04-039 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague SpakaDe Valley, WA 992(}+6 (509) 921-I000 NOTICE OF ()►RDII'+iANCE PASSED Ii'Scr SP{7KANE VALLEY CITY C'QUNCIL The fo1lowing is the titie and summary of Ordinance No. 04-039 passed by the City af Spvkane Valie}r City CQUncil on the 28`h day of September, 2044. AN +DRDINANGE OF THE CITY OF SF+QKANE VALLEY, VYASHINGTQN, PRQVIDING FaR THE VACATION OF AN UNIMFRQVED TWENTY (20)- FOOT ALLEY LQCATED EAS"T' OF VISTA 1tOAD APPROXIMATELY ONE BLO+CK SOUTH OF SPRAGi.TE AVENUE, AND PRdVIDING FUR QTHER MATTERS PR(}PERLY RELATING THERETU. The intrvductory paragraphs state that a hearing was held before the Planning Commission and it has been determined that vacation ofthe above-referenced street complies with Spvkane Valley Municipal GQde Chapter 10.05. Section 1 states t11e I`indings vf Fact concerning the proposed vacatiDn. Seetion Z vacates the street or ailey described on the attached exiibit A. Section 3 states the zaning designation fvr the vacated property. Sectian 4 states that certain conditions of vacation shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. Sectioa 5 pravides that following satisfaction of the above-mentioned conditivns, a certifed cvpy shall be recorded in the office of the Cvunty A.uditor. 5ectian b prQVides for a severability clause. Section 7 states this C?rdinance shail be in full fvrce and et'fect fve (5) days a.fter publicativn of the t7rdinance Summary. The full text of C)rdinance No. 04-039 is available at the Ctty of Spokane Valley City offices as idecltified abave. A copy wi11 be mailed upon request. Christine Baiiibridge, City Clerk Published: October 8, 2004. I certify that i believe the foregoing summary to be a true and eomplete summary of (3rdinance No. 04- 039, that the summary prvvides adequate notice to the public of the contents nf this ordinance, and that the ariginal ordinance is an file with the City Clerk. ~ ' -Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk J SUPERIOR CflURT OF'L/1lASHINGTC)N FDR SPCaKANE COUNTY In #he Matter of NO►TICE +C7F C)RI]]1~TANCE PASSED ~ Na. By Spakane Valley City Council ~ Ordanance N'a. 04-039 ~ AFFII]AVIT OF PCJBLISHING ~ N+aTiC E ) ~ STATE t]F WASHIlNGTC)N ~ }ss. Cvunty of Spokane } MIC7-IAEL HUFFMAN_ , heing first ciuly sworn on oath deposes and says that t►e is the MAIUAGING ED[TOR, of 'T"he Spokarie Valley News HeraId, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been far more than six months prior ta khe date of the pubZication hereinafter referred to, published in the English ianguage contin,ually as a weekly nevvspaper in Spakane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, whlch said newspaper had been appaoWed as a legal newspaper by order of the Supesior Court of the 5tate of Washington in and f4r Spokane County. Thai the foUowisig is a true capy of a public notice as it was gubtished in reguiar issues commencing on the 8th day of Uctober. 20()4, , and cnding the 8th dav of Oetobcr, , 2(}04 a11 dates indtssive, and chat such nuewspaper rvas regtalarly diskribuEel ta its subsc=ibers during all of said NOTfGE Or- ORbiNANCE PASSEf1 ~•'r r f• BY SPf7lCAME YA4lEY CITY C;Ui)#JGIL ~ The follawlnp is 1he title and summary of ~ BSCRI Y D~ SWOTtItiT to befare me Ordirtanae No. Q4-039 il bY the Ciby o# s,x,kans vaiie,~ ~ity co,rrJl a,,ft za,n day this Sth da.~ OctobeX. 2004. of sBp,ember. 2004. AN CYRL71MANCE OF THE CITY OF State of Vllashington SPOKAM1IE VALLEY, WASHINGT(7N, PRo- County of Spakane vIaiwG FvPt rHE VwcATEaN OF wN urviM- PROVED TWENTY {20)- FQC?'f ALLEY LocArED Easr oF vIsrA RoaD APPRvx- I certi fy that I knowQr have satisfactory evidence that IMATELY ON~ BLocK souTH oF SPRAOUE AVENIJ£. AND PRC)VIDING FQR Michacl Huf fman is the crson wha a Peared befare ~ ~ QTFiE~t MATTFRS PROPERLY FiELA7{NG nie, aiZc~ said person acnowledged # at hc signed T~,ER~°. this instrument aiid aekj~►t~wledged ik to be his free ~►~1~~ir~r,~ - The inttodwctdry paraqraphs slate that a hearinq was held beicsrs the Plann'rng {~q~ and voiuntary act for the us~es ar~d purppses m+~n- ♦ CL i Canmissicro snd it has been ~ieterrnined that . ~~':•'y~SION tianed in t C 1I15tI'U1ZZetlt. vacation of the above-referenced s[reet com- Q, t,q•. ~ plias wilh Spokane Valley Municipal Gade y Chapter 10.05. ~~TaRY e ~n; N PUBLIc t ~ Seckion 1 slates t#te Findin~s o( Fact con- f 2+ cemtng 11v pr~ r~a;tion. ~ -fo•0'~ Q ~ ~~1~IlC ~~lL' Y~'P LIl t r Tltle: NC~far~ Public Section 2 usc21es tr~e straet or allay ~fi~~`F y~Ar~M\~~ ~~rsroa«,mean~~,~exrnb~a. ~0i+ir1~~1w~+I` My appointrnent expires: 5-16-(}7 Sec4ion 3 states ihe zoniny desipnaticm lar 1he vaceted property. Saction 4 statas tha[ cartatn cDntfltEans of ~ vSC8tI0n Sh811 b8 fu1Yy S81fS}iBd priQr 10 the ,!r t t€an5}6r pT ts4Cg by the Gi4y. Section 5 providas thai lafiowinq satisfac• lian of the above-menrtkoneci cardisicros, a cer• tiTied capy shall Ge recartlsd in ahe otfice ai ihe Covnty AutFitor. Saction 8 pravides for a sQVerebiliRy clau$e. Section 7 state5 this {]rdinance shali de in full forCe atrd aFla~a~t five {5) days after publiC&- tion a! 4he OrddnanCe 5ummary. The full rexl of Ordinence No. 04-039 is ave,ilabls 8s Che Gity of Spolcane VaIIey City qifYces as Idenlified above. A copy wfll be m$ii6d upOn rgquBSt. ChariStirs9 Bdinbtadq9 City Clsrk 10-&2004 Vi