04-013 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-013 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 23`d day of March, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING ARTICLE I SECTION 1.20 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE RELATING TO ENFORCEMENT AIYD PENALTIES; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AIVD EFFECTIVE DATE. The introductory paragraphs state the intent of the Cit is to pursue code compliance. Section 1 establishes Article I of the Spokane Valley Development Code pursuant to the Attachment A Section 2 provides for a severability clause. Section 3 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-013 is available at the Cin, of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. I Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Publish: Friday, April 2, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 013, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public o t contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~ / r ristine ainbridge, City Clerk `,~~~~~~~~~i•,,, .•`~F sP 0 ~pRPOq'9 ; .r- SEAL ; INCpRpORATED . rn . = ''C : March 31 • . ~ 10 . 2003 ~ 'IINGIC o SUPERIC3R COURT DF WA,SHINGTON FC7R SP'C]KANE COUNTY In the Matter of NOTICE UF ORDINANCE PA►SSED ~ IVo. Spvkane Valley City Couneil ~ fJrdinance Na. 04-013 3 AFFIDAVTT OF PUBLISHING ~ -N4TICE- ) ~ sTATE OF wAsxnNGTON ~ }ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN, being First duly swom an oath deposes and says that he is the MIANAGING EDffC3R, of TheSpokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newsgaper and i t ts now and has been for nnare than six months prior to the da#e of the publicativn hereinafter referreci to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane Caurtty, Washingtan, and It is now and during ai! of aaid time was printed in an ofFice maintained at the aforesaid place 4F publicatian of said newspaper, wtuch said newspaFer had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superic3r Court of the5tateoif VI+'ashiungton in and far SpokaYteCtaunty. That the foIIowingis a true capyQf aPnbhc notie+e asit was publishe4ln regular iseuescammendngon the 2nd day oF April. 20Q4ti, andendfng the 2nd day of AprLI 2004 atl datesindusive,and thatsuch -newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: / ~ - CIRy of Spakane Va#lay 11707 E. Spragua 3pDlc8ne llielle'Y, YWA 99205 (809)921-1000 ~ ~ -~,~T NOTlCE OF iC3Rl~IHANCE RASSED J~J'_.1\1BED a~J/~ '1Z1V t'~ bPfQI~C IYl~' 8Y SPOitA1VE IAALL.EY CTTY CQUNCtL this 2nd dav of A~zl. 2004.. Thv lofrowing is the titfe and summary oi t?rdinsnCe Nv. 04-013 passed t1y the City of Sta#e of W ashing-ton Spokane Valley City Council on the 23rd day 01 h+lsrch, 2004 CQUn{y (~f S~]~,ne _ AN ofiarNArveE oF TME cIrv aF SpOKANE WALL I cerdfy tt~at I know orhawe satisfactory evidence tha# '~Y, SPphGAAP~ CC7UMTY wasHING-roN, ESTABLISHING ARTfCLE I Ivlichael Huffman is the persvn who appeared befQre SECTI{7N 1.20 OF THE SPC)KANE VALLEY l1NIFDRM DEVELUPMENT CC3d7E RELAT- me, and said person aCkncawletiged tFiat he signed ING TO ENFORCEMENT AN(} pENALTIES; this instrument and acknowled~xed it t~o be his free REPEALINC C]RDtNANCES IN CC1NFLtCT; 4k111111101lr d AA3~IID PR(3VtDING FOR SEVERABILfTY AA{~!!C1 ~ a'~_ R,q and volunkary aet for the uses and purpas~es men- EFFECTIVE pRTE, ~ !y /i ~ .~l~tivned in the instrument. 'fhA inlroduCtory paragrapMs state iha iniartt ► ~'f-a : ~ ` at the Cit is ta pursue code compliance. = ; U NE7rA~Y : CI~ L PiJBLlC Sectipn 1 establishes Artlcde I of thp i . . Spoicarte Valley C3evelapment Ctde pur- : JO1eYle GntZ suanS !o the Attaahment A ••'~S. 16"01 ,r~Title~ NC} I"Y ll~]21C Sectian 2 providss !or a sev~erabifi#y rap'WASti~t . ciause. j~11f i111t%0►` MY aPloiritment expires: 5-16-07 Section 3 states this prrlinance shalf ba in iull far+ce and eflect iive (5) days aSter pubiicaNon +at zhe f?rdinanca Summary. The du[I text o! Ordinance No. 04-013 is aaaflahle at the City mf Spokane VaIley Ctty qTfices as identiiie~d ahove. A eopy wi61 be mailed upan request. !59 Christine Bainbridqe, City Cler4c 4•2-2(16d