04-042 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-042 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 26`h day of October, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CONFIRMING THE CITY PROPERTY TAX LEVY AT 1.37% ($126,681) IN EXCESS OF THE 2003 AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX LEVY WHICH WAS COLLECTED IN THE CITY 2004 FISCAL YEAR, PURSUANT TO RCW 84.55.120 The introductory paragraphs state that State law authorizes levying regular property taxes upon taxable property and that in cities with populations over 10,000, the amount of regular property taxes can be increased based on certain calculations. Section 1 states the purpose of this ordinance is to use excess levy capacity; that State law authorizes the City to increase its property taxes by an amount of 1% above the highest allowable levy in a preceding year. Section 2lists Findings. Section 3 levies the maximum levy allowed by State law, in the amount of $126,681.00 which is a percentage increase of 1.37% from the 2003 Ad Valorem Property Tax Levy collected in the City's 2004 Fiscal Year. Section 4 stipulates that the City Clerk shall certify to the Board of County Commissioners and the Spokane County Assessor's Office, a true and correct copy of this ordinance. Section 5 provides for a severability clause. Section 6 states this Ordinance sliall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-042 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: November 5, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 042, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. e~. ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk / I I 4 ~ SUPERIOR CC]URT C?F WASHIlNGTC7N FCfR SPCJKANE COUNTY In the MattQr of NOTICE OF +C7RD]NANCE PASSED ~ Na. Chdinance 1'+To. 04-[}42 ~ City of Spokane Valley ~ AFFIDAVTT OF PUBLISHIIVG ~ N JTICE ) ) STATE OF W ASHINGTON i }ss. County of Spokane } MICHAEL HCIFFMAN , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITtIR of 'Ihe Spokane Valley NewKs Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newsgaper and it Is naw and has beera for more than six mQnths prior ta the date of the publication hercinafter referred to, pubtished in the English language cantinually as a weekly newspaper ia3 Spokane Counky, Washingfon, and it is now and during all of said bme was prin kcd in an affice maintained at tiheafaresaid place o# pubLtcation of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approwed as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of ttte State of Washingtan in and for Spokane Gaunty. That the followizigis a irue oopyof a public notirc as It was published In regular issues ccrmmencing on the 5th c#ay of hiovembM 2004. , and ending thc 5th day of November, 2004 a11 dates inelusive, and tt►at surh newspaper was regWarly dsstributed to its subscribers dwing sII of said riod. h[Of'1CE OF ORb9NA1VCE PA39ED er sPr KnNE aaLLEY cr rtr cvuHGiL Tha tollowing ts tha tttle and sursamary oi ordinance No, 04-042 Rassea bu tno cny of $SCRIB D, SWOR1tiT tta befoTe me Spakarje Yaliey City Council on 1he 26lh d8y • ~f October, 20N. this 5th da~r of Navemberl 2004. a,N oRDiNnMCE oF THE cirY vF Stak~ of'~''~ashin tort SPDKANE Vf4l,L€Y, V'~A5F3t~tGTCsN, CCJN- ~7 FIRMING THE G{'fY PROPERTY TP,X LEVY Caunty af Spokane A7 1.37"U i$i 2fi,6811 IrJ EXCESS OF THE 2003 AD VAl[]REM1 PROP'EFlTY T+4,if i EVY W#ilCH WAS CQLLEGTED IN THE G3TY I certify that I knQwarhave sakisfaetoryevidence that 2004 FISCAI YEAR, PkJRSUANT TQ RCW 84.55.120 Michael Huffrr►an is the erson who ap~ a~red befvre Tha ;ntroauetory pasaprnphs stata that 11"lL', r~IlC~ Sc11(~ ~7Cr54n r~C~nQW1Cdged tR3t he S1gnC'(i SiaSe law authodzes Ievyinq regular property this instrument aild acknowledged lf t0 be h15 f1'E'e wth ppPulakions~l verQ 4~Dp0~ihe arreount~af fA A Et~~fEi, and valuntaty act for the uses and purpvses men- reguiar praperty taxes can be lncreased ..ON..tianed in the instrument. based an certain calculatlons. '~-i,~ f ~ ~ fi~~~'~ + Saclitan 1 siatas ihe purpase of this ordi- ~ a tvOTA~IY r nanca s`S to use exCBSS levy capaclly; ii7a1 Y ~ • " t PUBLI+C State 1sw authorizes the Gity to increase its - tPa • d Z propersy taxms hy an amount ot t% above the 'r,cC)Jolenc Ra Oaly C t2 h i p h 8 3 t t i l t o w t t W e 1 e~' i n a pr eca d i ng ~ar. TitIe: Nt~t~' biic SecUnro2lislsFxndinps. litsiilA `NOty` MY aPPoinkment cxpires: 5-16-01" Sectlon 3 levias ihe maxirnurn levy a11owed tsy Stake iaw, in the amaunt of $126.681.00 whioh is a percemaqe irticrease af 7.37 % iran tha 2003 Ad Vaiorem Property Tax Lovy cal- tected in ihe Ciry°s 2004 Fiscal Yaar. " Sectlvn 4 siipulates Eha1 the Cily CIeAc shsll certNy to 4he Board of CounTy Gammds5ivners arrd the Spokane County Assessar's Ortics, a true and eorrect copy of this ordinance. Smtion 5 provides for a severabil'rfy c€au9e, _ Saction 6 ssates ihis Ordinance shall he fn lull farce and efiect iive (5) dsys atter publica• ' titxi al' the Ordittar+ce 5ummary. The !u!1 iext of brOinance IJo. 44-442 ia ana9la!)le aR ttie City of Spokane V811ey Gity - ollices as idsntiTied above. A capy will be ■maited upon requesr. - Chri&tine 68inbridqe . • - ~ Ci1y Clerk • ~ 1 t-5-2D4]4 ~