04-046 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-046 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 9`h day of November, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 03-53 TO ESTABLISH SECTION 4.08.19 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE RELATING TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUDs), AMENDING SECTION 4.15.1 RESIDENTIAL DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE; REPEALING CHAPTER 14.704.00 OF THE INTERIM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE. The introductory paragraphs state the goal of tlle interim comprehensive plan. Section 1 amends Section 4.08.19 of the City of Spokane Valley's Interim Zoning Regulations Section 2 amends Section 4.15.1 as shown on Attachment A Section 3 repeals Chapter 14.704 Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone of the Interim Zoning Code Section 4 provides for a severability clause. Section 5 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-046 is available at the City of Spokane Valley Gity offices as identified above. A copy wiU be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: November 19, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 046, that the summary provides adequate notice to tfie public of e contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. /A ~ , - hristine Bainbridge, ity C erk ~ ~ SUPERTOR COLTRT C]F V"VASHIlNGTON FOR SI'C}KANE COLTNTY In the Matter of NOfiICE C7F ORI]IlNANCE PA55ED ~ Na. By Sppkane Valley City Council } C7rdznance # 04-046 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ~ STA'TE OFWASHINGTON } }sS. County of Spokane ) MICHAEI. HUFFMAN, being first duly swam on aath deposes and says that he is the MAh1AGRNG EL]tTOR csf The Spcikane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a fegai newspaper and it is now and has been for mot'e than six mdnths priar to the ciate of the publicarian hereinafcer rt,ferred ka, published in the English language continually as a weekly ncwspapcr in Spokane+County, Washingtan, and It is now and during all of saf dtime was prin ted in an affice maintained at the aFoTesaid place of publication of said newspaper, wlvch said newspaper had hcen approveti as a irgal newspapcr by order of the Superior Court of the S#a#e af Washington in and €or Spolcane CountY. That the follnwing, is a true copy af a Qublie notice as it was published in regular lssttes mmmendng on the 19th day of Novernber„2[}04, , and enr.irtg the 19th dav of Noveniber. 20U4 hll dakes inclusiwe, and ihat such newspaper was rcgularly c~istrlbuted to its subsccribers during all of sa#d peoul c O ! r r r / NoTIcE oF oRa«aNcE PaSseD 6Y SPOKANE VALLEY C1TY CL7UNClL - The fallawinq is the Iille and surrerrnary of 867citi D~'~" S YY Oli.l`+~ to bLfQr~'_` 37~~` C}rdinance No. 04•046 pa55ed by the City ol Spokane'Va118y cYty Couneil an the 91h day of this I9t~ c~~iy af No~vember, 2004. Novembor, 2W4. r aN OnDirvArvcE OF TME ci-rY OF State of Washington SPtIKANE VALLEY, WASH1NG7QfiJ, Count of S okane ar~ENOrrvG [at~Di~v,atvCE No, 03-53 TO ~ ESTAB£1SH SEG'flC)N 4.08.19 4F 7HE $pOKARIE VALLEiY UAEIFQRM {]EVEL9P• I ccrti F tha t I knt~w or haWe satisfacto evidence that MENT CQDE ~i~LA71NG TC3 FLAnlNEd Y ~Y uNir DEVELaPMEN`r (Puos), nM€NooNG Mieh»e1 Huffman is the person who appeared before SEGTIC7N 4.15.1 RESiDENT4AL OiMIEN- rpt', and said ersQn acknowle~i~r ed tfiat he si ned SION,41~ STANDA~i[15 ~7F ThfE SPOKANE P b ~ vALLEr vN~~~RM oEVELOPMErvT cODE: this iiistrument and acknawledged it to bc his free R~Pr:A.irvc CNAP7Efi 14.704.04 ClF THE ,~,►~t~~~~'~~f,,~ and volunlar ack for the u5es and uroses men- Pivi~i~~ cO M~v~~ BILITY RF-GULATiONS; ~~ti''~, tic~ilcd in the ir~Skrument. - P P ES7ABLSSHING EFFEGTIVE DIhTE. The fntrUauetory paragraphs stale the qval of the intC,nm e4mprahon5iws plan. 40 C) ~ • " _ ~ L) z soci9on t amends Sntion 4,08.19 of th9 iInry r`,~ :Jolene Rae Wo, Gity o1 Spokane Vailey's Interim Zanin4 `•..~DS•~~'~~~ ~Tltle: NQtc~TVf PU~7f}C ~equ~~~ians fj<<~ C?F WP`S ~ ~ Section 2 um6nda Sectiors 4.15.1 as snowr+ ~'►r+r111t10\0 M yappoi n t m'enk expi res: 5-7 b-07 on Attachmen3 A Section 3 repeats Chapter 14.704 Plannad unic oaveiopar3ant Overtay Zorre oi the 4nterim ~ ZonlnQ Code ~ { Saciion 4provides tor a severabality clausg. Seeuan 5 ssates thls Orrfinance ahall tre 6n tull ICarce and ect tiu~p (5) days after publECe- tipn Rf th9 Qr~ttnanea Summary The fufi text of (}rdinance No. 04-046 is available at the Gity ni Spokane Va6iay Gity aiTices as iderrti4ied above. A copY will be maal9d upcxn request. Christine Bainbridye City Clerc y{•49-24LMt