2023, 08-18 MDNS for SUB-2022-0002 Ponderosa Ridge EastSUPE RIOR COURT qfWASHINGTONfir SPOKANE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF: STATE qjWASHINGTON County of Spokane AFFIDAVIT of'PUBLICATION PONDEROSA RIDGE EAST MDS: SLJB-2022-0002 PUBLIC NOTICE JENNETT MEYER being first duly sworn oil oath deposes and says that she is the B0010' EEPER of the_ Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County, That the following is a true COPY of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commenc- ing on the 4th d,U ofAugust, 2023, and ending on the4th dgy of Auggst.. all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period: SUBSCl I f3 and SWORN to bAore me tbis4th , ofAu-1 2091 L E 1, A M A C A R'['p-1 4J Fi State o , ashington NOWY N,bIic', County of Spokane State �,�.)f %Nash�ngton a �0 L Lk;ense NUrnber 23008523 Ve , �se, tov Cornrnission Exp�res M M amh 16, 2027 'Title: Notary Public My appointment expires 12/22/2025 from the exlsling.esphalt edge.gn 44lhAv- enue�rhere possible, subjectt6 accumma' -dot€on:of drainpge and cnn$ifucticn cit:flia Cpath Way withln the exist€ng rlght-of way. arpl Patterson, City Clerk, Spbkais Valley. PUBUSH: Augusl.4, 2023