04-037 City of Snakane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 94206 (509) 921-1000 N(]TICE f}F URDINANCE PASSEDr BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The fQllowing is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-037 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 14t' day of September, 2004. AN (IR,DINA.NCE OF THE CYTY QF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASIUN+GTON AMENI)ING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE 3.25.020(B), GAMBLING TAX REGULATION'S FOR THE CITY OF SFQKAIVTE VALLEY. The introductory paragraphs state that Spokane Valley Qrdinance 03-028 was adopted January 28, 2003 and effective upon date of incorpvration, and was later codifed inia the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SWMC) Chapter 3.25, Gambling Tax. Sectiatt 1 states the intent of this ordinance is to repeal "SVMC 3.25.020(B), tv be replaced witll a new SV1"viC 3.25.020(B) that becvmes effective in the future in a manner that the tax rate will bc uniform for a11 businesses engaged in pulftab and punchboard ,gaming. Sectivn 2 repeals SVMC 3.25.020(B) effective ()ctober I, 2004, Sec#ion 3 replaces SVMC 3.25.020(B), whici3 hecames effective July I, 2007, wliieh states that all organizatiotls, whether for prafit, nQnprofit ar bona Fide charitable, shall pay a tax in an amount equal ta five nercent (5°fo) of the gross receipts from the operation of punchboards and pulltabs, less the amount awarded as cash or merchandise prizes. Sec#ion 4 explains the two optinns for payment of taxes from those businesses vbligated to pay same, that have an arrearage an thaE tax obligatian. Seetion 5 provides far a severabi3ity clause. Section 6 states that the provisions v#"this chapter shall be in addition to and nat a substitute far or limited by any o'ther applicable ~aws, Section 7 states this Ordinance shall be in full foree and effect fiwe (5) days after publication of t11e Ordinance Summary_ The full text of Qrdinance Na. 44-037 is avai(able at the City of Spokane Vatley City offces as identiGed abovc. A capy will be snailed Llpon request. Christine 8ainbridge, City Cierk Publisheci: September 24, 2004. I certify that I believe the foregoing summary ta be a true and cornplete summary of C}rdinance No. 04- 037, that the surnmary provides adequate notice to the public the cvntents of this ordinanee, and that the original ordinance is an file with the City Clerk. ~ - -Christine Bainaridge, City Clerk SUPERIC7R COLTRT OF WASHINGTON FUR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of NOTICE QF ORDINA1\TCE I'ASSED ~ No. C?rd%nance N'o. 04-037 } City of Spokane Valley ~ AFFTDAVIT OF PUBLISHIlNG ~ NQTICE ) } STATE QF WASHIIVGTC7N } )SS. Counfiy of Spokane ) MICNAEL HUFFMAN , being first du.ly sworn on nakh depases and says that he is the M ANACIIVG EDITDR , of '[le Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been far more than sf x months prior to the date of the publicatian hereinafter referred to, published in the English language cgntiszually as a wcckly newspaper In Spokane County,lNashingtan, and it is naw and during all of said tinae was printei in an dfFice mainkaineci at the aforcsaid piacc of publicatian of sriid nevvspapc:r, which said news;paper had been approve+d as a legal ne►,vSpaJerby order of the Superior Court of theSkate of Washington in and Far SpQlcane County. That khe fQllowing is a true mpy of a public noace as it was publishcd in regular issues commencing on the 24th day of September. 20Q4. , and ending the 24th day of Setatetnber, _ 2004 #1 dates iriciusive, and that such newsgapcr was regLgwly ciistrlbuted ta Iks subscribers d urtng all of said~iQ . ' NDTICE OF ORUINA'NCE PASSEL3 BY 3PC7KAfi4E VALLEY CI"fY G(7UNCOL f~ YE7e t0II0VYIS1g 1$ SIl$ I6tI6 aIICI SUR}f3'18fY 0f S S RIBEIJW+DRN to before me CYrdinanCe Nq. 04-037 pa5sed by 1he Cily ssi t r 2004. Spakane Va11ey Cs;y Council r~n 4fia idifl [fay this 24th d~6f S~tember, al 5eptember, 2004. AN annINANcE oF rHE cITv vF State of WashingtQn SPOKANE VALLEY. WASHING70N County of Spokane AMEINf]IIVG SPQKAIUE WALL€Y MUNIG• IRAL COOE 3.25.02(](B), CaAMBLING 1"A?C REGULATIC3N5 F[]R YHE CITY UF I ccrtify that I know or have satisfaetory evidence t}iat Sp°K'°"r'E VALLEY` Miehael Hutfman is th~ rsc~n wl~o appeared bcfore The inlepduGEc~ry RaraUraphs stale Shel 171~?f anci said persc~n that he signed en ~anuary zs~ Ordinance and e e~r~ swupcn,~ara E~~A Ethis instrument and acknowledged ik k4 be his free of Incorporgtton, an(J was Iatet C4dified' inYO ~1F.,,.... ~nd valuntary act for the uses and purposes tnen- the 5pc~kano Valley MurncV}sal Ccs~s (SVMC~ Chapter 3.25, Ga„blinQ Tax, ~tiQned in the instrument. SaCtlcsn 1 slates the Intant a( this ordir;ance = NbT,~RY 1s 3o rapeai SVMC 3.25.020(8), ia be replaced ~ tPUULiC w+tfi ct new SVMC 3.25,020(E3) 4hai bscam$s ~ ~A\ ' M ~ - "~;1 ~ eiteciive in the future +n a msnnar thnt the tax ti.. e,.d,,.0' olene ~'CtltZ rale will be uniform for all bu5inessos T •~S~ ~ J enqap+ed in pulftab and punchbvard aaming. WAOTitle: ~iqtary l~ublic 5ectfon 2 repeals svMC 3.25.020(B) etiec• 11'C`S' 5-16-07 tive C3ctaber t, 2004. N'[y appC) iTtitI71C'ilt LXp' 5ection 3 repleces SVMC 3.25,020(B), whfch becotnes efiQC9ive Ju'ly 1, 2D47, wh'tch stasas lhat all arQanizations, r,fiethgr far proCt, nonprofit pr bana flde charitabie, shall pay a iax in an amouni equaf to 1ive pBrCent (5%) pd y f r the gross receipts lrom tha aperation of punchbaards ancl puilkabs, less 1hs arnount awarded as ces1t or merchandise prizss, 5Wion 4 exp3alns the xwa options for pay- rrugnt of ttifces frOm those du5inessa5 pbiigat- ad ta pfsy some, lhert hmve an arrearag8 ori tfiat tax Qblipation. Seclion 5 providas ior a sevarability clausa. Sectian 6 states that !he prvvisians ol this chapter shall ba in addition sa and not a sub- stitute ior or limited 6y eny o3her appiicable laws. Section i staSes this Urdinance shall be in tull torce and effect five (5) days afler pubiica- Uen of tha Ortlinance Sunrunary The fuu texi of Ordinanca No. 04-037 is @vailablQ at !he C+ty of Spokans Valiey City oft'rces as identilied sbove. A copy will b$ m8iled upon requesi. 9-?4-2t104