04-016 t;it). ui Spokaue ~ alleti 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICI: OFOIZUINANCE PASSF.ll BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-016 passed h\ t}1e Cit` of Spohane Vaile` City Council on the 27`hday of April, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING 9.05 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY iJNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE CLEARING AND GRADING; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE ;AtiT n l'RONt r n[ nT G FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIYE DATE. The introductory paragraphs state that one of the responsibilities delegated to local governmental units to adopt regulations to promote the publie health. safety and Reneral \veif,9!-e Of its ci6701ir-\'. ►.ncludeS regulating excavation fill and grading activities. Section 1 establishes section 9.05 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code; and within th<i;. new section: Section 9.05.01 describes the purpose of the chapter Section 9.05.02 states that a grading permit is required Section 9.05.03 describes exempted work Section 9.05.04 explains the recognized testing Section 9.05.05 discussed hazards Section 9.05.06 explains definitioil~ Section 9.05.07 discussed the grading permit requiremeiits Section 9.05.08 explains the engineer grading requirements Section 9.05.09 descried residential subdivision grading Section 9.05.010 discusses ponds, water feattlres and manuniade 1ak~es Section 9.05.011 discusses private driveways Section 9.05.012 states the requirements for a soils ctigineering report Section 9.05.013 states the requirements for an engineering geology report Section 9.05.014 explains the regular grading requirements Section 9.05.015 discusses erosion control Section 9.05.016 states that grading fees shall be assessed in accordance with a resolution Section 9.05.017 discusses grading inspections Section 9.05.018 explains what is needed upon completion of the work Section 2 provides for a severability clause. Section 3 states this nrdinancc shall be in fii1.i force -ind effect fivc (5) da~~s ~ifter puhlication of the nrd111ailCe 'Uf111Tlai'y. -I lie t'ull text ol'Urdinance 04-0l b is available at tlic Citti ol' S>>ol.aile Valf~~ (-'it` «('f iccs as ictcntiticci above. A cop_y will be mailed out upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Spokane Valley PUBLISH: May 7, 2004. I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 016, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. - ~ , Christine Bainbri ge, City Clerk - SUPERIQR COURT DF WASHINGTC?N ~R SPpKANE CQUNTY In the Matter of NQTICE OF ORDINAN~E PASSED ~ Na. ardinance No. D4-016 ~ } AFFIDAVTT OF PUBLISHIN'G } N~TICE ) ) STATE 4F WASHII'JGTON ) }SS. ~ounty of Spvkane } MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly swarn an aath depases and says that he is the MANAGING EDI'f~R. of Th~ Spokane Vailey News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That slid newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and ha~ been for more than six manths prior to ~e date of the publicabon hereina~ter referred to, published i~ the English language contlnnally as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said ~me wasprinted in an office maintained at the afaresaid place of publicatian of said newspaper, whi~ch said