03-064 I grooooo~ S7TY UF"{ ~ Ci4y of Spakane Valley 117C17 E. Spra ue Spokae7e, WA 9~2C15 (509) 921 • 1 0(30 NOTCCE OF C►RC31NAT1CE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CI7Y COUNCIL Thz tollawing is tfie i+tlc anc1 ~ summary o` C)rdinance Na.. G4 passed by lhe Crty of Spokane Valley City Coun- ~;3 ~r,e 22nd day of April, *Federal Tax IQ NQ. 91-0420030 aM oRDiNaNcE OF THE crnr oF s~OKaNE YALLEY, SP[3KANE qFFIpqVIT OF PUBLICATION iCOUl+iTY, iNASHING70N, A[]QP7iF1G REGULA7I+ONS FC7R STATE C]F WASHINGTC}N SPECIAL EYENTS County of Spvkane, ss. The 'rntredt3ctory para- ~ graphs siate 1hQ City gd°pts a Special eve"t p"- mName: City of Spokane Valley Acc#: C(}423F5 I o~ process. Section 1 de{iraes certain terms and concfifians. P'.(3.: NO. Lines: 67 Section 2 requires persons. obtain a special event pe`ltiit. Section 3 esiablishes a per- Totai Cast: $ 98.83 Log No: SR5531 mii fee by Resolution. Section 4 sets forth require- rnenss far a special event 1} Honorrraarie Tibbetts-Freiday Sectihon 5 states the time to ' do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerlc vf ihe SPQKESMAN- tile an appf:cation. s~~~~on s«qLlifes a bond REVfEW, a newspaper established and regularly publishecl, once from the a p[icant. Section ~ reqU,res in9ur- each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the ' ance f`°rn t"e appl°ca"t. Section 6 creates stand- Gity of Spakane, Sp` okane Coun#.r,, Washington; and in the Gity of ards Forpermitissuance. (,;Qgur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; #hat said newspaper has Section 9 provicles for traf- fic contrQl. been sv established and regularly pubfished and has had said general Section 10 provides an ap- pea, proCeaure. circulativn confinuousfy for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd Section 11 ail°"'s apgfmit to be revoked or day af July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an Off9ce suSpended. mainiained at its place of publ6cati4n in the City of Spakane, Section 12 aliavurs the City ; Manager t4 aaoat rUi@s. Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a Section 73 S`ates a PQnaity foi' i3 Viplalegal newspaper by order af #he Superiar Co~urt of the State of ~il4f1. Section i~ ~~~abl`snes a Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and severatsility cl3use in the event some p°rci°n °f the that said order has not been revvked and is in full farce and effect; Urdingnce is I1eld inva9id- Section 15 5tates th+s ordr- that the nvtice attached heretv and which is a part of the praaf of nance shaE[ be in (uVl #arce and effect five (5) days after pUbl1CafIUC'I, Wa5 pUbl1Sfled In said F1l3WSp8pE:f , Olle tII'71(?(5), the puboicasian of che Qrdi- nance Stamn't8ry. pUE7IICati0n haVlClg been made once each tirrie an the following dates: The fufl text of the Ordi- nance is availabMe at the cacy or spokahe van$y C,ty' Aprif 29, ~0~3 rsfiices as icfRr~tified above. A CoPy will be maifed a~~ That said notice was ublished in the re ular an~d entire issue of eve ~~~~$~x. ~ ~ rY rs/ autn mulier nurnber of the paper during the periad of time of publicatic►n, and that jnterim Ciry clerk sR531 the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. . ~ d ~pN Subscribed and swo~-n ta before me at the City o Spc~kar~~e, #his 29~ ~loday ofi Apri{, 2003 ~ 0 NOTqI?y PUBLIC Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washing#on F WaSH~N . City of Spokane Valley ~3 / 11707 E. Sprague - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 ~ NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CTTY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 64 passed by the City of Spokane Va11ey City Council on the 22"d day of April, 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. The introductory paragraphs sta.te the City adopts a special event pernut process. Section 1 defines certain terms and conditions. Section 2 requires persons obtain a special event permit. Section 3 establishes a pennit fee by Resolution. Section 4 sets forth requirements for a special event permit. Section 5 states the time to file an application. Sectioa 6 requires a bond from the applicant. Section 7 requires insurance from the applicant. Section 8 creates standards for pennit issuance. Section 9 provides for traffic control. Section 10 provides an appeal procedure. Section 11 allows a pennit to be revoked or suspended. Section 12 allows the City Manager to adopt rules. Section 13 states a penalty for a violation. Section 14 esta.blishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 15 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of the Ordinance is ava.ilable at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified ab . copy will be mailed out upon request. Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk Published: ft pr,; 4 a 9, a Od 3 C:1Documents and SettingsVmu11er1Loca1 Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK11\Ordinance No. 64.doc