Order Granting Amendment 02/21/1967 Poad Aroject r:o. 946, which :s to bc tinanced Wittt Federal Aid Rinda, sueh uork catlaiuCin, ur- checking plons, processing plane, perforrr,in;± Leboratory testinp aervices where necessary, Advcrtia- ing,for bids and such other miscellaneous services as are necesaary to administer thc said project as a Federal Aid Secondary Project for Spokane County, to the amount of Six Hundred and No/100 ($600.00) Dollars, being 8n amount not in excese of the amount of money now credited or reasonebly anticipated to acerue to Spokane County in the I►fotor Vehicle Fund during the current biennium, and Authorizetion is hereby s;ranted for the withholding from the ellocation of fuel tax revenues to Spokane County, from the Motor Vehicle Fund, an amount not in excess of the ebove specified sum, for thc use of the Director of Highweys to defray rhe costs incurred in the performance of the aforesaid requested work, and upon completion of the aforesaid work, a statement haveing been furnished Spokane County of the coat of all labor, equipment, material, supplies, and enfiineerins, authorization ia made to effect rei.mbursement to the Department of Highways in the amount of such coet from the fvnds withheld, hawever, not to exceed the above epecified sum with any unexpended balance to be released to Spokane County and to be included in the next succeeding warrant covering fuel tax allotments, all in accordance with RCW 47.08,080. ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 1967. ATTEST: Jack Geraghty, Chairman Vernon W. phland Howard T. Ball, Commissioner County Auditor and Ex-officio Clerk W. 0. Allen, Commissioner of the Baard Conatituting the Boerd of County By: L. Friedland Commisaioners of Spoka,ne De puty puditor County, Washington 67-97-REVISE SALARY BUDGET - COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT REFOPE THE AOAF,D OF COi1*'TY COMA!ISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COTlr1TY, WASHI,:GTC*) In the Matter of Revisinc~ ) Salary► Rudc*et of thc Spokane ) Resolution County Health Department ) WHEREAS, e member of the nursiag steff with a job classificetion of PHN II in the County Health t?epertment resi};ned from rhat position in ,Tanuery, 1467, and WHEREAS, due to a reassignment of dutie8 pursuant to said resignation, the County Health Offi.cer em ployed a nurse with e di£ferent classification, and therefore e reduction of the salsry rate for eaid position ia proper. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that effective ae of February 16, 1967 the position of PHN II with a ealary rate of $575.00 per month be and hereby ia terminated, ard 8C IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a new position of PHN I With a aelary rate of $525.00 per month is hereby created with the effective date as of February 16, 1967. PASSID AY TfiE SOARD this 21st d8y of Februery, 1967. ATTEST : BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS I OV ER.S VEP,NON W. OHLAND OF SPOKANE GOU'VTY, WASHINGTt`N Clerk of the Hoard Jack Geraghty Ry: L. Friedland Howard T. Bell Deputy W. 0. Allen 67-98 -CRANT AMF vDMF1NT To CiTY QF S PoKANE FRA*VNWICOURTY, 5 7-3 50 REfiOREYHE BU RD (1F OEJ'fiY t,~MM7S5In'~'ERS OW~HI\tGTbh' In the Matter of Application of the ) Ci.ty of Spokane For An Amendment ) ORDER GF.A'TINr, AMENIDMENT To -Franchise No. 57-350 to Include ) Additional Roads ) WHGRF_AS, the City of Spokanc has filed an •pplieation for an amendment to Franciiisc I:o. 57-350, to 1hClllde the following deecribed roeda= Mallon Avenue from 'Ihierman Rosd to Dyer Rood ; tJl{I'itf:AS, the Fionrd of Oounty Comnissioners of Spokane County, Waehington, ttlereupon fixed Ttiesday, ! Februery 21, 1967, at ten o'clock A.M. of aoid dey, at the office of the Board in the Spokane i County Courthouoe, as the time end plece for hearing of snid epplicetion, and directed the County i Auditor to give proper notice of said hearinr, ond WHF.EtCAS, at the time and place fixcd for aQid hesring, the Aoard preceeded to hear said applieation, and no person oppearing to objtct. *'OW, THCAEFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the eforeaeid opplication i• hereby approved and Frenchiee , No. 57-350, es granted on September 3, 1957, is hereby cmended to include the ebove mentianec! ( road. PASSED BY TNE f3OARD thie 21st day of February, 1967. ATTEST: BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ V£RNOV W. 014LAND OF SPOIUNE COUNTY, WASHINCTON ~ Clerk of the Board Jack Gerap;hty S~ AY: L. Friedlend Howard T. Ball Deputy W. 0. Allen ~ ~ ~ G7-99-RCVISE CAPITAL OU~ Y BUDGET - PARK AND ~QR EATION DEPARTMEAJT B EFORE N BdAR UU?1TY dOWMIONERS 0 KA, E , A H I. ON ; In the Matter of Reviaing the ) ~ County Park and Recrcation ) Resolution i Capital puttay Budget (220) ) ! W11ERF.A5. considerable time mnd effort aill be altocated by the park end Recreation pepartmer,rc toward ; thc development and improvement of the tifiller Ranch area, and ~ WHEREAS, it ia eaaentiet thet an additional truck be acquited to aucceaafully perform the planned work pro,r.ram at aa id park e t te , and WHEREAS, eufficient funds for eaid purpose C6h be provided by alteri.ng the Perk and Recreetio:7 Capital outlay requirementa, ~a RF, IT THFRFFORE RES(►LVED thet the Capitel Outley budqet oP the County Park end Recrention Lw, zL~,,.oizu by transferring S500.00 from account K9329 (Tractor Type Weed S raer ~ p y ) and t140.00 from account #9390 (Pickup lesa trade-in) and crediting eaid total of 5500.00 to e new account deaignated an (Golf Courae 1962 International Scout).