04-024 City of Spol:ane Valle,, 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-024 passed by the C:ity ui'Spokaile Valleti City Council on the 22"d day of June, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONIN(: MA.PS OF THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERTY RELATED THERETO. Sectioo 1 states that the purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the City Comprehensive Plan and Maps ~ and amend the City Zoning Map to permit the property described herein to be used in a consistent manner. Section 2 states the findings of the City Council and that the amendments promote the best interest of the City and fulfill the objectives of the Growth Management Act Section 3 states that the property is described on the attached exhibit. Section 4 amends the Comprehensive Plan and Map for property located on Cataldo Avenue, west of Bradley and north of I-90 (Golf Dome property), described as parcel # 35131.1116 Section 5 amends the Official Zoning Map for the property as described above. Section 6 adopts by reference other laws as applicable Section 7 states that the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map are maintained in the office of the C it Clerk and Department of Community Development. Section 8 describes liability Section 9 provides for a severability clause. Seetion 10 states this Ordinance shall be in i'ull force a►ld ct'f'cct ti~e (5) da}'s after publication oi' the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-024 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: July 2, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 024, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. dl~ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk _ ~ SUPERIOR CL7URT C]F WASHIrTGTON F{7R SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of IV'OTTCE C7F ORI]IlNANCE PASSED ~ No. City of Sppkane Valley ) C}rdinance TJo. 04-024 ~ AFFII7AVIT +DF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ) S'TA'TE flF WASHINGTC)N ) )55. CQUnty af Spokane } MICHAEL HUFFNIAN, being firs# duly sworn an oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING ET)ITt?R, vf The Spc3kane Va11ey News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and ik is nvw and has been fcar more than six months priar ko the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, gublished in the English language c4ntinually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is naw and during all of said time was printed in an offire maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, whach said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order af the Superi¢r Cowrt of the Stateof Waslvngtan in and far Spokane Caunty. That the following is a tru+e oapy of a publir notice as i# was publfshed irt reguul.aar issues mmmencing an the 2nd ciay of 1uly, 20{]4, and endin$ the 2nd day df ju1y, 2004 all dates inchusive, and sueh newspaper was regularly distnbuted tca its subscribers during all of said period: NQTICE QF ORDtNAtVCE PASSED BY $PflKANE YILLLEY CiTY CQiJNC11. T'he fallowing is the title arrd sumrnary at S CFRJBE C)RN ta befare me Qrdinxr3Ce No. 04-024 p8ssed by the Ca4y cf s~k~e vaney c~,, e~~ii a, the ~,d day this 2nd da Yul~ 2~04. of June, 2004. - AN QRQINANCE f}F THE C1TY OF State of Washington SPDKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE Ci3UNTY, County of Spokane WASF+INC'al`UfV. AMENI]ING THE COMPRE- HENSfVE PL14N AiVO ZQNING MAPS OF 7HE GiTY ANO PRQVIDINC, FOR OTNEfi I certify that I knvw or have satisfactory evidence that I MATTERS PROPERTY F3ELATEQ TFiERE• O M1ChaE.'1 HLIffIIlaIl IS trl@pe rson who appeared before me, and said pers+~n acknawledged tfiat he signed 5ecti~n 1 St8t~2s thBR Ihe pu~o5e O( lhis Ordinancs is !n amend the City Cvmprehm• t~115 II~StI'UI7l['.Ilt aIlt'~ c3C14IlCDWl~£'C~ lt tO ~~'IiS fI'~ ~1{11 1i11f~~ 4I , ' sive Plan and Maps and amend the Ciry ~RA„E !✓Ej and valuntary act for the uses and purposes men- Zoning Mtap to psrmrt Rhe properrEy describatl herein io ha used in a Gunsislent manr~er. tiv r' ~SIflN tianed in the instrument. _ 5ection Z states the i~ndings ~I the CitY ; ,p~ ` 4 ~ ~ ~A ~ \ Council and that the amendrnents promate _ r~ NOTaRY ~ ~3 PUB~1"~ iha best interest o} the City and ful}iIF the ~ c bjectives al the Grawlh Managernenl ACi - : ]olene Rae'V1~~ntz Sectictn 3 sta1es that the praperty is ~i O~'. ~`'1t1E' ,~dt3 Publae aescritea an ths anscn~ ex,~bis. r~~t► ~,hrlY apPc~in ment expires: 5-16--IJ7 Seciion d arree+~ds the Compr$hensive F'ian and Map for preperty lacated on Cataldo Avenue, west oi 9tadley and north af I-96 (Golf Lltame proPeriY). described as ParCel a 35131. i 1 i6 SecRion 5 arr►erids Ihe CY[ficial Zansnp Map (or the prpparty as descriGed ahove. $ecGon B adoptS by reierenCe oRher laws as agplica4le Secfian 7states lhat the CQmprehsnseve Plan artid Zoning futap are mainla+ned in the csffice af the iCily Clerk and Departrnsnt of Comrrrjniry Oevaldpmerr1. Section B desc;ibes liabtiity Sactivn 9 pravldes for a sEwerability clause. Seclion 10 stales ihis Ordinance shnll be in tull torce and effect fiv^e (S) days atter puNica- tion oi the fardinance 5ummary. The full tsxt of Ordinance No, 44•024 is avaifable at the Cily oi 5pokane Valley Cdy pllices as ident#fied above. A cupy will pe mai4end upon raquesT. Chrisflne Bain6ridge. Cisy Ctark 7-2•20i14 I I