04-027 City of Spokane Vallcy 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99200 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-027 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 22"d day of June, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERTY RELATED THERETO. ~ Section 1 states that the purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the City Comprehensive Plan and Maps and amend the City Zoning Map to permit the property described herein to be used in a consistent manner. SecNon 2 states the findings of the City Council and that the amendments promote the best interest of the City and fulfill the objectives of the Growth Management Act Section 3 states that the property is described on the attached exhibit. Section 4 amends the Comprehensive Plan and Map for property located at the Northwest corner of Barker Road and Boone Avenue, being described as parcel # 55181.2601 and parcel # 55181.2603. Section 5 amends the Official Zoning Map for the property as described above. Section 6 adopts by reference other laws as applicable Section 7 states that the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map are maintained in the off-ice of the City Clerk and Department of Community Development. Section 8 describes liability Section 9 provides for a severability clause. Section 10 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-027 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: July 2, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 027, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. " `~hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPERIOR CDURT OF WASHINGTON FUR SPOKANE COLTNTY In tYte Matter of NC3TICE OF C3RDINANCE PASSED ~ No. City of 5pokane Valley ) Or'drlllilCE 1'Jo. 04-027 ~ AFFTDAVIT C7F PU$L.ISHIIVG ~ NOTICE } ) STATE OF W ASHINGTCJN } }ss. Cvunty of Spakane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN , being first duly sw4rn on aath deposes and says that he Ts the IvIANAGTN'G EDITOR „ of The $pakane'lJalley News HeraTd, a weekly newspaper. Tha t said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six manths ptioa to the date of #he pubUcafiion hereinafter referred to, pubIished in the English languag+e continually as a wcekly newspaptx in Spdkane Caunty, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printeci in an office maintained at the afaresaid place 4f publicatic►n of said newspaper, iwhich said newspaper had been appraved as alegal newspaper by order of the Superiar Court of the State of Washington in and for Spvlcane Counky. That the follawingis a true eDpy of a vublic notice as't was publisheci in regulaz issuescommendngan thc 2nd dav of uly. 2[]04., andending the Znd dat+ of iu lv. 2 all dakesin v andthatsueh nevrrsPaPer was regularly distributeci ta its subscribers during all of said peri«i: ' ~ r Nt3T4GE pF ORUINANGE PASSEf} BY SPUKkNE VAILEY GlTY COUIUCIL Tha followinQ is the fiUe and summary a! SUBSC nd SWURN to before rrie Ordinance No. 04•027 passeci by the C,ly of o~ e 2oa~gy C"y Cou~r an me azna a8y th15 2n Vof TulV, 2004. AN C3Rp4MAhECE OF 7WE CfTY C!F State O Washington SPOKANE VALLEY, SPCJKANE CDl1NTY. Cou~ty of Spok~n~ WASllihiGl'C?N, AMEN01[~G THE COA+(PF1E- FiEN51VE PLAN AIVQ ZpNll'VG MAPS C}F TNE C1TY AND PROYf[]ING FOp C]TNER MAT7ERS PR(3PERTY RELATED THERE- I ccrtify tha t I knvw or hawe satisfaetory ewidence that Ta Michael Huffman is the rson who appeared befvre Secticsn 1 states thar lhe purpase of thfs mE.', and said person aeI'1C3W1edgE'd that he signed Clrdinance is to amentl the CiCy Cmmprahen- thiS 1fiStTLiment aIIU aClr.IIOWiCU C~ It tQ ~~`i1S {1'~ sive P1an anG Maps and a~nend tt~e Cily gi2 Ztrning AAap to permii Rhe properEy desCrihed RqF ~ and aoluntary act for the uses and purposes men- hsrain to be us~sd in a earsistea~r +mann~. e'L 'fR. tioned in the instrument. SeCUOn Z states !hs findinQS ai !he City ~ "~"•o ~ y1 ~ MS f1 Council and th$t tha amendmenls promote + 30 ' the best 'snterest of 1he City and fulfill the - ~ p~rARY abj~tives at the Growfh Managrement Act BLIC r~Fjjolene : Rae V1+'entz 8ection 3 states that the property is re-a'= described on tha aRtached euhs~il. p~''«•••••••1~y~'~~.• ~'Itl£: NO'~c7i`~' Pll~7liC Sactivn d amends ihe Compreheiisive FIAn ~A$~ ►►~1~ My aPpoirrtment expires; 1-i-16-07 and Map ior prcapersy Iccaled at the Nanhwesi CDmer of Barker Raad aMd Bnane Avenue, being describe0 as parca[ 0 55181.2601 and pSrCal N 551812603. SectiorM 5 amends the Off+cwat Zaning Map ~ for the qtDpeRy as descnbed 8b4ve. 5eet+an S adopls by reference othar laws as appliCable Section 7 state5 that Ihe Cortsprehensiva Plan and 2aning Map are maintained in rhe olltCe of Rhg City Clerk end DBganmenR o! GR[11f11U61i1y [}EVAlr]j?fFlBffl . . S6NGtI0f1 8 dB3Cf1b95 fIgbldity Section 9 provides for s ssvetability dausa. Srecuon t!} statas this OrcGnarscff shall be in tuA force and aTtect five (5) days ahar publica- tion of the C}rdinance Sumrrsary. fihe full text of Ordinance Na. 04-027 is avaflable at ths Giry of 5pnicane Vallay City offices as idenlifi8d abDve. A Copy wiN be mailgd upon rxque5f. Christine Batnbridge. Oty crsrc 7-2-z0a