newspaper had been appraved as a lega~ newspaper by order of the 5uperio~ Court of theStateaEWash~ngtontnandfor SpokaneCounty. That thefoIIawingisatrue aopyofapublicnotice asit waspublishedittregul~r lssuesaommenangon the 7th ~a of 1~a 2Q0~4 , andending the 7kh day of May, 2(l04 all datesi~dusiv~,and thatsuch newspapes was ragularly disfribut~.d to its sut~scrii~as during all ~af said period: ; NflTkCE 4F 6FTDlNANCE PASSED 8Y 5R~KANE VALLEY CITY COl}NClL ` The Iollowing is the t'~Ue and summary oi T`T ` ~ y, f 4rdinance No. Od-~16 pass~ed 6y the City ol S{,~~~,~~~~ ,~,n(~ ~j'~0 tQ Uei~~~ mQ 5pokane Valley Ciiy Counci~ on iha 27lh day ~n'~ this 7th da~af Ma~ 2004. AN QRDlNANC~ pF THE CkTY OF ~~~e of Washington 5Pf}KANE VAi.LEY, SPOKANE CQUNTY, WASHIMGTON, ESTABl15HING 9.Oa OF Cou~ty of Spakane THE SPpKAPVE VALLEY UNIFQRM OEVEL~ OPMENT COpE CLEARING AfJ(1 GRADING; REPEALING ORDINANGES iN COh1FtlCT; I CeT~IE~► ttla f I k1lOW OP 1ldV~ S8f1$1dCtO~ @Y1d~1C2 f}lc1t ESTABLI5HING P~NAL71~5 FOR NpN~ L„ COMPLIANCE, ANCi PFIDVIpING F~R S~V• M1CI'lc~e~ HL1ffi11a,R 1S t}1@ TSOIl W}7() ~~3pe ~1'~ t1CfQC~ E~ABlLITYANDEFFECTIV~pATE. +,,t,y~lllpfl~~~~/' llll'r ar~d said }aerson ac~OW~~~~ fF~at he signed The introduclary para~graphs state t~at ane w~ ~N~ .p~1F r~ this instrument ar►d acknowledged it to be his free oi the responsibi~ities de~egated to laca~ ~ov ~~`~~,.•~y~~~~•..1Z'~, and volunta act for khe uses and purpo~ men- emmenta9 uniss 4o adapt requlalions 4p pro• `~;~h ~r .,t~ , ~ mate ~he pu~die healih, salery and paneral q~ ~A`;~ -tianed in t e instrUment. weltare of iCS cirizanry, includes regu~atinp ~ NOr p: e~a~vasbon fill ~nd Qrar~ng activilies. ~ V? = P~ ~~Y m~ ~ ~ a : ~LIQ ~ ~ I SecC~on 1 esiahlishes saction 9.05 01 ihe ~ ~ ~ Spokane Valley Uniiorm Dewslopmeni Cods; ~ ~"'Qa ~g 0'f ~ ~ ~ , and wiihin shat new seetion. ~i ~ie''•»'••"'~ C~ + ]fllen~e Ra~ entz Se~lion 9.65.01 descnhes the purpase oi r''~~rwl111S~ T1t,E: Nokary Public ~ne`haP,e~ My appoin.tment expires: 5-16-07 Sect'ron 9.05,42 steSgs IhaS a qratlinq parmit is required Saction 9,Q5.p3 deseribas exempted wo~k ~ ~ Seation 9.05.04 sxplains the reoflqnized 1e5Nng standarda ~ Section 9.05.05 discussed hszards Saclian 9.45.Ufi e~,Vains definilions Sectian 9.05.07 di~usss~d the grading per• mit reqUfremen~ , Secuon 9A5.OB explains ihe engineer flrad- inq requirements SeCti4n 9.05.09 de5cried r~idgnlial eubdl- vislon gr~ding Section 9.DS.010 discusses ponds, water feaiures and manr~s~le lakas , Sectian 9.05.011 dl5cusses psivate drive- weys Section 9,Q5.012 &Iates the requiremems tor a sals engineering repoR Seciion 9.05.013 slates Ihe raquiremems for an englneering geotc~gy report Sectian 9.05.014 e~lams the regular grad• i~g requirements ~ Section 9,45.015 discusses erosipn cantml Seclion 9.05.016 sta4es thak grading lees shall be gsssss~d in accordance with a resc~ lutian Sectian 9.45.617 discusses pr~d6np insp~c- ti~rrs Seclian 9.45.Q18 explains whalis naeded upon compleiian ol !he wa~c Sect6on 2 provides for a ssverabilhy clause. Se~ifqn 3 slaies thls (7rtlhnance shali be In [ull far~e and eflec~ iive (5J days aAer publica- tion oi ihe Drd~nence Summery. The full t~xt ai brdinanee 6b~q16 is avaia a~e at tk~e City ol 5pokana UalYey Cr~y oiYices a5 identili~d above. A copy will he mailed aul upan request. Chrislir~e Bainbtitfge, City Clatk Spc~kane Valley 5•7•200q