04-023 City uf Spokane Valk,N 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99200 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-023 passed by the City of Spokane Valle% City Council on the 22"d day of June, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE CUUNTS', WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONINL MAPS OF THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERTY RELATED THERETO. Section 1 states that the purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the City Comprehensive Plan and Maps and amend the City Zoning Map to permit the property described herein to be used in a consistent manner. Section 2 states the findings of the City Council and that the amendments promote the best interest of the City and fulfill the objectives of the Growth Management Act Section 3 states that the properly is described on the attached exhib i t. Section 4 amends the Comprehensive Plan and Map for property locatccl oti tlic \\cst tiide of'['ine; IZ(_)(ad between Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way and Mansfield Avenue, 45094.0423, 45094.0428 and 45094.0429 SecNon 5 amends the Official Zoning Map for the property as describecl abovc. Sectioo 6 adopts by reference other laws as applicable Section 7 states that the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map are maintained in the office of the City Clerk and Department of Community Development. Section 8 describes liability Section 9 provides for a severability clausc. Seetion 10 states this Ordinance shall be in full force aild eflect five (5) days arter publicatioii of tiic Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-023 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: July 2, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 023, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. Qz ~ ( . , / Christine Bainbridg , C`t~y Clerk ~ SU'I'ERIC3R COLTRT C7F WASHIlNGT4N FOR SPDKANE +C+DUNTY In the Matter of NUTICE OF flRDINANCE PASSED ~ No. City of Spakane Valle ~ Y Ordinance No. 04-023 ~ AFFiDAVIT ~C7F PUBLISHIl~TG ~C) ~ NOTICE ) ) STA►TE OF WASHINGTON } )sS. County of Spokane ) M ICHAEL HUFFMAI+1. being, first duly sworn can aath deposes and says khat he is the MANAGING EDITUR , of '['he Spokane Walley News Heraid, a wcaekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and i# is now and has been for morre than six months privr to the c3ate of the pubhcation hereinafter referred to, published in the Engtish language cvntinually as a weekly newsgaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is naw and duringall of saic3 time was printed in an offlce maintaineci at the afaresaid piace of publ4cation of said newspaper, wlhich said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of #he5tate of Washington in and for Spakane Ccyttnty. Tha# the fpllowing is a true aopy of a pubtic notice asit was published in regular issues commenr_ing an the 2nd day of Iuiy, 2004,, and endi.ng the 2nd day of Iul,y, 20{}4 all dates inclusive d that such newspaper was regularly d.iskribuked td iks suhscribers during all of said perioc3: l+IOTICE OF ORUlNARdJCE PASSEU BY SP'IpKANE V"ALLEY Cli'M CQUNCtL fihe RollQwing is lfie ttile and summary of Syy ORN tQ beIore me OrdinanCe NO. (}4-023 D355Bd by ihe Cily O! n ;.pokane Vadley CiYy CounGrl on tha 22n0 day this 2nc~ d~a uI 2V04. !ar June. 2004 ,ara oRDiNANcE aF TWE cirr oF sPa State of Washington KANE VALLEY, sPOKANE courvTv, County of Spokane WA51iINGTtJN, AMENOING THE C{]MPRE• HEN51VE PLAN AHl7 ZQNING MAPS OF i'HE GiZY AND PRC7VEL71FJG FpR OTHER T certify that I knvworhavesatisfactary evidence that M14TTEfiS PR(JPERTY RELATED TFiEFiE- Ta. Michael Huffman is th~ erson wha appeared before Seclion 1 Siates Sttaf ihe purpose ol lhts me, and said persc~n ac~I°1QWledgC'd tFiak he signed vra~~ance iS +o am$nd tr,e city comprehen- this insfrument and acknowled ed it tQ be his free siv~e P1an and Maps and amend the Cit ~ Zaning Map ts7 perrnft ihe prpp8fty dBSCribetl and valuntary act for the uses and purposes men- hrerein Eo kae used in a consistent rnanner. {G tioned in t e instrument. Sect;on 2 states the find'+nqs ol the C+ty o -A~ Councd and that the amencfrnents promale 0 NOTqRY m; ~ file besi inReresi of the Ci1y and luliitl the Pf„fBLIC 10: Q otjeCtives of !he Grawth ManageinenT Act ~-l y ` ~ . .Aa , Jolene Rae Yl~entz 5ec4ian 3 states thai ihe praperly is f~` : •~4d~.• ~*s descnbed an the attae~+ed exni~s. "I~;+ ~"'VAS~~~~~►~,~ ~lVe~ Notary o nt~m~nble"'~c f~7 ires: ~-~+~-d/~ 5ectian 4 am~ends the CDmpreher~5ave Plan I 11 J t" t' C gnd Hlap !pr qrnpefiy tpC8teC1 On the wesa SId9 qf Pines Rvad beiwe0n Union PaCifiC RBilr(aad nght-nf-way and ManSfieid Avenii+a, deSCnb9ci as Parcal M 45094.0422, 45084.0423, 45094.0428 and 45094.0429 Saction 5 amends the Ofkiai Zcring Map ~ u tor the prorarty as descsibed above. Sectio*i 6 adopts by relerencs other laws as applicable 5ection 7 stales Ihat ihe Cvmprehenstve Plsn and Zoning Map are mainlained in ihe ofiice of lhe Ciiy Cleric and Department of Cammunaly Development. Section $ daacr3beS liability Seelion 9pravides #vr a severabiluty clause. Sactimn 10 slatex Ihis Qrtinance shall be in tuit twce and etfect fnre iSl daYs afler puWica- ti+on of Ihe {JrtNname Surnmary. The fup t8xt 01 OrdinanCe No. 44-023 is available at the City of Spokane Valiey Ciry ottices as id8ntdfi8d ahove. A copy will b8 fT1fliWBd UROf1 f6qWB5t. ChRS[Ii11B B81i1aflt'oB. Cky ~`il9ijif 'T•2-2OD4