04-006 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokaae Vailey, WA 49206 (509) 921-1000 NQTI+CE QF C?RDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY C(lUNC1L The follawing is the title and summary of Urdinance Na. 04-006 passed by the City vf Spakane Valley City Council vn the 17'h day af February, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OT THE CITY UF SP+O'KANE V'ALLEYi SPl7Y1ANE CC}UNTY WASHIlNGTUN, GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO One- EIGHTY NETWORKS, INC., TCl CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND (3PERATE CERT'AIN FACILITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-W,AY A.ND PUBLIC PRl7PERTIES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. T"he introductory paragraphs state that the City has authorifiy tQ regulate certain franchises Section 1; provides defniticans used in the ordinance Section 2: provides the grant af franchise Section 3: provides that no fee is impased for the term af this Franchise Section 4: relates ta City use of facilities Section 5: relates to Grantee responsible for permit fees Section b; relates tv non-exclusivity of franehise Section 7: relates to non-interference with existing facilities Section pravides that right tv roads not waived by City Section 9; prvvides fvr dates far commencement of construction Section 10: pravides canstruction standards Section 11: provides far special construction standards Section 12: relates to restoration after construction Section 13: relates to discovery and cure for damage to City property Section 14: provides for protection of monuments Section 15: relates ta damage relating to drainage Section 16. relates to requirement of obstruction permits Section 17: relates to fac`rlities maintenance Section 18: relates to prQviding and adhering to Emergency Management Plan Section 19: relates to emergency work that may need to be done an facilities Section 20: re[ates to compliance with the vne-call system Section 21: relates to inspections and fees Section 22: requires adherence tv safety guidelines Section 23: relates ta notice for moving buildings 6y public Section 24, relates to acquisition of new facilities by Grantee Section 25. relates to the authvrity of the City to abate dangerous conditions Section Zfi: requires adherence to applicable regulatians relating to hazardous materials Section 27; requires adherence to environmental laws and other regulativns Section 28: relates to relacation of facilities Section 29: relates to the abandonment af facilities by Grantee Section 30: relates to cecvrds Grantee is to provide the City, and the :Public Records Act Section 31: relates to [imitation on future wark in certain circumstances Section 32: relates to reservation of rigllts by City to deny pernlit to extenci facilities Seetion 33: provides for remedies to enforce compliance Seetion 34: City's ability to enact ordinances to enforce fr~nchise not limited Section 35: relates to vacation of City streets Section 36: relates to indemnification by Grantee Section 37: relates to provision of insurance against damage under ri-anchise Section 38: relates to provision of bond Section 39: relates to reservation of right to modify franchise Section 40: relates to right by City to modify franchise to comply with new regulatic>>>~ Section 41: relates to right of forfeiture and revocation of franchise by City Section 42: relates to conditions for assignment or transfer of franchise Section 43: relates to date of acceptance of franchise by Grantee Section 44: relates to survival of certain Sections upon