04-035 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE QF ORDINANCE PA5SEU BY SF(]KANE VALLEY CIT'Y COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-035 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Cauncil on the 24°' day of August, 2004. AN (7RDINANCE OF THE CITY (1F SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTl7N AM.ENDING OF.DINANCE 03-053 TO PROVLDE INTERIII+'I Zt7NING FURSUANT TQ CHAPTER 14.615 URBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (UR-1) ZC}NE ESTABL,ISHED► HEFtEIN. The introductory paragraphs state tlaat the Interim Zoning Cade sgecifies amaximum net density for all cesidential zoning districts an+d certain neaghbarhoQds designated for Low Density Residential uses have requested consideration of a regulatary mechanism that would continue to permit the keeping of a limited number of large animals; and that thase neighborhQods have been in existence for over twenty-fve years. Section 1 amends Chapter 14.615 of the Interim Zoning Code as follvws: 14.615.100 states the purpose and inteiit is to preserve the character and vitality of certain neiglibarhaods 14.615.210 states the permitted uses 14.615.224 sets out the accessory uses 14.615.230 explains the prohibited uses 14.615.240 sets aut the conditional uses 14.615.300 explains the development staiidards 14.615.305 expIains density 14.615.310 states the mrnimusn lot area 14,615.315 states the iiiinimum frontage 14.615.325 states the minimum yards 14.615.330 states the rnaximum building correrage 14.615.335 states the max.imum building height 14.615.340 states the parking standards 14.615.345 sets aut the signage standards 14.615.350 sets out the landscaping standards 14.615.355 explains the stvrage standards Section 2 amends the Zoning Map ta establish Urban Residential Estate (UR--1 ) zoning on two specific tracts Section 3 amends the Zoning Code, Section 14.605,020 Resrdential Use Matrix Section 4 adopts other laws by reference Section 5 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Qrdinance is held invatid. 5ection 6 states that this Clydinance shall be in full force and effect fsve (S) days after publication of the Ordinance SLimmary. `3'he full text of Ordinance No. 04-035 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City affices as identified abc+ye. A capy will be mailed upon request. . Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: September 3, 2004 I certify that I belieUe tlle foregoing summary to be a tt'ue and complete summary of Qrdinance No. 04- 035, tiiat the summary provides adequate notice to the public a cvntents vf t1-ris ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Glerk. ~ Ghris ine ainb ~ig , Aity Clerk ~ StJPERI4R C4URT OF WASHIl~IGTON FOR SPOKA.I~1E C~UNTY In the Matter of NOTICE ~F ORDIl"~ANCE PASSED ~ No. ardinance No. 04-035 ~ City of Spokane Vall~y ~ AFF~DAVIT 0~ PUBLISHING ~ NQTICE ) ~ STAT'E QF WASHIl'~1GTON ) Caunry of Spokane } MICHAEL F1IIFFMAN bcing first duly swom on aath depo~ and says that hc is the [NM1AG WG El]ITOC~ , of The Spokane Valley fJervs Herald, a weekly newspa~er, That said newspaper i~ a legal ncwspaper an~ It is now and has been far mo~e khan six months prior to khe date of the publicatian hereinafter referred to, publist~ed in the English language continually as a weekly newspa~er in Spokane C~~nty, Washington, and it is novr and durin~all nf said ~me was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said news~aper had ~een approved as a legal newspaper by arder of the Superior Court aF the State af Washington in and for Spokane Caunty. 