04-032 City of Spokane Valley I1707 E. 5prague Spvkane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 92I-I000 NOTICE OF ORI)INANCE PASSED BY SFOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The follawing is the title and summary of Ord'rnance Nv. 04-032 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 10'h day of August, 2004. AN URDINANCE OF TII-IE CITY QF SFOKANE VAL,Y.EY, SPOKAlYE CUUNTY, WASHINGTQN AMENDING SPOI{ANE VALLEY MUNT+CIPAL +CODE TITLE 5.05 BUSINESS REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE CITY QF SPOKANE VALLEY. The introductory paragraplis state that the Gity desires tv make certain mvdifications ta the City's business registration requirements. Section 1 amends the following sections of SpokaneValley Muoicipal Code Title 5; Section 5.05.010 d+@flllltlpil of bUS1fleS5 Section 5.05.020 business registration requirements Seetion 5.05.030 exemptions Secfiion 5.05.050 fees, terms and penalty Section 2 estabiishes a severability clause in thc event some portion of the Qrdinance is held invalid. Sectivn 3 states that this +Drdinance shatl he in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the C)rdinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-032 is available at fhe City of Spokane Valley City affces as identifed above. A copv will be mailed upon request. Christine Baiiibridge, City Clerk Published: August 20, 2004. I certify that I believe the fvregaing summary tv be a true and cvmplete summary of Qrdinance NQ. [}4- _ 032, that the summar-y pravides adequate notice to the public of econten#s of this ardinance, and that the vr4ginal ordinance is crn f le with tile City Clerk. Cliristine Bainbridge, +City Cierk 100, ~ SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of NOT'ICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED ~ No. Ordinance No. (}4-032 ~ City of Spokane Valley ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN, being fust duly sworn on aath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR, of 'lhe Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prfor to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of theStateof Washingtonlnandfor SpokaneCounty. 'Ihat thefollowingis a true copyofapublicnodce aslt waspublishedinregulaz issues commencing on the 20th dav of AuQUSt, 2004„ , and ending the 20th dav of Aueust, 2004 ll dat ' usive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subsaibers during all of said peri . i NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED /BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The foliowinp is the title and summary of 1~6BSCRIBED aVgeust, RN to before me Ordinance No. 04-032 passed by the City of a~~v2 l c<<y c«,~t tne ,ou, ~y this 20th dav of 2004. i AN OROINANCE OF THE CITY OF State of WashinOll SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, COUiI~/ of St~(~kane WASHINGTON AMENDING SPOKANE VAL- _J t"~ LEY MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 5.05 BUSI- NESS REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR THE CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IcertifythatIknoworhavesatisfactory evidencethat . Michael Huffman is the person who appcared before The introductory pardqraphs state that the , i and said person acknowledged tfiat he signcd City desires to make certain modilications to t{N 111111/111 rpe theCity'sbusinessrepistrationrequirements. E.RqF 0this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free Section 1 amends the followinq sec8orts d )0..-+ssio,y~ and voluntary act for the uses_and purposes men- spoka,e v~ley Munic+pal c«de r~ne s: No ~2~ : tioned in ~ie instrum y PrAR, m: ~ . Section 5.05.010 definitirn of business = ~4 V B L l C Cn . - \ I Section 5.05.020 business repfstration j~~ , ~~~L ~----1• - ` ti~4! .r : requiremenls ~ ~Na.Ol~~..• / a ~ se«+«,s.as.o3os~t~s 0/~~wASH1N~~~~ T~len NoarY WP blic Sect~on 5.05.050 fees, terrrts end penelty My appointment expires: 5-16-07 Section 2 establishes a severability dause in the evsrri some porUOn d the Ordinerxe i5 he(d invalid. ~ Sectlon 3 stetes that this Ordinance shall be ~ in tull force and eHect live (5) days aNer puai- cation of the Ordinance Summary. ~ The full text of OrdinenCe No. 04•032 is ~ availeble at the Ctty of Spokane Valley Crry ollices as identitied above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbndqe Gty Clerk Crty of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 rcrol 0-31 _1 nnn