Order Granting Amendment 06/26/1975 . ~ , 1196V YJOo 2.5 4169 . . . lEYOiZt: 'ltif: BQAFtD OP, GVV;,Fl'Y ~:{11r1TS5ZiJiF'"r.it9 GF SPGtJs123 COUWY'9 k'{'i,SttZNGTOY xIJ '!`ilE 14l2TER OF AF'PLYCII'I'io;m* OI~ Cny ) OI' SPOKAIdE FOR Rj*ND:*2FI' TO FF,A.,T:Ci-iTSE ) 0R712 GFtAtan3G mo3DMEw PJO. 57-350 TO Ilr'CLtTDE ADDTTlOLV~ COUN7.'Y ~ . RCIADS ItJ SPOK'iNE CQUPYI'SC, WASFi7Ia~.~1i ) WIIEFr ,the Ci.ty a: Spaicar►e has filed rArt applicafi on far art e,mendment to Farenchiee 210. 57-350 ineluding addi.tio;Lal roaris in 3pokans County, as followat pittsbura 3treet grom 63rci Ave.rue to 1351 5outh of 64}.h Avenue Rcn,gl Strcet frca 55th Avenuo to 235' Santh of 55th Avenue Thierman Rond i'rom NL3aion Avenue to 385' Sauth of M3.saian Avenrze Dallar StrEet from :!tar_afield Avenue to Trent Road SMRM99 thfl F3oard of Caizr.iy Corrnisaicners of Spvnwne eounty9 Waehingtano theroupon i ixed Thuroday, June 2_6, . 1475 at ten o' clock A. I-9e o_' oeici day, at the offico of the Board o; County Com-ni.aaicne^s :a t1^.e Spolcane County Caurthovse, ae f,he tfmo.and place for hearing of saad applicetiUr. and dixected the Canmty Au3itor to. givo notico of eaid haaring; end W;MMILS, na pcroan appea:~.:d tio cbject. I+{Fwi y Thr..EFORE, 9 Iri 19 ORDi ii:D thzt. t3ie appi•? ca-ciore s. e appxoved arul Franchi oe IJo. 57-350 ~ io he2•eLy Funeaded to includo tne abo✓ementionod por°tiono of county roade. Y3O'Ao 'I= PORE, Y"P 7S r'UitTF-Eq ORDr-Zd:D that at r~uch tic-ac as Spokano County, its agents or assiEns ehall have schaculed a project foz• placement of a pertu3nerit type Davement ever . the street areu whera the water 'A3no ie canotructed, the City of Spakmne Water Department, its asenta or asaigizs0 upon requeat ai the County EnginQer, shall -etub out water servico Z:i.nes tfl the f. onting prcpcrties or IoL's. A1"FROVEU BY TIM, BQM tstis .26th . eiay of _ ; une . , 1975 rUcn oP couVrY ca-W¢sszarEs OF aS'PO:~.j1M L'dUhVYp WAuMGTQi; . . - _ . . , . -A`t'TCST: VEFi~'v OPJ 4l o O1Ii.~A3~m Clerk of ' Q f3oard BY t ~ Ro annQ Mon •aguao Deputy Clerk _ . . . . .