04-014 I City of Spokane Valley I~ 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordin-incc No. 04-01 4 passcd bN• the Cit~! of ~l)okane Valle% City Council on the 13`h day of April, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ORDINANCE #40, SECTION 5 AND ORDINANCE #41, SECTION 9 BY REPEALING THE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER PROVISIONS STATED WITHIN THOSE SECTIONS AND SUBSTITUTING THE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER PROVISIONS FOUND WITHIN THE 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, SECTION 903. The introductory paragraphs state that all Washington jurisdictions are required to adopt by reference the same building code. Section 1 amends Section 5 of Ordinance 40 for all automatic fire sprinkler systems to be installed in compliance with the 2003 Edition of the International Building Code. Section 2 amends Section 9 of Ordinance 41 for all automatic fire sprinkler systems to be installed in compliance with the 2003 Edition of the International Building Code. Section 3 provides for a severability clause. Section 4 states tllis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-014 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Publish: Friday, Apri123, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 014, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. I ~ T /^~l ~ ~ 1 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk / t v i SUPERIOR COURT C7F WASHINGTON F4R SPOKANE C4UNTY In the Matter of NC)"IICE OF C)R.DINANCE PASSED ~ No. Spokane Valiey City Council ~ C7rdinance No. 04-014 ~ AFFIDAVIT QF P[JBLISHNG } -NoTzcE- ~ ) STATE C7F WASHTNGTON ) )sS. County of Spakane } MICHAEL HUFFMAN, being first duly swvrn an oath depases and says that he is the MANAG[NG EDTT(7R. of The Spc7lcane Valley IVerva I Ierald, a weetcly newspaper.'That said new5paper is a legal newsgaper arad it is now and has been #cn mvre than sfx rnonths prior to the date of the publiration hereinafter referreci to, published fn the Engiish language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spnkane Cnunty, Washingtan, and it is now and during all of 5aid tirne was prinired in an office maint,au►ed at the afare.4aid place aF pubticatioat of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been aFpraved as a legal newspaper hy order of the Superiar Cc}urt o# theState of Washington in ar►d for Spokane Cnunty. T'hhat the follauving is a true anpyaf a public natice as it was published in regutar #ssues cammencing on the 23rd dav of ARril. 2004. , and ending the 23rd day,~ Avr41, 2004 all dates Inclusi~ve~.~td that such newspaper was regularly distributed ko its su'bscribers during all of said p'~a~: ~ NO7lCE OF ()FiDiNANCE PASSEq BY SPOECANE 1/ALLEY CI7`Y COUlVCiL The following is the tiUe and summary of Ordinance No. 04-414 passsed by the City of ~~1\1.U~ ~1V,~1 ~'~i{}~'Q~, ~Q Spvkane Va11ey City Council on iMe 13th day of Apdl. 2004. rhis 23rd da~~ pri1. 2004. A!W C7RaINANCE [)F fiHE C1TY OF 5P<}- ~ KANE VALLEY, VJASHINGTt]iV, AMENqING State of Washington THE CiTY QF SPLIKAhJE VALLEY QRUi- N,4[VCE #40, SECTION 5 AND ORbIftiANCE Cvunty Q# Spokane nax, s€CTIQn+ s ev REpEaLiraG rHE Al.lTOARATIC F4RE SPR3NKLER PROVI- SIdNS STATED UVITHIN THOSE SECTtC)NS Icerdfy that I knoworhaWe satisfactory evidence that AND SfiJBSTITUTING THE AUTOMATIC Michael Huffman is the person who a~7peared before FifiE SPRINKLER PROVkSlC~NS FQUND WIT}iihd THE 2003 3N'f-[RNATI4iVAL BUILDa me, and said person acknowleciged that he signed IN .C, CflqE. SECTION 943. this instrument and acknvwledged it ta be his free rr,e ;ntfoauctarvparagraphs state that all and voluntary act for the uses and purpt~ses men- Washingtan jurisdiciions are required t[a adopt ' ' ~ by reference the same 6uilding cvde. Z: ~o; •~,~55io, ~1t7I1~ lIl t~1~ 1RSti't1Tll~E'Rt. 5ection 1 emends 5ect+an 5 of Ordinance ~ .0 ,d aa far aEl avtorr~atie fre sprinkler systerns to `U) .0 NOl- RRy W: S~ • ( . be install8d in cc~mpEianC9 wiih the 2003 P~r m. Edition of the Inlematronal 8uilcimg Code. ~ p; F"t , + 4 s Sestion 2 amends Seclean 9 ai l3rddnance ~olene I~ae M+J'entz ~ A " ` 41 fczr afl autometic fira sprMnkler systems to j~ p7 •~['jc: be inskalled dn Compliance +nrith 4he 2063 ~fi~'~ TIfl@. ' iVotaUUrilC SBCti ~t'~' 1- Edr~n i3 provtles Suildmg Cy~ause. ,~Il/~iA1+` Sacjion 4 states this ~lrriinance shal! be in h~Iy appointmen# expires: '~J-~~7 fu11 force and sffecl five (5) days after publica- Sion of the C]rdinance 5ummery. The full rexi at Ordinanee luo. 04-014 is available ai the City o4 Spakane Valley City ofiices as idQnlified 8bcrvE. A Cflpy will b9 mailed upon requast. Ghristine Bairtbridge, C9t]I C09rt Spokane vatley c-za-zooa