp ViolaCing Right af Privacy- Section 57provides far Reg- ulatian Qf Actiwities - Stata p"enai Laws. Section 5$ establishes a severabili#y c6ause Nn the eae«t samc partion caf the Qrdinance is treld invalid. Section 59 states copies of the Criminal Gode are avail- abie in the Gity Clerks' +pffice Section 60 states capies wilf be provided ta District CaurtSection 67 states this Qrdi- nanee shalf be in fuif forca and eifect (ive (5) days afier , publica#i+an ts'€ the Ordi- nance Summary, and an the date oi incorporation. The full iext oi the Qrcii- , n3nCe ie available at the City of Spokane VaNey City o#Fices as idei}tsfied abave. A copy will be maiied out upon request. Isl Ruth Muller Interim Gsty Clerk SR52S6 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 46 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 6~' day of March, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A CRIMINAL CODE, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE NUMEROUS CRIMINAL CODE PROVISIONS FROM THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON, DEFINING OTHER CRIMINAL OFFENSES, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS WHICH OCCUR WITHIN THE CITY, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The introductory paragraphs state the City desires to adopt a Criminal Code. Section 1 is the Preliminary Statement. Section 2 is the Purposes - Principles of Construction. Section 3 is the City Criminal Jurisdiction. Section 4 is the Class of Crimes. Section 5 provides for Punishment and Restitution. Section 6 provides for Limitation of Action. Section 7 provides for Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Section 8 provides for General provisions - adoption by reference. Section 9 provides for Principles of Liability. Section 10 provides for Defenses. Section 11 provides for Anticipatory Offenses. Section 12 states crimes relating to Abandoned Refrigeration Equipment. Section 13 states crimes relating to Advertising. Section 14 states crimes relating to Aggressive Begging. Section 15 states crimes relating to Alcoholic Beverage Control. Section 16 states crimes relating to Alcoholic Beverage Control - Opening or Consuming Liquor or Possessing Open Container of Liquor in Public Place. Section 17 states crimes relating to Animals. Section 18 states crimes relating to Assault and Other Crimes. Section 19 states crimes relating to Competitive Bidding. Section 20 states crimes relating to Controlled Substances - Drug Paraphernalia. Section 21 states crimes relating to Controlled Substances. Section 22 states crimes relating to Corporations. Section 23 states crimes relating to Custodial Interference. Section 24 states crimes relating to Discharge of Firearms Prohibited. Section 25 states crimes relating to Disorderly Conduct. Page 19 C:1Documents and Settings\rmuUer\L.ocal Settings\Temporary Intemet Files10LK11\Ordinance No. 46.doc . r ` Section 26 states crimes relating tv DomestXC Violence. Section 27 states crimes relating ta Fa1se Representations. Section 28 states crimes relating to False Swearirng and Tampering. Section 29 states crimes relating tv Fire Alarms to. Section 30 states crimes relating to Firearms. Section 31 states crimes relating to Flags. Section 32 states crimes relating to Fraud. Section 33 states crimes relating ta Gambling Offenses, Section 34 states crimes relatin,g to Harassment. Section 35 states crimes relating to Ynhaling Toxic Fumes. Section 36 sfates crimes relating tQ Interference with Healthcare Facilities ar Pzoviders. Section 37 states crimes relating to Juries. Section 38 states crimes relating ta Lasers. Section 39 states crimes relating ta Littering and Pollution. Section 44 states crimes relating to Miscellaneous Grimes. Section 41 states crimes relating tv Misconduct in Signing a Petition. Section 42 states crimes relating to Qbstrueting Gavernmental Operatiora, Section 43 states crimes relating to Offtcial Miscvnduct. Section 44 states crimes relating to Prostitution. Section 45 states cnmes relating to Public Disturbance. Section 46 states crimes relating ta Public Nuisances, Section 47 states crimes relating to Reckless Buming. Section 48 states crimes relating to Sexual +affenses. Section 49 states crimes retating to Sexual (]fferases Relative ta Minvrs. Section 50 states crimes relating to Telephone Credit Cards. Section ST states crimes relating ta Theft and Pvssessian of Stolen Property. Section 52 states crixnes arelating ta Trademarks and Other Ma.rks. Section 53 states crimes relating to Trespass arzd Prowling. Section 54 states crimes relating to Urinating in Public, Section SS states czimes relating to Vehicles Resembling Police or Fire Vehicles. Section 56 states crixnes relating to Violating Right af Privacy. Section 57 provides for Regulation of Activities - State Penal Laws. Section 58 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion af the Qrdinance is held invalid. Section 59 states capies of the Criminal Code are ava.ilable in the City Clerks' Office, Section 60 states copies will be provided to District Court. Section 61 states this (7rdinance shall be in full force and effect fiwe (5) days after publication of the Urdinance Summary, and on the date af incarporation. ~ Of 4' F7 Page 20 C:IDocuments and SettingslrmullerlLoeal SettingslTemporary 1nternet Files10LK1 IlDrdinance hlo. 46.dae The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as ide ' d above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth M ler Interim City Clerk Published: Page 21 C:1Documents and Settings\rmuller\Local SettingslTemporary Intemet Files\OLK11\Ordinance No. 46.doc