04-041 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-041 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 26th day of October, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON IN SPOKANE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2005 TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY BUDGET. The introductory paragraphs state that State law authorizes levying regular property taxes. Section 1 imposes upon real property, personal property and utility property, for tax year commencing January l, 2005, $9,870,000; and that the total levy rate shall not exceed $3.60 per one thousand dollars of assessed valuation, less the amount of the highest fire district levy within our city limits. Section 2 stipulates that the City Clerk shall certify to tlle County Legislative Authority, a true and correct copy of this ordinance as well as the budget estimates. Section 3 provides for a severability clause. Section 4 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-041 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: November 5, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 041, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. - Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk - SUI'ERIOR COrURT OF WASHIlNGTON FOR SPOICANE COUN'I`Y In the Matter of NOfiICE UF ORDINANCE PASSED ~ Na. 4rdinance Na. 04-041 } City of Spokane Valley ~ AFFII]AVIT OF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) } STAT'E C]F WASHINGTON ) )sS. County of Spokane ) MTCHAEL HL7FFMAN, being F"ust duly sworn on oath dcpcascs and says that he is the MANAGIM1IG EDIT(]R of The Spvkane VaIIey News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and hss been for mmre iharr six months prior ta the date of the publicatian hcreinafter referred to, publishcd in the EngliSh language cantinually as a weekly newspapez in Spakane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at khe afpresaid place of publication of said nervspaper, which said newspaper had been approaed as a legal newspaper by order of the Supertor Court of the State of Washington in andfor SpcrYcane Cowtry. That the followingis a true oopy of a pubtic notice as it was published in regular issues commencing an khe 5th day of TVovemher. ZiXM. , and ending the 5th a aF ove bc~r 0 -all dates iraclusive, arn,d that sueh newspaper was regularly distribuked ta its subscribers during all of said~d• r~~TICE aF oRDir+ANcE wAssEQ sY sPaKANE vaLtiEY crrY couNcFL r ~ 'alis lollowinq is the titfe and sumrnary ai Ord4nance rvo. 04-043 passed t~y rr,e Csrty csr .S SC d S'WC)RN ta befare me Spakane Vauay CfSy Councll on the 25tA day Oct°°er, 2004. this Sth daNovembex, 2004. ADJ QROINANCE t7F TF4E CITY QF SPO- ~ KANE VALLEY, WASMIlVCs?Ot~l, LEVY69VG State of VIJ.~sh~iYlgt(]n 7HE REGl1LAR PFiCtPERTY TAXES FOR County o1'Spokane rHE cI'rv Or sPoKa,NE aALLEV, wAsH- 3NGTC3N IN SP{lKANE COUN7Y FC3R 71-IE YEAFi CUMMCNCING JANUMY 1, 2005 ra I cerkif that I knvw or have satisfaeto evidence that P'RQVIbE REVE~S~JE F4Fi ClTY SERVICES ~ ~ As sF-r waRTM IN THE cIrY Bu4Ges Michael Hti ffman is the pcrson who appeared bcfore The tntroduCtory paragraphs state thss n1eA and said person ackilsawledC~sr ed that he sit~pned State law alnhnrizes lauyinp regular property this irZstrument and acknowled ed it to be his free t~as. .~~+s, i ~ri~~'f•,, Aa,E and valuntary ack fQr the uses and purposes men- Sectian 1 impases s~por~ rasl pcoperty, per. r~,, ' t~oned in th~ instrument. sanal praperty and util~rv Rroparty, tor dax year ~,~.•'Ng 9tQN E.r~y' - comrnencinp January 1, 2005. $9,870,000; + O,•~` and that the t09a9 I~xvy tiita shBq n[sf BxCef~d -~:4NOSp;FiY $3.60 per vne shousand dallars of assessed ~ 3 valuaGon, less th5 emoun# of the highesl fire r ~ - district 6svy wlthin our ciry I{mlis. ~ ~ Jc~lcne fRe ~C~~i Sectlon 2 5tepu1ate5 1F~at the Gity Cfark shalt Ti t le. ,y Pu6lic canify ta the County Lagislativa Authqrily, a M~ ointment ex ire5• • 5-1f~-07 tru[~ and correct copy of this ordinence as well }r ~p p as She budpet estimaSes. SeCtinn 3 prnvids5 [or a saverability claus8. Seciion b states ihis ardinance Shalf t>9 in f~ full force and eilect irve (5) days anar pubiica- tion of the C3rchnance Summary. TMs lull iexr oi Ordlnanee hto. 04-04 i is auairable ai the Cicy of Spcykana VaIl9y Cityr afilices &s dCenlifiad above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Chr{sline Bainbridge eity clenk , 1-5-zo0a