termination of fi'ranchise Section 45: provides for a severability clause SecNon 46: provides for renewal of the franchi:c Section 47: provides for notice under the franchise Section 48: provides for choice of law Section 49: provides for non-waiver of rights by C' i t% Section 50: provides that the franchise is the entire a,r~ument of'th~2 parties Section 51: states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (S) ~i-« Ordinance Summary The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Christine Bainbridge City Clerk Published: February 21, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 006, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. - _ ~ -Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ sp : • ~0VkP O~'q~; ~ : ' =rn; INCORPpRA TEi ~ ; ~ . March 31, 20p., : '0•9S ' • • • . . • ' y/NGI ~~f/11111tc.> J i Ciry ol 5poisane Vallay 117Q7 E, Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99205 (5491 `121-100~4 NO°i'ICE (3F aRpINANG~ PA5SEQ BY SPOKANE VALLEY CI~'Y COUNGlL The iollowiny Is the iiile and summary c~f Clrciinance No. o4.o0G p~ss~d by ~t~ City ~f Spok~na Vallay Ciry Council !~n the 171h day oi Febru3ry, 2004. AN ORi31NANG~ DF TF~E CITY (]f SPO~(ANE VALLEY, SPQKAN~ CdUh11'Y WASH- INGTON, GRANTING A NQN-EXCLUSiVf FRAN- CHIS~ TO Qne-EIGHTY ~IET- WORKS, INC., T4 CON• ST~UCT, MAINTAIN AND QPERATE CERFAIN FACiLI- TIES WITNIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-0F-WAY ANO PElB- ; LIC PR~PERTIES OF TFfE I GITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, ~h~ ~~t~~~u~«fY P~ra~~d~ns ~Fe~eral Tax 1D No. 91-0420030 state lhal the City has autl7c~ri~ ~Y ~~~i~`~ ~~``a~~ r~~n~has' AFFlDA►VIT QF PUBLIGATION ~s Section 1: prondes delini- tions used in tho urdinance ~ection2; provFdes the STATE ~F WASNINGTON grant of fran~~isa Sectian 3; prr~vides that no (',OUCIt Of S Ok811B, SS. Cee is ir~ipobed f~r Rhe Kerm pf y p this Franc,huse Section 4; relai~s to Ciry U~~ Q~ ~~c~t~~~~ Name: City of Spokane Ualley Acc#: Cp42365 5ection 5; relates to Grant- ee responsibke $or permit fees Sectian 6; relates ~d~- p p'~~~~I Notice Na Lines: 178 exc!usivi4y 41 ~ranchise SQCtidn 7: relates to r~an- intei~ierericewith existing isCili• ,~~s Total Cost: $197.~2 Log N~; SR7006 Secticn 8: provides ih~t ri~ht to roa~ds nat waive~l ~y ~~~y I, Jill Leang Secfion 9; prouides f~r aa`e~ r°` `~~,~,~n~~`~~~` do solemnly sw~~r that I am the Principai Clerk of the SP~KESMAN- canst{ucfion Seetion 10: pravides coo- REVIEW a newspaper established and regularly published once stru~tian standards ~ ~ Scction 11: ~ra~~d~~ ra~ s~- Each day in the ~nglish language, in and of general circulation in the cii~! c~n~trur,liot~ skan~l~rds s~ctia~n t2: f~~at~ to ~e~to~ Ciky Of SpOk~I~E, Spakane County, Washington; and in the City of ratian atier construction s~~r~o~1J: «~~~~Sdad~~~~- Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said n~wspaper has c"y prpp~~y f°` da~~~~ been so established and regularly published and has had said general Secticn 14: p►QW~d~ ra~ Rr~- cireu[ation continuo~sly far mare t'i~an six (6~ months priar to the 23rd feclian of monuments s~~~o~ ~s; ~~a~~ to dam- c~,~y pf ,luly, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office age relating Im rlrainage s~~~~o~,6: ~e~~t~to~e9~rre~ maintained at its place of pubiication in the City of Spokans, mont of obstructian pcrm~ts W~shington~ that sa~d newspaper was approved and designated as a Sectipn 17: relates tc~ faeili- ~ t~es mai~ten~~cs le ~I news a er b arder of the Su erior Court of the State of $eclion 18: reiates ta ~ravid- ~ R P y P ~n~ antl