04-044 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-044 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 9'h day of November, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2005 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS. The introductory paragraphs state that State law requires filing a preliminary budget, holding a hearing on the budget, and adopting a balanced budget. Section 1 adopts the 2005 budget as attached to the ordinance. Section 2 states the salary ranges and positions as per Appendix A of the ordinance. Section 3 states that the City Clerk shall transmit a copy of the budget to the Office of the State Auditor and the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4 provides for a severability clause. Sectioo 5 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-044 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: November 19, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true aiid complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 044, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ SUPERIC)R CC7URT UF WASHIN'GTON FOR. SP4KANE COUNTY In the Matter of N4TICE QF QRDIlINANCE PASSED ~ No. By Spakane Valley Cify Council ~ C7rdinance # 04-044 } AFFIDAVIT OF PTJBLISHING ~ NC)TTCE } ) STATE 4F WASHTNGT+QN } )ss. Cvunty of 5pokane ~ MICHAEL HUFFN[AN~ being first duly swarn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAC-ING EDITOR, of The Spakane Valley News I-lerald, a weekly nervspaper. Tlxat snid nevwspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six monkhs prior to the date of the publicatian hereinafler referred tp, published in the English 3anguage continually as a weekly newspaper ln Spokatte County, Wastungtan, and it is naw and duxing all of safd tfine was printed in an offire rnaintalned at the aforesaid place oF publication of said newspaper, which said newspapcr had been approved as a Iegal neuvspaper by arder af the Superior Court of the Stateaf Washington in and for Spakane Caunty. That the follawang is a true capy of a pMbhc notice asit.waspublished in regular issues aommenctxig on the 19th day of hTc~vember. 2[)04 , and ending the 19th da of Navember. 20fU~ ~►ll dates 1ndt~.sit~e, and that such t~ewspaper was regularty distributed to its s~abs~ibers during all af NOTICE OF t7RDaNANCH pASSED ~ BY 5PC?KANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The ioiipWing ,s Yl,e ,i,ie end summary of ~ S B5C , nd S'WORN to bef4re me C)r0lnanCe Nv. 04-044 pas58d by the CiSy a1 Spoktui0 Valley City Council an sh9gth day ot this 19t of Navember, 2004, No~ember, 2004. ' , AN C7RDfNAf4CE f]F T1-#E CIFY C)F SPC3• Stc'3te Q a$h141gtan KANE waII-Ev. wASHirvGYOrv, Af7C3PTiN~C"a County of Spokane A BIJDGET FC]R THE REFII(3{7 ClF JE1R^JUAR1' 1, 2005 APPR~JPRIA7~ GFUNE}S I1ND ESTABLISN I ecrtify tha t I know or haue satisfactnry evidenee that ING SALAAY SGHEDULES FOFi ESTAB- LISMEp PC?SlTIC}NS M1ChaE'1 HUFfTi'lc3ll 1S the pe rson who apared befare Tne fntroductory paragraphs ssa!& that me, and said person acknowledged t at he signed State iaw requrres tifing a prefiminary budget, this instrumcnt and acknvwledged it to be his free hotding a hesring ara the budget, and adopting ty`{1ti+Iiif/fanc~ valuntary act for the uses and purposes men- a baianced budget. Xyt~~ ~a`AE ~~r~s o~ • ..~tioned in hc instrument. Sectivn i adopts the 2405 budget as c„5k 8ttachGd to the ardenance. ~0v`: Section 2 states the salary ranges and p4si- = :~0, ~U9'~~ ~ ? d ` ~ ~ tlnns as per Ap~ndix A of the ordinance. A jolene Pac '4~cri'~ s~tion 3 Sta9eS that the Ciiy filerk SMail os_ti~••'e,~' Title: NotafV Pu~~ic trans~rrn s capy ot th6 budot t0 Iha 4tiice o1 l' J !he 5tpte Autlitor and the association or ff~, ~F ~r[ y appointmcnt expires' S-1l}-0/7 V1lashinpton Cities, l1 f I Ii 1 ~ Section 4 Prqvides far a ssvetak7ili4y cisuse. S6clYdn 5 51a595 this OrdinanCe Shall b8 in full 1orCe and etfect five (5) days stter publiCa• ~ tiorr of ihe ordinance Summary. 7`hs [ult iext cri Ordinance Na. 04-044 is availahte at the City Qf Spokane Valley City oiTiGes es identlfieG above. A copy wtiP be maifed upan request. Christine Balnbridg9 City Cleric 11-19-2t14A