'I'hat the following is a true mpy c~f a~Eic notice as it was pu~lished in regular issues cammencing an the 3rd da}! af September, 20fk~1, and ending thc 3rd da of Se tem r 2(}~ aU da inclusive, and that such newspaper w~s regularly diskributed to its subscribcrs dwing all ~f said~r~ d: - c►cy or spakane vauer ~ ~ 117a1 E. Spregue Spakane4alley,1NA992a6 c j~~Pj RIBED a~, ORN to before me ~~>g~''9°~ this 3rd dav ~f` ytember, ~004. NOTiCE OF aRDfNANCE PASSED State of Washington BY SPOKANE VALLE'f GITY COUNCIL Caunty af Spc~kane Ths lollowing 1s !he title and summury o1 Ordinance No. 04•035 passed hy lhe Clty ol 1 ccrtif tha t I knowor havesatisfacto evid~nce thak Spakane Valley City Couneli on Ihe 241n day ~ a►.~aus►, aoo~. h~ichacl Huffcnan is khe person wha appeared before AN p~iQINANCE OF TNE CITY OF me, and said pers~n acknowledged t~iat he signed 5POKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTQN AMEN- ,~tl~~~~~Nll~I~~ this instrum~nt and a~knowl~d cd it ta be hi~ free NiT RI~M ~ZONiNG PllRSUANT~TO ~CHIAP- ~~~~t~,~~~ ~~;~L~',~~~j and voluntary act for the uses and pvrposes men- ~,••`'lssao 'ti~L'~ T€R 14.615 URBAN REStD~NTIR1 ESTATE t10IlCC~ li'r C II1Sti'UI11Cilt. {UR•l) ZqNE E57AF3~.ISHED HEFEIN. : 0 ~ Z: ~ v~ ~ ~ ~~~'~~qy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . The intraductary parapr~phs slate that t#ie ~-I p~6L~c ~ ~ ~ l~ ` lnterim lan€ng Cade Spetifies a ma~nmum nef ~ y• % , l~~ dB~ns~ty for all tesidenlial zoninQ dostricss and i~~.41, J~~~~,~ Rae Wentz C6rtain neighborhoods de5ign~Sad for Low ~r~ ~~"ti.~~,,.~'~c pgns~tyResidontiaiuseshaver~questedcan• ~fjj I+~~~~;~1~`~0~ ~'l~]C; ~Utc7r PU~~1C sideretidn o-f a regulatory r~echanism thal ~~f~~~~i~~~~~t~ y wQU~d eons'~r~ue ta perm3t ~he k~epinp ot a IIm- My c~~7pUl[ltl't]L'ilt CXp1I'E'S: 5-1d-07 it~d nurrr~er ot ~~rpe animais; and that rhose n~~ghbo~haods nsve boen in ekistersce !ar over Iwentyiive years. 5eclion 1 am~nds Chapter 14.615 of Ihe ~n4erim Zoning Cade as lollows: 1 i4.fi15,1D@ stakes th9 purpp.5a Bnd int6nt is E~IJ ka presarve khe cheracter and vilality oi certain ~ ~ nei~hborhor~s t 4.615.210 sia~es ~he pemurtad usas f4,61b,224 sets out lho access~ry ~ses 1+.815.230 expialns the prohibhed us~s 14.615.244 ssls out the conditionai usas 14,615.300 axpleins !he devei~p~r~ent slen- dards 14.515 305 ex~leins den~ity 14.615,310 sfates khe minimum lot area 14.615.315 sta~~s the minimum lrontage 34,615.325 st&tRS th6 mifSIR1Um y9rdS 14,~i15.330 slaies ihe max~mum buildinp COYF:'F~{~8 14.615.335 states the maximum bnllding neipht 14,615,340 stetes 1he perkin~ siende~ds 14.615,345 sels ou1 Che sipnapa star~dards 14.6f5,350 sets out the IandscepinQ sian- dards 14.6i 5.355 explalns ihe sforaqe standards St~Clion 2 am~nds Ihe Zoning Map lo esish• lish ~frben Residential Estale (UR~1y zoning an 1wo spaciflc Iracis SectYOn 3 amends the Znning Code, $eCfiorr 1q.605A20 Resid~ltifll Use Mairix Seclion 4 adapis other laws by reference SeCIiQr~ 5 eslBblishe5 a sever3bili4y cdauSe in ihe eveRt some portion ai Ihe OrdinanCe is hsfd mvafid, Srxlian 6 slaies that this Ordinance shall be in full ior~e and etlecl five [5) days aiter ~bis• cation of the Qrdinance Surnmary. The 3ull text oi ordinance Na. Ok-035 is available at she City a1 5pakane Yglley Ciky gfiices as idenlifi~d above, A capy will he mails~d upon reyuest.  ChdstMne Bainbridge, Cily C1erk 9•3•20D4