aa~,~r~~~ tp E~,e~~~~- Washingtan for 5pokane County on the 23rd day af July, 1941, and cy Mana ~ment Plan s~~~~an~g: ~~t~~~ ,o ~m~- that said order has not been revoketl and is in full force and e~fect; gency wark tMat may nead ta ~e aa~~ a~ t~~~r~~~S that the natice attached hereto ~nd which is a part of the proof of Section20: ~~latestacompii- publlG8t10~1 was published in said newspaper one time(s) #he ance wi4h lhe one-call system F ~ , ~~~''°"2': ~~ac~'°'n~~~- publication having been made once e~ch time on the following dates: tions ~nc# t~es Section 22: requires adhe~- ence ta s~fery guidelines Section 23: relates ia naf~ce for mouing buildings by {~ublic Februa 21 2004 S~ctian 24: relates ta acquis- ~ , faC'''~'~s ~Y ~ra~~~ T~at said notice was published in the regular and er~tire issue of every ~ s~C~~~^~: «~~~~tQtne~~- nurnber of the paper during the period of time of publication, and thak ttiority of ihe City 4a abate d~~~~~~~s~and;~;fl~s the nQtice was publish~d in the newspaper proper and not in a 5ection 26: requires adher- ence lo applicabie reguCations SU~~3~~'rTl@flt. , relating to hazardous materi- ~Ic_ SQ~t'°" ~r: ~~~'r~$ a~nQ'~ Subscribed and swarn to ore me at th ity of Spoka~e, this 23 ence 1o environmenta3 laws and alhar regufakions day of February, 2QQ4 Section 28: r~lates ia relac~- _ , fir~n o( (aciliiies ' . Sectian 29: rpl~tes to the i , 1~ ~ I "~F~. ~ 1~_ ~ 1`Z<••,,...~....,,.. aband~nmont of facililies by J I l i } C~r. r i 1 ` c ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' , " ' . c` a n t~~ Na~a Pu b lic in an d for t he State o f Was hin to ti s~' v~~ r~~~ Sec~lia~ 30: relates to r~ ~ g ~ e cards Grantee is to provide C' r ~ ~ m cn~ c~r,, and tMe Publia Re- r~Sl dlfl in S o kane Coun t Was hin to~ 0~~- ~ 9 P Y~ 9 9N;; ~~`~~,0 cords Acx 5ection 31: relates !o limita- ~ ~ ~ ~A iian pn fuCur~ work in certain eircumsiances N r~~~~l~' (J: ~ G,~'= Sectian 32 relates ko reser- ~.`~'a ~ uallon of rights by City to de- ~~~~j"~',` ~~'t~ ny perrnii to ex3end laciliiie5 Section 33: provides for rem- ~~F ~Y~~'p,5'~~~ edles t~ ery(nrr.e cs~mpliance ti= Section 34: City's ability 10 ~ `w 4~ enac4 ordsnances to enlorCB iranchise nat limited Sectian 35: ~ relates to vaca- tian od ~~ity str~ets Section 3fi: relates to indem• nificalian by Grantee Seetion 37: relaies to pravi- sfc~n o! insurance again~t dam- ag~ under h~nchise 8ecticn 38: relat~ ta provi- sian Q( I~ond Sectian 39; reVales to resQt• varion of rigM ta rtiodi~y iran- cf3sse Section 40: relates to right by ~ity to madify franchise to camPly with new reguiatians Seciion 41: re9ates to righi of 3arleiture and r~vacaG~an oi franchise by City Seetion 42: refates ta condi- tions fQr assignment or trans~ for of ~ranchise Section 43; rafates to date ai acceptance oi iranchise by Gcac~tee Section 44: relates to sarviv- ~I r~i ce~lain Sectrqns up9n t@r- minatian o~ franc~ise Sec6an 45. pr~vides far s severabi%ify clause Section 46. ~rovides For re- newal a# tf~e lranchise Sectian 47: prov;des fvr no• tice i.inder the franchise , 3ection a8, provides for choice of law 5ectian 49: prUVides for ~ nornw~iv~r r~f righis by Ci4y "seciion 50: provides that the (ranchrse is the enlire agree- rnen4 nf I~+a parties 5eclian 51: states thss Ordi• I nance shall be in iuGl force and efleat tive {5) days attar publica#ion oi the Ordinance Sumrnery ~IYh~ full texi ot ihe Qrdinanee is available at ihe City af Spn- kane Valley City off€ces as id~ntificad abave. R copy will be i~ai6ed out upan rec~uest. fsl Chrrs4ine Cieintsridge City Clerk  PuGlished: Februaty 21, 2004 5R7UQ5