Order Granting Amendment 02/29/1968 ;Jnshinc, ton ) ?1E 17' RL•:SOLVCU BY 'liHE E30ARD l~i~ COUNTY CO~atISSIO:.ERS OF SPOE~►~:E CUU"~TY, WAS~t1Zt~GTUV~ thnt ttie fin,~l plat of SOUTN RIDGC VTEW THIRP ApDITiON: Deacribed as Zract 14 af Mersha e Ten Acre Tract Addition and a portion of the SW 1/4 0£ the SW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 24 N., Range 43, E.W.M., Spokane County, Washinfiton on the recommendation of the Spokane County Plenning Commission, be, and the same hereby is approved. PASSED BY THE BOAFD thia 29th day of February 1968. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COr'?-tISSIONERS VCRNOh W. OHLAND OF S POKANE COU!JTY, WASH ZNGTON Clerlc of the Board Howard T. Hall By: Gery S. TusberR W. 0. Allen Deputy Jack Geraghty 68-71-PAY INCP.EASE FOR PRECINCT WORKEftS I)EFORE TrtE BtSARD OF COUNT'I? COA9ylISSIONERS OF SPQKANE COUNIY, WASHIIG'PON In the Matter Regarding Pey ) Aete Incrcase for Precinct ) P.esolution Workera ) 4JE{EREAS, the current wage being paid precinct election warkers is $1.25 pcr hour and not cansistent with comparative pay rates in the privete sector, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Spokane County Auditor be eble to obtain quaLified precinct iorkers for the Election Department, and rIEREAS, an incrense of pay rate to $1.50 per hour is autharized by the Revised Code of Washington , 29.45.120., at the optfon of the Board, ~)E IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the current pay rate of $1.25 per hour beinc; paid precinct election !orkers by the Spokane County be increased to e pay rate of $1.50 per hour as of this date. 'ASSED BY THE BOARD this 29th day ot February, 1968. ATTEST: IIOAR.D OF COUNTY COTMISSIONERS VERNf?N W. ONLAND OF SPOKAVE COUNTY, WASHTNGTON Clerk of ttzc Board Howard T. Ba1Z i3y: Gary S. Tueberg W. 0. Allen Deputy Jack Cerar.hty BtFORETTHESBOARD OFSCOUN~Y COtr4~ I5DIRK) OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGI`ON In the Matter of Treneferring fiunds ) P'rom Cepital Outlay Account No. 9390-01 ) To Ca pitel Outlay Account No. 9308-09 ) Resolution In the Budget of the Spokene County ) S1leriff's Department ) 144EREAS, the Sheriff's Department, as part of ite publie informetion program concerning I,aw and Lnw Enforcecnent. Erequently usee films to illustrate theQe programs, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Spokane County thet this type of information continue to bc made aveilable ro the public, and WIiERCAS, the 16mm film projector used for these pragrems ie no longer serviceble, and W1tEREAS, the expenae to replnce aeid projector does not involve allocation of funde but the tranefer of funds within the budget of the Sheriff'e Department. DE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the sum of $523.00 be Creneferred from Capital Outlay A'o. 9390-01 Co Capital c}utlay Item No. 9308-09 to cover the coat incurred by the purchase of e new 16mm film , projector. PASSED HY T}iE BOARD thie 29th day of Februery, 1968. ATTEST: BOARD OF Cl}UNTY CdMMISSiONER.S VERNON W. Oi;LAND OF SPOKANE COUh'TY, uASHINGTOy Clerk of the Boerd Ha+ard T. Ball By : Cory S. Tusberq W. 0. Allen Jack Cereghty JA Dcputy ✓ AB-73-ORDER (;RANTI?dG AMENMtENT-CITY OF SPOKANE - FRANCNISE h'0. 57-350 g• gQE H HOARTS CSF (:Oll\ COMMISSIONERS OF POKAV COM' Y, ~A3ti I h'-G"JUN In tlie Metter of Application of the ) City of Spokane for an Amendment ) ORDEtt GRAyTINC AMENDMENT To Francitiee No. 57-350 te Inctude ) .r. Additional Road ) W1iERCAS, the~City of Spokane hae filed an application for an emendment to Prenchiae No. 57-350, , to incLude the following deecribed road; Eaetern Rond - fram ttie narth line of SQringfietd Avenue to Alki Avenue WtiEREM , Oie ~oard of County Commieaionerm of Spokat►e County, Weshington, thereupan fixed Thuraday, F'ebruary 29, 1968 at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the office of the Board in the Spokene County Catirthouse, ae the time and place for hearing of said applicetion, and directed the County Aud4tor to give proper notice of said heering, and WHCREAS, ot the time and place fixed for s8id hearing, the Boerd proceeded to heor eaid opplicotion, and na person eppearinp, to object, NOW, THEREFORE, IT TS ORI?FRED thdt the epptication is epproved and Frenchise No. 57-350, an p,rnnted Saptenber 3, 1957, ie hereby omended ta fnctude the ebove mentioned road. PASSED IIY THE DOARO thia 29th day of FQbruary, 1968. ATrEST BOARD OF COIIATTY CO?►a(ISSIOPERS VERNCIN W. OHIAND OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTO",' Clerk of the Board Howerd T. Aall Ay: Gory S. Tumberg W. 0. ALlen Deptity Jack Geraghty