04-017 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-017 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 11`h day of May, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE MUNICIPAL CODE AS COMPILED, EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, AS THE OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON. . The introductory paragraphs state that the City of Spokane Valley has contracted with Code Publishing Company to compile, edit and publish the Spokane Valley Municipal Code.. Section 1: adopts the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 2: states that the Code shall be known as the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3: states that the reference to the Code applies to amendments Section 4: states that the Code consists of all regulatory and penal ordinances codified per State statute Section 5: states that the status of the City is a noncharter, Code City Section 6: directs the City Clerk to forward to the Washington Secretary of State, a certified copy of this ordinance Section 7: defines words and phrases used in the Code Section 8: explains the grammatical interpretation Section 9: provides for a severability clause. Section 10: states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance 04-017 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Spokane Valley PUBLISH: May 21, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 017, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public o e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~l ~ 7~ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ SLTPERIOR CCaURT OF VIIASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE CULJNTY In the 1Viatter of NC?TTCE OF QRDINANCE PASSED } No. Ord'utance No. 04-017 ~ City of 5pokane Valley ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ~ N+QTIG E ~ ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane } MtCHAEL HUFFMAN , being first duly sworn an aath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR, of The Spcakane Valley News Hesald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has beeit for more than six months prior to the date of the publicativn hereinaFter referred to, published in the English language oontinually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, LNashington, and icis nowand duringall of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesa.id place of publication of sa'sd newspaper, which said newspaper had been apprvved as a legal nerv,paper by arder v# the Su,Rerior Court of the Stateaf Washingt¢n fn and for Spokaite Gounty. That the following is a true oopyof a public notice as it was publisheci in regtilar issuescamrnencingon the 21st dav of Mav,, 2004.,, and endia►g the 21st dav of Mav. 2004 all datesinclusiye, and thatsuch newspapes was regularly distribu#ed to its subscribers during a11 of said period: ~ NOTICE OF OfiDIIVANCE PA55EQ $Y SPC]KANE VALLEY CI7Y COUNCIL f ! r The follawing Is the tiife and summary of ~ Ordinance N[r. 04-017 passed by the City of Spnkane ~S~SCiV.BED and ,.-~~VO1~1 V l4 be~'~~'e m'~ Valley City Ca~nc'rl on S~rs 11 th day of INay, 2004. thlS 21 St dr1V' of IIf~V. 2004. AN aRDlNAFJCE OF THE CITY pF SPQ!{ANE VALLEY, sPoKAM€ cOuM-rv, State of Washin,gtpn WASk#IMGTOM1i, A£70PTING THE AAUh11Cl- 'CrJL1I"l~l` of S~3UICaII~ PAL Cfll~E A5 COMPILEI7, EDITE~I AMQs PUBLISHEF3 BY CC]0E PUSLISHiNG CC7M- PANY OF SEATT#.E, WASNINGTUIV, RS THE QFFICIAL CQpE (}F THE CITY C1F Icerhfy that I knQw or have satisfactveyevidence that sPOKanrE vALLEY, wASH:NGToN. Michael Huffman is the persvn whv appeared before 7he intrcaduCi(3ry paragraphs state lhat tha IY"3e, and saici persQn acknawledged t6t he signed City of Spokane Valtey has eantracted wHh this instrument and acknvwledged it tv be his free Coda PubtiShing pornpany fa c~ Iv~mpila, edii ~~11iIflA /I ! C1' and publish Ihe S a~cane Valle unic!paI and ut~lunta-act far the uses and u"oses men- ~ C°de. S .~A.E tioned in the instrument. Sectfon 1: atlopts th$ Spokane Ualfey 0IV;•'aSS~~ly ~ Municipal Gflde : : ~"aa;•2~ 5ectlon 2: states ihat tha Code shall he .~y' N - , knpwn as the 5pokane L/ailey Municipal Code - ~ ~ ~uTAI~y ( t - .~-4- ~ - - ~ Sectlon 3: states thal the rePerence fo the r~ EILIG In i Code applies to arnendments ~ p Jolene ftae Wentz Sectlon 4: states lhat tha Code cansists of I+ *.,Od.~8-[}y~.f',,~~ 'j'1~~~; ~Cl~t-V ~U~']I1~ alf iey~ulatory and psnal tirdinanCeS codiiied f~ ,a C~ -,7 Qesnctlon 5:statute states that tha stasus al iha C#ty My appo1I1tITlE'I1t +@XpII'eS: 5-16-07 is a nDncharter, Code City ~ Sect4en 5; dirscts the City GEerk Co tonward to the Washington 5ecre1ary of State, a carti- fied C:ppy of ihis ordlnance ~ Sectbn 7: defartes words end phrases used in the Code Sectlon B: explains the grammstical inter- pretation Sectian 9: provfdes Tor a severebility clause. 5ectkon 10: states th+s Ordirsance shall he in Tull torce and effect (iue (5) days aftar pu1Ni- cation of rhe ordmance $umrriary. Tne full text of Ordinance 04-017 i5 auail- abae at the Cify of 5pokane Vallsy City offices as identilfed aGove. A capy wlll tre mailed qu4 upon requsst. Christine Bainbddge, C+ty Clerk SpD3tene Va11ey 5•21-20(34