04-038 ~ City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. 5prague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF URDIlNANCE PASSED BY SPQKANE VALI.EY CITY COi7NCIL The follawing is tl-►e title and sumtnary of Ordsnance No. 04,038 passed by the City of Spokane Va11ey City Council on the 28`h day of September, 2404. AN OItDINAIYCE O'F THE CITY ClF 5P[)KAIYE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING SECTIQN ?.UG OF THE SPUKANE VALLEY UNTFQRM DEVEL(]FINENT CODE; AMENDING ORDINA1VCE lYo. 03-(}53 BY AMENDING SE+CTIUN 14.810.020 FEIYCES OF THE INTERIM ZUIWING CUDE; AMENllING ORDINANCE N0, 03-$3 RELATING TO THE FRQHIBITIQtV flF h1UISANCES; FR+DVIUING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The intradtictary paragraphs state that the Interim Zc►ning Cvde regulates the placement of fences and vegetative screens; and ordinance 03-083 prvwides that public walkways, sidewalks or streets sha11 not be obstructed nor shall the view of traffic or traffic contco] devices be obstructed. Section 1 establishes section 7.06 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Developmeat Code and defines clear view triangles. Section 2 amends seetian 14.810.020 concerning fences Section 3 amends ordinance 03-083 nuisances to include any fence that obstructs or hinders any public walkway, sidewalk, or street or that obstructs or obscures the wiew vftrat'fic vr traffic control devices Section 4 provides for a seVerability clause. Section 5 states this Ordinance sliall be in full force and effect five (5) days afEer publication of the Ordinance Suinmary. The fuli text of Ordinance Na. 04-038 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A capy will he mailed upan request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: Octuber S, 2004 I certify that I helieve the faregoiiig suininary tv be a true and cvmplete summary of Qrdinance No. 04- 0387 that the sEimmary provides adequate notice tv the pubtic of the contents of this c►rdinance, and that fihe original ardinance is on file with the City Clerk, . ~ - Az--- Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPERIOR GC)URT C)F WASHINGTON FC)R SPOKANE CC]LTNTY In the Matter of NfJTICE OF URDINANCE PASSED ~ Ie7o. By Spokane Valley City Cauneil ~ Ordinanee Na, 04-038 ~ AFFTDAVIT C7F PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE } ) STATE C)F VVASHINGTON ) }ss. County of Spakane } MICN,AEL HllFFMAN , bcing first duly sworn on oath depases and says that he is the PvtANAGING EDITOR, of The Spcfkane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That saId newspaper Is alegal newspaper and it is naw artd has been #or more than six manths priar to the date of the publicak{Qn hereinafker referred to, published in the Englfsh language coniinually as a weekly news,pap+er in SpakaneCoun#y, Washington, and it is now and duringall of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aForcsaid place of piahlicativn of said newspaper, whieh said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order aF Yhe Superior Caurt of the State of Washingion in and fvr Spokane Caunty. That the following is a true oopy of a public nokic+e as It was publ[shecl in regular issues commendng on the 8th dav of October. 2004. , and ending the Sth dav of Qctoter, 2004 a11 datc_s,dnclusive, and chat such nervspapcr ~s regularly dislributed to i~s subscribess during all c~f said pcriod: , NC)TIGE OF QRDMIVAFxCE PASSED ~ r' 6Y S#'QICIWE MALLEY CITY GQUNGIL y~ F i'he tollawlnQ is thQ tllle and summary at Z~LJSCR111L6,2m'd~£VVURN to befare rne S~okana V~18y Ci ~ ~ ~,b; ~ ~y this 8th dav-'of O'ctober, 2004. a# Seplembgr. 2004, Arv aRDiNarrcE oF rHE ciTr oF Siake oF'VVashingtoi1 sPOxANE vauEr, wasHirvGTan,, r=s-rAB- County of Spokane LkSHlNG SECTION 7,06 C]F TWE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVEI.OPMEN7 C+D13E: AMENDING GaRDINA,NCE Nv. 03•053 BY I certi fy khak I know Qr have satisfactory evidence that AMENDiNG SEGTION 14.810.024 FENCES O€ rr~E Ir~TERI~n zOn~I~rG cc~DE; ~,E~,D- Michac~l Huffman is thepersvn rnrhv ap ared before Tr ING dfiClFtYANCE Nn, 03•83 RELATING TO me, and said pcrson acknowledged tat hc signed T}#E PRQWISf310N fJF (Vt1kSAtJCES; PR(3- TIVE DATOR SEVEFIABILi7Y AND EFFEC- tAlE11Rq~►I,,rrf th►s instn.iment and acknawledged it to be his free ,........F and vc~luntaz-y act fQr the uses ar~d purposes men- Th0 ir]lrbdUC#OSy pArsgraphs SEat91h8t the ~,.k~ o N~~-:~,Z `tiC}Ret~ lIl f~le 1IlSfI"UTIIE.'ilt. Interim Zon'rng Cnde r€~gutat~ the placemrant : p -a ~ - ~ of (ences an0 vegstative screens; and ordi- = ty NQrqRV 0S t-4~ nance U3-483 provid99 that pubfio wa)kways, =-~i AusLJ eidewalka ar airecla 3ha11 nvt be cr;bsiruciad ~ y c 77 nor ahall fhe view oi Iraffic nr Iraffic eantrol devices be rrbsiructed- r'''~~~ ~~.,~Q.67~,.•`~O JoIC'I3C Ra WeIitZ Sactlqn 1 BstaGllrhes 6eCtian 7.06 of thg ~f+'f WASH1(A,NTitle: Nat y Public SpokanB ValEey llniform Devs►apmer+t Ccde ~f 111111101 ana uefrnes a~ar view t,iangios. MYaPpoi Ii k r`rzent exp i res: 5-1 6-07 sac,ivn 2 ame„ds secusx, I4.810.020 con- ceming feneft Section 3 amends ordfnartce 413-083 nul• sancBg to inc3ude any tenee that obstnxts pr hindars any pub1ic walkway, sidewaik, or - stnoot or that obstsucts or obscures the viaw of - traflic or traffic eonirol devicecs so:ilnn 4 pmvides for a severAhiiity Clause. Sectian 5 atatas this Qrdinance shsll be in fuil lorco nnd etfW fiva (S) deys ahar pubiiw- tion d the Qrdinance Summary. The fuil text of Orctinance Mo. 04-038 !s availabte at tha City o! Spakane Valjoy City 'pff 4C6$ 8S Id$ntl}19~ SbQV9, A Cqpy WIll b6 msiled upon raquw. Christina Unhridpe Chy CFerk t 0-8-2ooa I