Order Granting Amendment 07/11/1963 . . . .i i4", y .c .'yr + .}~.r : 17:% r~ ';~F v ,'"'i', j i~Y, l 4, 't 1 . ~ „r4 , ..ih:a....y.l.~.,..a c.. 'l. .'`t` •'t ....'4' . r . i. . Rt ..:~.mn . . ....:.:.,s,... ....:+:wcu...:..c~.4-..:~3..~::.:~... - .._._~.......a.iS..~...,y. :i...s•,~i:.~....•.W~~:..P rs........v~. s_.:.._.:.a...v..3.~..... . _ __.a.:..,. . 2 6 JUY.Y 11 19 G:3 CONT' D 63-29:3 - Grant Amendm~i~t~ to Cit of S okane FLr~ hise No. 57-350 ' BC:FORL•' '1~tE BOAE~D O~`, CUN'TY (GO IS IONE Or` :irv~E C~UNTY~ WASHINGT~N ~ In the Matter of Application of the ) City of Spokane Far an Amendemnt ) To FranchisE No. 57-350 to Include ) ORDF.tt GRANTiNG AMENDMENT Additional Roade ~ G1fIEREAS, the City of Spokane has tiled an application tor an amendment to Franchiae No. 57-350, to include the following described road: Dyer Road, trom De Smet Avenue to Broadway Avenue WHEREAS, the IIoard of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, thereupon tixed '1'uesday, July 9, 19639 at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the office of the Board in the Spokane County Courthouse, as the time and place tor hearing of said application, and directed the County Auditor to give proper notice of said hearing, and WHEItEAS, due to the absence of a quorum of the Board, the hearing was con tinued to ten o'clock A. M. on Thursday, Ju1y 11, 1963, at the office of the Board, and WHEtcEAS, at the time and place tixed tor said continued hearing, the Board proceeded to hear said application, and no person appearing to ob,ject, NOW, 't'HEREFORE, IT IS ORDERCD that the atoresaid application is hereby approved and Franchisc No. 57-350, as granted on September s, 1957, is hereby amended to include the above mentioned road. YA.SSCD BY '1'HC BOA1tD this llth day of July, 1963. n77EST; BOARD OF COtJN'i'Y Cur4MISSIONERS FILINK J. GLOVER OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board W. 0. Allen Dy: L. Friedland, Ra.lph C. Umbreit Deputy Howard T. Ball ~ 63-294 - Prelim,-~A.~,Rroi~ation $2 :i18.71 tor Countx Proaecutor BCFOI~C '113E BOARD OF COUN'CONER,S OFF-91'0KANE COUNY'Y, 9ASHINGTON In the Mntter of Appropriation ) I'or the Spokone County ) Preliminary Reaolution Prosecutor's Departznent ) 141-iCREAS, aufticient appropriations have not been made in the 1963 budget of the Spokane County Prosecutor's Department, and 41NCRCAS, in the early part ot 1963, attorneys tracn the Proseeutor's Departmen t were ditected by the clerk of the United S tates Supreme Court to appear betore said Court and present arguments in the appeal cases of llraper et al vs. Washington and Haynes vs. Washington, and WIICREAS, af ter argumen ta were heard before the Supreme Court cf the United States, that Court remunded both cases, which reversed the decision of the Supreme Court of the S tate of Wt+shington in each case, and LJHEttCAS, by order of the Chief Justice of the United States the costs of the two actione arc due and pnysblc by the Spokane County Prosecutor's Department as tollows: Draper et al vs. Wa6hington Clerk Costs $ 218.88 Yrinting Record 707.00 $ 925.88 itaynes vs. Waahington Clerks Coets 291.12 Printing Record 1.101.71 L 392.83 '1`OTAL WliCItEAS, the appeals originnted at the requeet of the deiendente arter the 1963 budget had been ndopted ond therefore no provision could reasonably tuave been made to pay said court costs, and 14HC1cCAS, in the opinion of the Soard an emergency exie t8 , NOW, '1'EIERCI'ORC BE I'!' Rr.SOLVED by the unAnimoue vote or the Boerd ot County Comcaissionere o£ Spoknne County, Wnehington that the sum ot 52.318.71 be npproprl.ated irom the Spokene County Current Exnense reserve tund and credited to the budget of the County Prosecutor's to provide ror the pnyment of the trial costa as outline above. DL IT rUR'i'itEft RESOLVLD that '1'huradny, July 25, 1963, at ten o'clock A. M. of eaid day, at the ottice of the Board in the Spoktmc County Courthouae bE, end the same hrreby ia fixed ns the time and p1ACe c►ny taxpayer may uppear and be heard tor or agAinat the epproprietion of the money ror the purposea eet torth. DE I'T FUR'1'HER RESOLVED that a copy of eaid resolution end this notice be publiehed in the Spoknne lJcekly Chronicle. PASSCD nY 711C HUARD this lltih day of July. 1963. ATTCST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS ~ FftANK J. GLOVI:R OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASI{INGTON Clerk ot the Bonrd W. 0. Allen Dy: L. Friedland Ralph E. Umbreit Deputy Howard T. Bn11 63-29~ - Final-A ro ~riat_ion 11 725.00 ror Civil Detenec n0i;c ~~x ETUM-Or~ CUuR`i'Y cu OF SPOYCANE` NTY, WA.SHING'1bN In the Mattcr ot Appropriation ) For the Civil Derensc Depnrtment (#6) ) FItQAL RL•:SOLVrION ot 5pokune County, Wnahington ) IJHFt;CA.S , the abovic entitled mAtter coming on reularly ror hearing on ttle reeolution of tl'ie tioard