04-040 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-040 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 28`hday of September, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADDING NEW SECTIONS TO SPOKANE VALLEY CITY CODE TITLE 2 ADOPTING A FORMAL POSITION AND DECLARING THE MAINTENANCE OF AN ALL- INCLUSIVE INDEX OF EVERY PUBLIC RECORD, REQUIRED BY RCW 42.17, TO BE UNDULY BURDENSOME; AND DIRECTING THAT ALL INDEXES MAINTAINED FOR INTERNAL CITY USE BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AND COPYING; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The introductory paragraphs state that while RCW 42.17 requires all cities to maintain and make available a current index of public records, if doing so would be unduly burdensome, a city must issue and publish a formal order specifying the reasons why compliance would be unduly burdensome. Section 1 creates new section 2.75.120 and 2.75.130 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 2.75.120 states findings concerning public records indexes Section 2.75.130 states the order that to maintain an all-inclusive index of public records would be unduly burdensome and such a list nearly impossible to create and/or maintain. Section 2 provides for a severability clause. Section 3 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-040 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: October 8, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 040, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. Listine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPER.IQR CC7URT C1F WASHINGTON FflR SPOKANE C+QLJNTY In the Niafter of N(JTICE aF CJR.DINANCE PASSED ~ Na. By Spokane Valley Cihy Cauneil ~ Orrdinanee No. 04-040 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PTJBLISHIING } NC77`ICE ~ ) STATE OF V'VASHINGTON } 3ss. Counhy of Spakane ) Iv1ICHAEL. H[llFFMAN, being firs# duly sworn on aakh depases and says that he is khe MANAGING EDITDR of The Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly neHrspaper. That said newspapcr is a legal newspaper and ic is now and has been for mare than six months prior to the date of the publieatinn hereinafter referred ko, publisheci in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper f n Spakane County, WashingtQn, and ik is now and during ali of saia tirne was prin tcd in an pffice rnaiittaitted at the aforesaici place of publication of said newspaper, whieh said newspaper had taeen approved as a 1egaI nrwspaper by order of the Superior Court of theState of Washington in and for 5pdkane County. 'i'ha# the following is a true copy of a pubiic ncrtice_as it was published in regular issucs rnmmenang on the 8th da af, Qctober. 2004. , and ending the Sth d~av of (?ctcaber, 2004 alt, daces industve, and that such tnewspaper was reg,ularly distribuked to its subsczibers during aIl of said period: ~ NOTiCE OF OFiDfNANCE PASSED ~ BY SPOKANE YALLEY CiTY CbUiYCIL The loitrswlnp is iha t}i4a and summary of ~ ,7CR1BL' SV Y O1rJ. V to beioTe I~e Ordinanee No. 04-040 passed by t1ne Cfty ot Spokane Valfey City Councii ttn the 2f~th day this 8th c~ 4ct+ober, ~Q~4. of seps~mber. 2004. AN OR[31NANCE [7F THE CITY OF Stdt',' of Wa5h1I"IgtOn .SPpKANE VALLEY. SPt]KANE COUNTY, County of Spakanc WASHINGTt}N, AD[31NG NEW 5ECTION5 TC3 SPOKAhIE VALLGY C{TY CC3DE T1TLE 2 AQQPTING A Ft?RMAL PO511'ION ANI7 I Cer{if tliat I know or have satisfactvrevidence that DEGLARING TH€ MAINTEtJANCE QF Ahi y y As.L•INCLUSIVE INDE% f3F EVERY PUBLtlC Michacl Nuffman is thc person who a ppeared before aEcaRO, RFouIRED BY Rcw az 17, Ta BE U9Vf}ULY BURC7EhE5OME, ANR me, ~~itd saitl erson acknawled ed tF1at he si neci 1~9R~C3- ING TNAT A~LL IN[}EXES M,AIN7AINEt7 F(7FS this iiistrunle t anc3 acki~owled, pd it fio be hi ~£ree ~~"ua~lc Ns ~crtp~ ava~ cfl~ iNG; ~1%""'r',jand voluntary act fQr the uses and purpases men- PROVIElfNt3 FOn SEVEfiAB3LITY; AMD ..'q~ ESTABLISNI~JG RN EFFECTIVE CTATE. 44~ d;.+',,~.•,.• Sgt0ly' tianed ia~ the inskrument. . o~ ~ 4 F y - ~ 7he iniraductory paraprapras ciase that ~ise p`~ ;a~ RCW 42.17 raquirea a!I Cdies !Cs mainiain and c~ NbTARY m; t%l= '`ti meSce available e current index of publiG z En~ pU6LrC reGOrrJs, it d(lnq sa waulcl ha untlufy hurden- +."~y,~1 JQlL'IlC' Rae `WeIlltz 7 5pf71~, a city must issue arrd publish 8 lormal ''It1e; 1VQIt~T' Public order spe~eitytnq tn$ reasons why cvmpllar~ce ~o''••:.r.B wauid beunak,lyburder,ssomme. ~WqS ; `0~ ` MY aPpoirttn~ent expires' 5l16-07 Sectian t trea#as naw seclivn 2.75.124 and ' 1811411 2.75.130 di the Spoicane Valley M'unicipel Cod o~de - - `~i ssc+ion 2.75. t aa states 16ndinye ronceminQ puWic reco~ inGa~cas re o SeeEipn 2.75.130 slaRes Ihs ortEar that to mstntain an aft-fnclvsive index of public rGcords would de unduly burdansome and such a list nsarty imposslble ta crgate an[i/ar maintain. Seotion 2 pt+nvides for a sevefabifrty clauga. Sactian 3 states ihis Clydinance shall be in oul4 tarce and 8tfem firre (6) days atteir puUllca- ria+ oi che Urcflnance Surnmary. The full taxt of Qrdirvunce No. 04-040 is axai4abla at the C{iy of SGokane vallay City [rfltces as identified sbare. A cnpy wltl be mei4ad upon rxuast. Ghri3tine Balnbridpo Giiy Clerk 10-8-2~D44i