04-009 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509} 921-1000 Nt)TILI: UFviU)I.N..NCl: l':kSSLU BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-009 passed b}l the Citv of Spokane Vallc" (`it% C'ouncil on t11020", da\ of.lantmrv. 2004. AN U1tllItiANCE vi.. -FIIE CI'1'N' 01~ SPUI~AtiE N'A1,LE1', SP<:)K:NNE COL_INTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 03-067 RV(Jl!I,:ViTM] "i- I1 F STORAGE OF JUNK VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY'. The introductory paragraphs relate to t:he process of abating junk vehicles fronl privat:e propeT-tti . Section 1 states the purpose of the ordi»ance. Section 2 provides definitions used in the ordinance. Section 3 declares the storage of junk vehicles to be I-mhlic nui~11,~CL~. Section 4 relates to exceptions from enforcement. Section 5 relates to abatement notices. Section 6 relates to hearings on abatement notices berore tlle 1-Icmring, I:xaumincr. Section 7 relates to voluntary compliance of junk vehicles Section S relates to abatement costs and liens Section 9 relates to civil monetary penalties for violatir>1►,. Section 10 relates to the development of a junk vehicle abater»ent prour"1111. Section 11 authorizes a junk vehicle abatement fund. Section 12 provides for a severability clause. Section 13 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the publication of the Ordinancc Summarv. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-009 is available at the City of Spokane Valley t;ity oftices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Publish: -5-y~" I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 0099 that the summary provides adequate notice to the public o e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~,~~1111tirr~~ _ ~ OF S r) '<y ••''p Ff;;' ~9 cistine Bainbridge, City Clerk ' C~~.'G p~'•. ~ : - = ~ • ~Cp r~~ ~r~ : D • r- _ : ;T~,4 : • ~ 0.9 . •~r , 2 , - s1 ' • . •.,,ti,, • 7'C) ~ city of Spokane Veiley *Federal Tax f D Na. 91-0420030 11707 E. spsague Spokane Valle , WA 99246 (~9)92~-1°°° AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIQN NC7TfCE C)F C}RD6h]AiVCE PASSEt? E3Y SPQKANE WALLEY CITY COUNCIL STATE C)F VIIASHINGTC7N The following is lhe ticle ancS summary of Ordinance No. 04-009 passed by the City of Caunty of Spokane, SS, Spakane VaVley City Council on the 20th day of 3anuery, 2004. AN C7RDINAPVCE C7F THE CITY OF SPUKANE Name: City of Spokane Vailey Aect. C042365 VALLEY, SPOKANE CdUNTY WASHINGTC3N, r1MENDlNG C7RD11rlANCE 03-067 REGuLaTiNG THE sTORaGE oF auNK P.U.: No. Lines: 59 i VE}-tICLES ON PR1VATE PROPERTY. The intraduetQry paragraphs relate to the Total Cost: ~~J~.~ ~ Lmg No: iR/~~~~J ~ process of abating junk v€hicles Erann private ~ propefty. Section 1: skates the purpvse of the 1, Hanormarie Tibbetts-Freiday "rdinance. Sectiors 2: preavities defirritions used in the do salemnly swear that 1 am the F'rincipal Clerk of the SPQKESMAN- ' s~'; 3;: aec3a«s ,t,e s►nrage of junk REVIEW, a nevr+spaper established and regularly published, ance vehicles fo be a publie nuisanCe. Seetion4: relates to exceptions fram each day in the English language, in and of general cirGUlativn in the enforcement. City of Spokane, Spokane Gounty, Washing#vn; and in the Cifiy of Section 5: celades ta abatement natices Section B: relates to hearings on abatement (;fJBCII' d'AlE',tlE?, KfJUtEI`?aI COUfIt}/, IdahO; that Sc31Cj newspaper haS I nc+tices before the Henr'sng Examrner section 7: re4aies to voluntary compfiance of been so established and regularly published and has had said gerreral , junk yehicles Section 8: relates to a#aatemem casrs and circulation contirtuously fDr mare than six (6) months prior ta the 23rd iliens 5ecta,on 9: retates to ci+ri! rraonetary panatsies daY of Ju!Y, 1941; that said newsPaPer is Printed fn an office +ofu;ols4ian$. maintained at its place of pubficativn in the City of Spokane, Section 10: reiates tca the devalopment of a junk veh+cte abatement peegrarn. VIIaSI1ti1gtQl'1; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a ue~~ion 13: 8uthosizes a junk vehicle aba3ement legal ne,,spap@r ~,y order of t'~e Superior Cvurt of #he State of 5ectian 12_ pravieies for a severability clarase. , ~~ctian,3: states tnis Ordinancp Snalk be +n fu,l Washington for Spokane Caunty on the 23rd day of Jufy, 1941, and Force and etfect fiwe (5) days after t►,e a„bAica- that saFd order hc3S not been revaked and IS in full force and e#fect; lion of ihe Ordinance Summacy. that the notice attached hereta and which is a part of the proof of 7he fuld dext a€ ihe Ordinance h9u. 04-009 is a„a;,ab,a at tne citv of spokene vaueYc~fv publtcation, was published in said newspaper, one #ime(s), the °fr'Ces as `den`'fied °b°"e. A c°p'' , ~ll be mailed out upon request. publication having been made onGe each time on the fallowing dates: !s/ Chdstine Bainbridge CicY clefk March 4, 2004 Published: February 29, 2004 SR7045 4, L Subscribed and sworn ta before me at the City of Spokane, th~4 day of March, 2004 . ~liBRd ~~,~y~~~y o~ Notary Pubiic in and for t'~e State of 1Nashir~gtan, ~ residing in Spvkane County, Washington !voeW .._1 - - •