04-001 City of Spokane Vaile` 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-001 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 27`hday of April, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING POLICE-IlVITIATED IlViPOUND TOWING REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. The introductory paragraphs state that statutes provide authority for all cities to adopt tow ordinances, and that Spokane Valley desires to adopt an ordinance to provide safety guidelines for police-initiated impounds. Seetion 1 states that the intent is that all persons performing police-initiated impounds are subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 2 provides definitions used in the Ordinance. Sectioa 3 states that registration is required and explains there is a penalty for noncompliance Section 4 describes the application process for tow operation registration Section 5 states that proof of insurance is required Section 6 discusses the registration suspension and revocation process Section 7 discusses the suspension, revocation, hearings and appeals process Section 8 states that all city-authorized towers will conduct their police-initiated impounds in accordance with state laws and rules Section 9 describes the securing of a storage facility Section 10 explains the process for towers authorized for police impounds Section 11 explains the eligibility requirements of tow drivers Section 12 states that soliciting for the purpose of business is unlawful Section 13 discusses the fees charged by the tow operator for police-initiated impounds Section 14 states that there is no vested right to do police-initiated impounds Section 15 describes the penalty for violation Section 16 provides for a severability clause. Section 17 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-001 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Spokane Valley Publish: Friday, May 7, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 001, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of e contents of this ordinance, and tliat the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~ . Christine Bainbridge, tity Clerk ~ ~ ~ SUPEIUQi~ CaT,JRT OF WASHINGTON F0~ SP~KANE CQUNT`Y In the Mat~er of NaTICE ~F dRDINANCE PASSED ~ ~a, ~r~inance No. 04-D~1 ~ ~ AFFII~AVIT G1F PUBLISI-~IG ~ NC}T`ICE ~ } STATE ~F WASH~IGTQN } }ss~ County of Spokane ) MICHA~L NUFFMAN , being Rrst duly swarn on oath depasa and says t~at he is the 1vtANAGING ED~R . af The Spakane Vailey News Nerald, a weekly newspaper, That saici newspa~er i~ a legal newspaper and it is now and ha9'b~ee~ for more than six months pr~or to the date of the publ~ation h~reinafta referred to, published in the English language rnn~nually as s weekly newspaper in SpokaneCounty, Washi~tgtott, anditisnowand duringall af said time wasprinted iri an ~ffioe maintained at the afor~aid place af publicati~on oFsaid newspaper, rvhlch said newspa~per had beai approved as a 1ega1 newspaper hy order of the S~periar Cnurt c~' theShateof WashingbninandFor SpakarieCounty. That thefollowingisatrue oo~yafa~u,blicno~ce aslt waspublis~edinregular i.~uescoa~mendngon the 7th day of May. 2004,, ande~diitg the 7th dav of M~v, 2004 all datesitticlusive,and thatsuch t~ewspaper wa~ regularly distrib~ted to ik~ subscribers during all oE said pcriod: N4TIC~ QF 4RDINANCE P~D ~~r j`~ X,,~~~ BY ~POK,4NE YALLEY CIPI C~UNCII. 7h~ foitowinq ~s kha kipe and eummary ol ~ T~ ~,~^+~T ~i~~~~~ 77~T y, Ordina~nce Np. OA•Ol)1 passed by the City o! SV ~JLi~.I~~JJ ~YY ~1\1V tQ Ve~~~~ In~ Spokane Vailey Ciry Caur~ll on ~he z7ih day ~~15 7fi h U~ ~1 lYlaV. 2004. oi April, 20D4. KANE~V pLLEY~W~ASH NGT~ „ ESTAB• State of Washington LIShiING POLICE•INITIATEO IMPQUNb County of Spokane TOWING REGULATIpNS F9R TNE CI7Y qF SPOKAN~ VALLEY Tha introductory paragraphs stata that I cernfy that I knowor have satisfactoryevidence that 5latules provide aulhorily far all cilias Ip adopt Michacl Huf fman is theperson who ap ~red before tow ordinances, and thal Spokane Valley rpe~ and s~id ~erson acknowl~dged #~t hQ S1~llE'L~ desires to adcspi an ordinanC~ to provipa safB~ typ~~Idelines ipr ppl~ce-initiated impauntls. y~1~A~~~ ~~t f1 r~~~ this instrument and acknvwledgeci i# to be his fre~e E~`~.,R~'~ and valunta act fos the uses ar►d ut~t~oses men- 5ection t stat~ thaS tMe intent is that all qV,••45g10,~' . ~ ~~r persons performanp p~liee-initiated impcrunds ;~+•~,t~'~ C~'~pll~ iIl ~h~' 1Il5tI'l1T]l~flt. ar8 5ul~ect to ihe provisions ai this ordfnance, ~ , o .o ; r,y ~ ~ ~ ~~~ARY n' r 1-.,.~ S~tion 2 pravides de4inition5 used in Ihe i~ i PU~~1~ y~ + ~ ~ Ordinane&. . . p ~ 5ecfi~n 3 sta~es Ihat reqistration ia required r!,~4~'~~a ►e~ort ,r'+ b.` Jc~lene R,ae ent~ - and e~iains thare "as a penalty for noncampii- ~r dF ence ~iE~~l~ fSH`~4~y~ Tl~~~ 1''f4~Ty 13~}~1C ~~o~ a d~~~ ms p~ MY app°intmer~t expires; 5-1d-07 far Iow operalfan regiSireGon Secsian 5 states lhai pronf at insurence is required Seclion 6 discusses rhe raglstration ~us• pension and ravoCatipn pracess ~ ~ ~ction 1 discussas !ho su5pension, revo- ' calion, h6arings and appeals prncess Sectian B states th31 all Cily-BUUsanzed tow- ers wi(I eanducl theu Ro1i~-in~isteci impounds in eccardance with state laws and n~hes Section 9 ds~ribes t~e securinff o1 a stor- age 18~Ci9ity Section t0 &xplairrs the proCes.c iar tawers aulhorized foi pc~l'~ce impounds Section li explains Ihe eliqibi4ify require• mBnls d !pw dnvers Secnon 12 stales that solfciting for 1he pur• posa a! buSineS~ is unl~wful S~d'on 13 discusses Iho iees charped hy lhe 1ow oporator IDr poPiCe•inft'taled impound5 Secllon 14 stetes that there is no wested rigM ro do pdFCainitia~atl ~mpaunds Secfion 1S describes the penaNy lur viofa- tipn 5eci'~an iB provfdes iar a severa~illty Clausa. Seclian 17 st~l~s lhis OrdinanC6 shall 6e in tull loree and sN~l live (5) days atter pu6iica- tion oi l~te flrdinance Summary The fu~l laxt nf drtlinanc8 Na. Q4•001 IB ava~iahie a~ tne Ciiy crw Spokana Vallay Ciiy oHicas as ident{lied sbpve, A copy will 6e mailed upon request. Chrissine ~afnbr~dge, City Cierk SpOkMp V81l9y 5~7•2ppq