Order Granting Amendment 01/06/1972 56~~ . _10. 05 . . . BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE. MATTER OF APPLICATION OF CITY OF SPOKANE FOR ANJENDMENT. TO FRANCHISE ORDER GRANTING 57--350 TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL ROADS AMENDM.ENT IN SPOKANE COUNTY, STATE. OF WASHINGTON - _ WHEREAS, the. City of Spokane has f iled an application f or an amend-. ment to Franchise No. 57--350..inclu.ding additional roads in Spoka.ne County as followse ~Iancher Road from Alki Avenue to Valley Way . , . : Garden Springs Road from Abbott Road to Approximatel.y 730 feet northwest of Abbott Road - . WHEREAS, the Board of County Comraissioners of S~okane Countyp . Washington9 thereupon fixed Thursday, January 6, 1972,.at 10000 AoM. of said day, at the office of the Board of County Commissioners in the Spokane Co-u.nty Couxthouse as the time and place for hearing of saicl application, and directed the County Auditor to give proper notice of said hearing, and WHEREAS, no person_appeared to abject. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED THATtHE APPLICATION ZS APPROVED and Fxanchise No. 57--350, . as granted September 3, 1957, is hereby am.end-- ed to in.clude the above-mentioned-portions of County Roads. -APPROVED BY THE BOARD this 6 day of January, 1972. • . . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . . . . ~ 0~= SP.OT~;A1vE: ~COUNTY, WASHINGTON . , ' . . ` ~j. 'r • • . . _ . . . . . , . . . ~ . . f.. ' ' fi ry • . ~ - . d~.. - _ ' . • , . : ' • , " . . • a . . • :7 ' l_ ~ . ATTEST: VERNON W. OHLAND Clerk of the Board • . ~Bye 3 sanne Nevers, Depu.ty C erk