04-018 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNC 1 L The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-018 passed by the City ot'Spokane Valley City Council on the 25"' day of May, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SETTING THE SALARY OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS, CREATING AN INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND SET TH F. SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR OTHEIz MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 14. The introductory paragraphs state that Ordinance 14 set the interim compensation allowed for the newl\ elected Mayor and Councilmembers and that Council believes it serves the interest of the City to have a separate, independent commission establish those future salaries. Section 1: states the established salary levels. Section 2: establishes an Independent Salary Commission for a period of one year. Sectioo 3: explains that the salary schedule shall be subject to referendum petition Section 4: repeals Ordinance 14 in its entirety. Section 5: provides for a severability clausc. Seetion 6: states this Ordinanee shall be iii full foree ancl effect five (5) clays after Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance 04-018 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Christine Bainbridge, CMC Spohane Valley City Clcr-k PUI3LIS1 I: June 4, ?004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 018, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public e contents of the ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~ t") / • _ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPERIOR COURT C3F WASHINGTGN FOR SPL7KANE CfJUNTY In the Ntatter of NO'TTCE OF OR.DIlNANCE PASSED ~ No. City of Spokane VaRey ~ Ordinance Na. 44-018 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF P"LTBLISHIN+G ~ NOTICE ) ) STATE OF WASHINGTL7N } )ss- County► of Spvkane } MICHAEL HUFFMAIV , being first duly swom on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING IIC]R of The Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper.'i"hat said newspaper is a legpl newspaper and it is now and has been far more than six rnonths priar to the date of the publication hereinaftar referred to, pubtished in the English language rantinualfy as a weekty newsgaper in Spokane Cauttty, Washington, and it i.s naw and during all of said tin°re was prin ted in an office maintained at the afaresafid Flace of publicatinn of safd newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal nev,rspaper by order of the Superior Court of theStateof Washington In and far Spvkane Cvunty. That the followingis a true oopy of a public nati ce as it was putrlished in regulair issues mmmenring on the 4th day of iune. 20044,, and ending the 4kh day of dune, 2IX34 da inel • r~ d that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: NDTICE OF flH[7IlVAlJCE PASSED i ' BY SPOKANE YALLEY CfTY COUNCI4 Ths ioNowing is the litle and sumrnary o! SCRI nd SW'ORt~T tv before me qnfinance No. t~3-018 passed by tt~s City of Spakane Vailey Giiy Gavncil on the 25th day fihls 4th '[}f T'~~jZe,L_Q04. o! May. 2004 AN ORDINANCE C3F THE GI7Y (7F State of Washington SF'CJKANE V'ALLEY, SPOKs4M1lE G4UNTY. Cc~unty of Spflkane WA541ihkGTC3FJ, SETTIMG ~i'HE SAl.AAY GF THE MAYOR AhIt7 Cll'Y CCIUNCILMEM- E3ERS, CF3EATINC AN iNDEPENdENT SALARY GC1MMiS56C}N TO REVIEW AND I certify that I know orhave satisfactory evidence that SEl' TFiE SALARIES CJF THE MRYOR AND Michael Huffman is the persan who appeared before CITY COUNGILMEM6ERS, PRC1V1DING FUFi (7THER MATYERS PRflPERLY mer and said person acknowledged tliat he signed AEtaxEo rHEHEro; AND REPEALi1VG this instrument and acknowledged it to te his free aRaINaNcE Na. 14. and volunkary aet for the uses and purpases men- The d nance 14USet the ~ terirnpc mpensst~c~n ~~**`~~N ~r I~~1r''ztion~ in th instrument. allowed icsr tha neM+ly elected A~layor and d•' Councitmembers and that CaunGl baliaves it e -)~~t,~SS~p,y`•. serves the interest of the City la have a sepa- ~ Q A*'y rate, Mndepandent cornmiss#on establish thase Np,~ tuture salaries. y~ z E'Cl~~le~' ~"N lolene Rae Wentz SecRion 1: slates the,esrablished salary ~-T3tle: NOtaI'y Pt1b1]C D.c''~ . •t7'~,~ My appointment expires: 5-16-07 Section 2: establishes an Independent ~4ot, 4VA 5H 1~ Saiary Commission for a period of one yesr. Section 3: explains Shat the salary sched- u3e shaCl ba subject io reierendum peiition ~ J Section 4: repeafs Ordinance 14 in its r' entirety. Section 5: provides ior a severabilliy clause. Sectton fi: states this Ordinance shall be in iult lorce and eHect tive 15) days after publica- tion of the CJrdinance Summary. TMe fult texi of flydinanee 04-018 is avaf!• aple gt the City of Spokane V81ley City ofCCes as identified above. A Capy wilt be rnellecfi oLt1 upc,n raquest. Chrisst9ne Bainbridge, CMC SpmScane Valley Gity Clerk ' s-a•zoaa 1