Order Granting Amendment 06/16/1966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r . . . " . ' ~ . . . . , . . . . 'i r . . . - ' . .;^•V,:,~,~~ :.•.,.~i e~...., ,~~"...ICfv,7.' r:'I M.i t ..r'...:F'_.:L ..~-..~'Y •iy i .t f 5.. a ~7N,;;'~^+S . r'~~ »r..i".n:til: L~l~' azr`_J.i~~~:::r..~.."'4c+~.'ax~:s` '~.aiv~...•. 3 -19 ~ Jii'%'C 16 1956 CntiT' D 6G-308-nRDLF. GRANT~NG A?'M*tENT FnR ITY nF SPn:AVF FF.ANC?jIS~ N0. 57-350 PCFnRE TE1E AQARD ~COU~'TY CO*~!ISSIC?.'CR5 nF S PO`A~:E COII\Ty~, SJASHINGTON Tn thc `•!atter of Application of the ) ~ City of Spokanc For an Amendment ) OFDLR G~'~ANTING AME'VDMCNT To Franchise ";o. 57-350 To Inclu3e ) Additionel Roads ) t-MEREAS, the City of Spokane has filed an applfcation for an amendment to Frenchise 1`0. 57-350, to include the fo114winct described roeds: Dyer P.oad, from De3met Avenue to Sharp Avenue Sharp Avenue, from Dyer Road to Eastern (Vacated) WE{EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, thereupon fixed Thursdny. ,Tune 16, 1966, at ten o'clock A.M. of said day, at the office of the Board in the Spokane County Courthouse, as the time end plece for hearing of sai3 application, and directed the County Auditor to give proper notice of said hearing, and GIHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said hesring, the Boerd proceeded to hear said application, and no person appearing to object, N014, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the aforesaid application is hereby approved and Frenchise No. 57-350, as granted on September 3, 1957, is hereby amended to include the ebove mentioned road. PASS CD BY THE BOARD this 16th day of June, 1966. ATTEST • BOARD OF COUNTY CO?-MSSIONERS FRAyK J. GLOVER OF SPOKANE COU!VTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Aoard W. O. Allen Ay: L. Friedland Jack Geraghty neputy Noword T. Aall A~FnRE T {CR(~AMOROFRCO~'NTY 2 ~~A4rtISO'oI(?~IERSUOFRS~O~NERCOUETY, WA5HINMTON A In the r;atter of A ppropriation ) For the Superior Court ) Deportment (#132 ) of ) FINAL RCSOLtfTION Spokane County, Washington ) 4111CT?1?AS, the abovic entitled mottcr coming on refiularly ior hearing on thc resolution of the Board (\Io 66-283) pASaed on the 7th dey of .Iunc, 1966, and it appearing to the BoArd that duc noticc of qAid hearing has been given in the manncr and for the timc provided by law; no person appearing or objecting; end thc Board being tully advised in the premisea. NOW, 'IltCRF.FORE, AE I'1' RESOLVED that the appropriation provided for in said resolution of June 7th, 1966, be, and the same hereby is madc in the amount and for the purposea set forth and containea in anid reaolution, the sum of $2,000.00 to provide for the following; Salaries for extra help which will be requircd during the rest of thia yQer. IIE IT I'URTNER RE50LVED that the amount so appropriated be credited to the "Extro Help" ealery budget (a132) of the Spokane County Superior Court Department. PASSED BY THt: BOARD this 16th day of June, 1966. ATTEST: nOARD OF COUNTY COTAfISSIONERS FF.ATIK J. GLOVER OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHI:VGTON CLerk of the Board W. 0. Allen Ry: L. Friedland Jack Geraghty pe~3uty ~ Howerd T. Ball 1767 ACrC?RE T iEABOARDAOFISHUNAYTCO?~MIIXTHNAVEN F~~~OK .l~l .COWTY, WASNINGTOfJ in the rtAtter of ) T;stoblishment of ) Resolution - Cstablishment Sixth Avenuc ) county Enzinecr's F.oad File No. 1767 ) Thi.s heinc* the doy set for the hearine on thc► councy roed Engineer's Report on the propooed eo- tnhlishmcnt of SIXT!t AVENUE ESTAAI.ISF{MF.NT proceedinrs for which werc initieted by Preliminory Peaolution 66-246, ond it eppearing to thc Aoard on proof duly mode that Notice of Heerinp; wns publishcd and posted in thc manncr and for the time required by law, and the Aoard after examining the report and maps of thc County i'.oad Engineer and all claims and papers on file and AFter hearinFr, nll other evidence adduccd ot thc heArinrt, and IT FitFTIiI:R APPE/1RING that thc right of way hes already been dedicnted ea a public road, 40 FeeC wi:ic And that thc snid road is A public necessity end the eamc ehouLd bc opened and cetabliehed ao n cotinty road. Tl1FREFORE BC IT ItE;SOLVED Ay thc 8oard of County Commiseionera of Spokonc County. Weeh3.nAton rhat ttic ttercinafter dcscribed road as reported by the County Road Engineer on the 19th dey of Mny, 1966, being more particularly described oe follows: SIXT(t AVENl1E - from the center line of IIesalt Road eost to the center eection line of Scction 22, ,rownahLp TS-North, Ranfic 42, E.W.rl., t1s shown and dcdicnted Dy the Plat of thc Quarry Addition. Located in the Northwest Quorter (N"W',+) of Section 22, Township 25 North, ftange 42, E.W.M... and ae ehawn by the records and mope on file iri thc officc of thc County Engineer of Spokane County be and thc seme hereby ie estabLished as a county road and thc samc shall be known as SIXTH AVENUE N0. 1767. The roed supervieor of the roAd diatrict in which the said road is located is hereby directed ta open and maintain the s8me for public use and travel. PASSF.D AyD ADOPTED By the Board of County Commfssionera of Spokane County, Waehi.nqton thie 16th day of Junc, 1966. AZ'fEST: ROARD OF COllNTY COt9MISSIONERS .