04-036 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA. 99246 (509) 921-1000 NClTICE OF ORDINANCE PA.SSED BY SPOKANE VALLE'Y CITY COi3NCIL The fdllowing; is the title and sunimary of Urdinance No, 04-036 passed by the City af Spokane ValAey City Council on the 24`j, day af August, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'TY OF SP4KAIVEi VALLEY, WASHIlw'GTG1N AMENDING ORDINANCE 03-096 PASSED BY THE CITY CQUNCIL QI'+I DECEMBER Z, 2003, A.ND ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE (lF THE CITY QF SPUKANE VALLEY, WASI3INGTCIN ADC)1'TIN+G ABUDGET F+DR THE PERICyD [lF JANUARY I, 2004 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2004 AFPRUFRIATING FiJNIlS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED P(]SITI[]NS;," AS AMENDEI) B'Y +C]RDINANCE 04-015. The introductory paragraphs state that it is necessary to make changes ta the anntaal budget in order to properly perfurm various City functions, services and activities. Section 1 states the revised budget amendmetits Secfion 2 sutnrnarizes the aggregate total for all funds cambined for the budget period as set farth above Section 3 provides far a severability clause. Section 4 states this Ordinancc sha[1 be in t-u11 force and effect fve (5) days afler publicatioii of fihe C}rditiance Summary. The full texfi of Ordinance No. 04-036 is available at the City of Spakane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upan request. Chrisiine Bainbridge, City Clei•k Published: Septembcr 3, 2004. 1 certify that 1 believe the foregaing summary to be a true and complete summary af Clydinance No. 434- 036, that the suinmary provrdes adequate nQtice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ardinance is on fite with tiie City Clerk. gJ ■ 1'+ +4 J ~ • J ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk - strnERIoR eoURT OF WAsHINGToN FoR sPOKAlvE cOvNTY In the Matter of NOTICE OF C)RDIINANCE PA.SSED ~ No. Ordinance No. 04-036 ~ City of Spokane Valley ~ AFF'IDAVIT OF PLTBLYSHING } NOTICE ~ } STATE OF WASHINGT+C]N ) )ss. County of Spvkane ) MICl-iAEL 1-IUFFMAN, being fust duly sworn qn nath drgnses and says that he is kheMANAG[NG EDITDR. of The Spokane Valley News Hcrald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is 31ega1 newspaper and it is now and has been far mare than six months pnor ko the date of the publication hereinasf#er referred kb, published in the English language continuatly as a weekiy newspaper fn Spakane Cvunty, W ashington, and ik is now and during a11 of said dme was printcd in an offire mairttained at the aforesaid place of publieation of said newspaper, which said newspaper had teen approved as a legal newspaper 6y vrder of the Superior Court of tttie Skate of YVashington in and for Spokane Caunty. Tftiat the followir►g is a true copy of a up blic nokice as ik was puhlished in regular issucs commcncing on ihe 3rd da,y of Leptember, 2004. , and ending the 3rd da of Se tember 2044 ll dat"lusive, and that such newspaper was regeilarly distribu#ed to iks subscribcrs during all of sai ria cnr of Spokane vauey 11707 E. 5prague f% - r ` 5p+alCarle Vaiiey, WA 99206 - ~~v~a~~~-,oa, BED nd 1Z.IT tv ~aefare me NoricE oF aRDINpNCe PassEn ~th1S 3rd da of 5 tember. 2004. BY SWOIVMr: VA4..LEY CITY CaUIVCIL State of Washin tDn The ipolawlng is the litfe arad summary at County of Spokane Urcimanca No, 04-036 passed by the City of Spoicarroe Valley City Councii an the 24th day of August. zaoa_ I certify that I know or have satisfactary evidence that AN ORarNANcE vF rwE cITY vF sPo- I'vlichaeI Huffman is th2nowledged crson who appeared before KF1NE VALLEY, WASHINGTpN AMENOIhJ(3 me, and said perst~n that he Signed vRoINAracE oa-oss PrSsED BY THE cmr couNciL aN aEc~MBEM a zoaa. Arva %WaF►6r►1, khis instrumcnt and acknowl€:dged it to be his free EIVTiTLED 'AN OACIINANCE OF THE Cft1f and voluntary act fc,r the uscs and purposes men- QF SPCIKAIVE VALLEY, WASFifIVGTO[Y `4 > > > ~ ~a~: ssio~, ~tlonc.in t tn5trurtzent, aaoPTirvG ,a $upGET roR rr~E PERiOD CiF JANI}ARY 1, 2004 7hlROUGN DECEM• . ~ BER 91, 2004 APPRdPRIATIt~iG FUNDS + : a . • G N ~ . T AND ESTRBLiSMING SALAFIY SCHEDl11_ES o ' PU +4Hr FOR ESTABIiSHED PO5iT1(7NS;" AS ~Lle AM4EtUDEf7 BY fJRL71NANCE 04-015. Z'Pti ~ alene Rae~,Wentz The intrCxfuelory pareQraghs sfafe lhai it is •~+~'j~0~`"•~$.:~+-''~~~~~~,~lti~: 1yUtciTy PL1vI1C necsssary ttr rnake chenqes to the annual ~t H+',qSl'Affi bucipel dn artier lp properly pertarm various MY apPointment expircs: 5-16-07 Ciky IunctiDns, SBrvtCAS arld ACtiaifie5. Sctitnn 1 stake5 4ha tevised budget ametid- ments Seciioit 2 surnmarixss she agqrepatg tosaf tar ali fun(Js c4mbined for eha budget penod as set tarth above Se,ctivn 3 provides (or a ssverability clause, J Secnnn 4 slates this C7►[Ifnance shalf be in ! lvll torea anp eftect tiva {5) days aYtsr publicc►- ~ tion of the C?rdimmnce Summury, The 4uli text o! Qrdinance No. 04•036 is available ac ihe Gity of Spokat7o Valley City ofTlCas as identflied aDau6, A eopy will 06 maEied upon requ6st. Chrisiine E#ainbridge, City Cieak "2a1>a 1