04-048 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 04-048 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 16`'' day of November, 2004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE USE OF MOTORIZED PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION DEVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BY ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT FOR OPERATORS AND LIMITING MOTORIZED PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION DEVICE USE ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS, PUBLIC TRAILS AND IN PARKS; AND ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATING SUCH MOTORIZED PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION DEVICES SAFELY. The introductory paragraphs state that State law authorizes the use of Motorized Foot Scooters but grants authority to local jurisdictions to regulate their use and operation. Section 1 states that the intent of this ordinance is to regulate the use and operation of Motorized Personal Transportation Devices in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Section 2 establishes a new Section under Title 7 of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code entitled Molorized Personal Transportation Devices Section 3 provides for a severability clause Section 4 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 04-048 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: November 26, 2004 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 04- 048, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk \ r I SUPE:RIOR COURT C]F WASIIINGT4N FOR SPC}ICANE COUNTY In the Matter of N'OTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED } Na. C}rdinance hTv. 04-048 ~ City of Spokane Valley ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ~ NOTICE ) ~ STATE OF'rWASHINGTQN } )ss. County of Spokane ) IvIICHAEL HUFFMAM1T, beirig first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGIPr1G ED1'T(]R. aF 'The Spvkane Valley News Herald, a weekly nevvspaper. Thak said newspaper is a legal newspaper and It is naw and has ieen for mbre than six manths prior to the date of the publieatian ttereinafter seferred to, publisheui in the English lang,rtaage cvntinually as a weekty newspager in Spakane Caun ty, Washingtc,n, and i t is now and durin g all of said time rvas prin ted in an office maintain ed at the afnresaid place of puUlication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Su,perior Caurt of the Staie of Washington in and for SpokaneCounty. That the following is a true mpyaf a public notice as it was published in regtilar igsues oDmmendng on the 26th day o# NoVemtaer, 2004., and endtng the 26th day of November, 2004 all dates inclusir+e, and that such ncwspapcr was regvlarly distributed to its subscribers during all of said perji r ~ cri Hf3TICE f?F ORQIfVRMCE PASSED BY SPOKANE YALLEY CITY GC}UNG1L 7he tvt§vwing io the ti#la and su►nmary a1 SUBSCRIBE~ifd S~r'VQId to before me Qrdir~snce No. f}4-(}d8 passed by the City ot Spokane Valley City Councii on the ifath day this 26th da'y of November, 2004. oi November, 2004. AN ORDINAMCE (7F THE GlTY UF State of Washington SPdKAME VALL.EY, wAsH+NcrQN, Caunt of S okane RELATING Ti3 T1iE USE C]F MUTC3PI- y p lZEf] PER54NAL 7FiANSPbRTA7fOiV DEVICES W11'HffJ TME CITY OF I CC'1'tlF tY17t C~Ci1C~W Dt'~"1aVC Sat1SfaCtO evidence that SF'01(AiVE VA3.tEY F~Y ESTA8LI5MfNCi ~ ~ nMiNiMuM nc~ RIEourREMENr FoR Micliael Huffman is tt1e person who appeared before QPERATORS AND l4Ml`t'ING N1DTt3R- mef and said erson acknawled ~~ci ihat he si ned IZED PERsarvAL ~r~arvsP~aaT~aTaat~ P ~ P ~~s, ~~°"T~A~°s ~ •,vilr'r,,,,,this ;nstnlmer~t an~i acknowledged it to be his frce PARKs; ANI7 ESTAE3L[SHI1VG RE- B A E and voluntary act fvr the uses and purposes men- QISIRErNEMTS F~'JR {~PERATING SUCM : ~S~ioH'~~.,c~1, , ~ tianed in the instrument, MC}7 Oi~IZED PERS4~iAL TRAP~S- iA ~ P(}FtTA71UN DEV1CES SAFELY. ~ rvvraAr ~ u . The introductary psragraphs state trrat ~ N PUBLIC ~'l~ w ~ - " e _ ~ -~,~----~~~~~~`~i. ~s SSBZ@ IdW BUthd(12$5 tIl@ USA Ql }4I030fIY&CT r-A t 1 r=~ Favt Scnoters Faut granls aulhority to lacal ~7,.~~'- 0 w Jolene Rac r'U Juri sdlCtipnS so requPa[e Itieir uss anst op8ra° ~ Nt,o,,. ,~F Tit le: Nola ic Se~:tinn t states l ha4 tt ~e 't 'j+1rr11~wt~~"` MY aF'Pointment expires: 5-16-07' n t9n t c f t hi8 o n di- rsanca is to rapulate the use and aperatipn at Modonzed Persor+a! Traiisportatiars Qevices in arder sa protoci the hea4RR, satety actd welfare ~ of tho public. Section 2 as1a60'sshss a new Seclit3n urrdar Ir'I ~ 7`itla 7 of the City v! Spokana Valley MuniCipai Code sntitled Motordzad Persanal Transport8tion Devicss 5ectinn 3 pravictes for a severahitity clsuse Secitam 4 stales thl& f?rdfnancs shall he in full torce and offact live (5) days atser pub9ica- tion o! 1hs 4rdinaneQ SummaryThe lull text of Ordinance Nv. 04-04$ is available at the Cisy aS 8pokane Valley Ci#y 4ffic$s as itlantHeed ap4va. a4 copy will be rna+led upon rsquast. Ghristine 9aVnbridqe Ciiy CIark 1 t-28•2(?t~4