04-020 City of Spokane Vatley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summiny of nrdinance No. 04-020 passed hy the Cin, of Spokane Vallev Citv Council JulN, ? 3, ?O(14. Ati OItD1NANCE OF "T[1E CITY UF SYOKANE VALLEY, «'ASHINC"I'ON, PRON`IDIN(; Fnll THE VACATION OF PORTIONS OF 12TH AVENUE, 13TH AVENUE, CUSTER STREET, LLOYD STREET, AND PUBLIC ALLEYS LOCATED IN BLOCKS 2, 39 AND 4, ALL LOCATED WEST OF CHRO1vICLE ROAD IN THE WOODLAND TERRACE SUBDIVISION AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. The introductory paragraphs state the steps followed in initiating the vacation of the above mentioned areas. Section 1 establishes Findings of Fact Section 2 states the property to be vacated Section 3 states the zoning designation for thc vacated prorcrtl, Section 4 explains the conditions of vacati011 Section 5 explains closing procedur(: Secfion 6 provides for a severability cla~►~~. Section 7 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (S) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance 04-020 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. l:hristine I3ainbridge, City C:lerk Spokane Valley PUBLISH: July 23, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 020, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. - ~ "cistine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPERTC7R COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPC7KANE COUNTY In the Matter of N+C)TTCE OF ORDWANCE PASSED ~ Na. Chdinance No. 04-020 ~ ~ AFFII7AVTT OF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ) S'TAT'E C)F WASHINGTQN } )ss. Caunty of Spakane } 1VIICf-IAEL H[JFFMAN ,1eing first duly swom on aath deposes and says that he is the MAhTA+GING EI?IT(?R, of The 5pokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal nervspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months priar to the date of the pubTiration hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper fn Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and c€faringall of said time was printed in an affice maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said ney+rspaper, which said newspaper had been apprnved as a legal new-spaper by order of the Superior Court of theStateof Washington nn and for Spakane County. That the following is a true aapy of a puhlic notice as it was ublished;n regular issuesvommencing4n the 23rd dav of Lqly, 2004., and ertding the 23rd dav of iulv, 2 datesi rlusiv , at such newspaper was regularly distributed to its~subscribers dvring all of said periad: e NancE aF oRaiNnNcE PnssED BY SPi3KANE VALLEY CITY Cf}UNCII. The lailowtng is srae t;ite ana summary of 8~CRrgW $~SWORhT ta before me C}rdinance No. 04-020 pa5sed by the City of spokane vallsy cisy covncil ,aury 13, 2004. this 23r of rulv, 2004. AN OR[]INANCE OF THE GITY t}F SPOKANE IIALLEY, NIASHINGT€34Y, PFiO- ,7~tate of ashingtan VIbfNG F(7R TNE VACATIt7N L)F PQR• CUUn~T of 47pfJkaIle 71OM1IS OF 12TN AVEIVUE, 13TH AVEIVUE, CUSTER STREET. LLOY[7 Sl'F4EET. ANO PUBLIC ALLEYS tOCATED IN BLQCKS 2, s. ANQ 4, ALL L4CATEC7 WEST OF CNRC#N:- T certify that I knvw vr have satisfactoryeyidenc+e that CLE f30AD IN 7HE WflOOLAhlO 7ERRACE Michael Huffman is the persan wha appeared before SRJBQIV151QN AMIi7 PFIf]VlplhlG FC1A C7TMER hAATTEFiS PRdPERLY RELATING ti~14~~1f1~~~~ 111e, and said person aclcnowledged tfiat he signed 7~~RETfl. Vi A6 ~this instrument and acknowtedged it fo b+~ his free The introduCtory p8rsgraph5 state ihe ste~ Qw~ N 6% fi~and vvluntary act for the uses and purposes men- fallowed in initisiing the vacatiors of the ahave ~ C7 :ltv 'O ~,,t,o~,~ a~~~. s-~ P: - tio~►ed in e instrument. r O k0 T A R Y S9Cti4n 1 establishes Findings of FaC3 PU$UC ~ q------------ _ , r %S • . - ~e~~ « ~ - 5ectiQn 2 sta4es the prcrperty to be vscated ~~~Y,,~, Ig.01,.. p'' rolene Ra `'{Wentz the v~acate~l pia~terty e zoning desi$nation tor W TltlE': NO~ry Public seclion aexPlaiRS ire car,di+rons of vac$- My appointment expires: 5-16-{}7 tion Section 5 sxplains clvsing proc8dure SgCtiors fi provides (or a sewerability c4ause Section 7 states tlhis Ordinance shail be in fuli torce and eHect tive (5) tlays attarpubliCa- tion pi !he C?rtiinanca 5ummary. The full sext a1 prdinance 04•020 is avai}. 8b1@ &4 th9 CiYy t7i Spak8nf3 V3119y City Of1iG@5 ss identified ahave. A capy uri11 he mailed aut uPon reiquest. Christine Sainhndge Ci4y Clefk SGaokane Valley 7-23-20(t4