04-034 City of Spvkaoe Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spakane Valley, VVA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NQTICE OF QRDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CIT'Y C()UNCIL The fallowing is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-034 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Cauncil an the l O"l day of August, 2004. AN ORDINANCE C?F THIE CITY [7F SPOKANE VALLEY, WASUILNGTON AMENDING (IRDIIWANCE 03-053 INTERIiVI DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCES AND EKCEPTIQNS; PROVIDING FOR SE'VERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE The intrvductory paragraphs state that the Spokane Valley Ortiinance 03-1753 adopted the SpQkane County Zoning CQde as Interim Developmeilt Regulations Section 1 amends Chapter 14.506 of the Spokane Val4ey Interim Develapment Regulatians as fo(lows: 14.506.000 states the intent that the Community Development Director may approve minor deviatians to certain development requirements 14.506.020 states the allowed exceptions 14.506.030 sets out the appraval criteria 14.506.040 explaxns the pracedures 5eetian 2 repeals Section 14.404.090 Administrative Variance Section 3 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion ofthe Ordinance is he1d invalid. Section 4 states that this Ordinance shall be in fu4l force and effect five (5) days after puhlication of the C3rdinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-034 is available at the Ciry of Spokane Ualley City offices as identified abave. A capy wil! 6e mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Puhlished: qugust 20, 2004. I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and cornplete summary of Urdinance Na. 04- 034, that the summary provides adequate notice ta the public of cantents of this vrdinance, and that the original ardinance is on file with the City Clerk. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ I , . SUPER.IC7R C(7URT C7F WASHINGTC7N FOR. SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of NOTICE C)F URDINAIVCE PASSED ~ Na. C7rdinance No. 04-034 ~ City of Spakane Valley ~ AFFIDAVIT aF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ) STATE OF WASHINGTQN } )ss. Cvuniy of Spakane ) MICI-iAEL I-[UFFMAN , being first duly sworn on aath deposes and says #hat he is thc MAIVAGII"JC EDtTOR of The Sp+akane Vafley News Herald, a wcckiy rtewspaper. That said riewspa,per is a legal newspapcr annd it is naw and has been for more than six manths prior ta the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continualiy as a weekly newspaper in Spnkane County, VI+''ashington, and it is now and during all of said tirne was printcd in an office maintained at the aforesaid plaee of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a lr- gal newspaper by oraer of the SuperiQr Caurt of the State af'GVa,shington in and for Spoicane Caunty. That khe foliawing is a true oogy of a public natice as it was published ".regular issues cvmmendng an the 2Oith c~a a€ Augusc, 2004. , and ending the 2(hh da.} of August~ 2(l(~4 al! datcs in v~, anc3 thiat such nervspapes was regularly distributed to iks subscribers during all of said periad: - NpTPCE OF {?RL}fNANCE PASSED BY SPOlCpNE VALLEY CITY CQUNCIL €he 1o11owing Es the sitte and summary of ~,+~J~nc~-~~~ t4 befr~re me C}rdinance Pto. 04-034 passe~i by the City of , Spokane Valisy City GBUnCi[ on the l pth day `''f ~ or ,~,gUst. 2cxka. this 20th da~"~'~, st. 2004. AN c~ac~ir~prvcE c~F rr~E ci-rY oF "~tate of NTashi~i t n SPCYKAIVE VALLEY, WASH4hiGTl°IV AMEN- ~ airvG OFiDiN,nr;cE 03-053 INTEaiM aEvEL- County of Spakane QPfN€NT REGULATIOI'+!5 RELAT6NG TC] ADNiINISTRA7IVE VAFiiAhJCES AND EX- cEpTioNs; PROvioING FoR sEvERASU- Icertify that I knnw or have satisfactory evidence that 'Y ""1° EFFECT'VE °ATE Michacl HufFinan is the person who appcared before The inSroduCiot}+ paragrap115 5[aI9 that the I71e, and &aid person acknowIedged tFiat he signed Spokane Walley Ordinancca 03-053 adopded rhe Spokane County Zoning Code as Intenm this instruxnent and aeknowledged it to be his free t3evelapmrsn! Re4ulations r,"o1ti11+111r~11`f and voluntary aet for the uses and purposes men- Section 1 amends Criaptar 14.506 of the ~~.:.R;~~ tioned in tl~~instrument. ~y''.~SSiDly'•+~,~~r~ •`'.,k SpOkane ValEey fnterirn Deveiopment Regu• p~ latia7s as fallows: ~F+,a.lZ ~ • - c- . 14.506_000 states tne intent thst the 0 nrora p~$LRY ~y ~ Community Developrnent qirector rnay -~i c Jalene Rae Wentz apprr~ve minpr derrlaiions io certafn deva4pp- '7~'% menr►equirsmencs id'"'•.~~Q.aT~,,r~~ C?`.~ ~'1tlC; NQtary Public 14.506.020 states the a1lowed axcaptions ~~i~f~'I/ASH~''a~~,s~` My appointment expires` J~-I l~-'~7 14.50[3A34 sefs aut the appraval crileria t 1~~ I~ y ~ ~ 14_506.040 explauns the procedures ~ 5eCl4pn 2 rspeals 5ecliqn 14.404.090 Administratiwe Yariance Section 3 es4ablishas e severabilsty clausa in Ihe evartit same portaon of the C}rd+nanC9 is F301d inv8lid. 5ectiors 4 5ia4es ihat ihis Ordinence shail be !n iull force and efiect Eive (S) days aftar pubfi- . cation ai tha f3rdtnance Swmmary "fhA fuR texS of CardinanCB NCf. 04-034 iS avaiia;blB aR the Ci#y of Spakane Vrsiley City oifiGes o5 iciantifiud abave. A Copy wItll lae mailed +upon request. Chrls4ine Balnbrkdpe City Ct@rk 8-20-2004