Order Granting Amendment 09/13/1960 l~Y, a~, i- tLUiuu•.i.tul• v. C. C. Andcr_,,;n W. C. Allen ~VCTICL CF PUBLIC HEARING - ZCNE CHANGE - FIL-E NC. ZE-31-60 BEFC:RE THE BCARD OF CCUNTY CCMMISSICNERS CF SPCKANE CCIJNTY. WASHINGTc:N I IVC1'iCE IS I-iEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing u•ill be held by the Board of Counly Cummisaioilers of Spokane Cuurity, Washington, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., on Tueaday the 4th day of Cctober, 1960, at their otfice in the Spokane County Courthouse, to determine the advisabiiity of changing the zone classilication on rertsin areae iri Spokane County, in accordance with the lollowing: AGRICUL•TURAL TC MULTIPL•E FAMIL•Y SUBURBAN (ZE-31 -60) ~ 'fhe eouth 125, 5 fee[ of the East 1/Z of Tract 143 of Cpportunity, except the weat 75 feei ia Section 17, TawnshiN 25 IV, , Range 44, E. W. M., NCTICE IS FURTHER GlVEN that any person intereated may appear at said hearins and be lieard for or against the proposed zone reclassification as outlined above. BY CRDER CF THE BCARD THIS 13th day of September, 1960, B CARD CF CCUNTY CCMMISSICNERS AT I'EST: CF SPCKANE CCUNT Y, WASHINGTCN Frank J. Glovcr, Clerk of the Board Carl W. Rudolf By: L. Friedland, Deputy C. C. Andereon ' W. C. Allen ~ CTICE TC PUBLIC - CCMPLETICN CF VARICUS CRPs he Board ordered noticea to the public in the manner provided by law with reference to the completion of the following County Road Projects: PROJECT NO. L-CCATICN TYPE CF WCRK AMCUNT 442 Bridge 3313 Elder Road Reconatruction $2871, 09 441 Brdige 3101 -Pine Creek Rd, Reconstruction 2876. 1Z 433 Bridge 5208 Starr Road Reconstruction 3687.24 422 Bridge 4706 Deadman Creek Reconstruction 6021, 02 434 Bridge 3803 Dragoon Creek Reconstruction 3929. 21 435 Bridge 6206 'Rock Creek Reconstruction 3244.19 362 Pinea Road Fill Raise Grade 5589.79 39Z Euclid Road Change Improvement 9312.04 404 L-itttc Spokane Dr, Roadmix Improvement 14549, 07 409 Bridge 1506 Deep Creek Reconstruction 8496.06 419 Clear L-ake Road Improvement 8044.77 439 Brdige 6401 Elder Road Reconstruction 2307.05 440 Bridge 4215 Cahill Road Reconatruction 2225. 1 5 436 Bridge 6Z05 Idaho Road Reconstruction 2745.64 HEARING - AMEND CITY CF SPCKANE FRAIVCHISE NC. 57-350 'I'}iis being the daee [or hearing on the application of the City of Spokane to amend their franchiee No, 57-350 dated Septecnber 3, 1957, to extend lranchiee rights to additional county roads as deacribed in the City'o petition dated Auguet 12, 1960, Aa no objections were offered with reference to parts o[ Alki anc! Bronclway Avenuce and part o[ Dyer Road ae petittoned for* the Board ordered a resolution granting the amendmcnt to includc thoee particular roads a• fottowo: . ttESCL•UTICN NC, 60-452 - AmentdCity of Spokane's Franchiee lYo, 57-350 I3EFCRE '1'HEE3CARD C COtINTY CCMMISSICNERS CF SPCKANE CCUNTY, WASHINGTCN, In the Mattcr of the Application cf the City of ~ Spokanc for nn Amendment to Franchiae No. 57-350 ) Crdcr Qrunting Amendment to includc Additionat Roude in Spokane Caunty, ) wa s?iington j bYl-IEREAS, the City of Spokane ftled o petition with the Bomrd of County Commiooionera of Spakone Courily, Was1►inRton, to urnend Franchise No. 57-350 dated September 3, 1957, ior thi• purpoae of extending said frsrychise rigtits to the following additianat county roade, namely: Alki Avenue from Dyer Road to L•ake Road, I)yer Roud from BroAdway Avenuc to Alki Avenue. Broadway Avenue lcom Davld Road to Dyer goad, WHtF2EA5, the Board of County CommisRioner# of Spokanv County, Waeh{ngton, thercupon fiKed Tueoday, Scptembcr 13, 1960, at ten o'ctork A. Nt, . of eaid day, at the office of the Board in the Spokane County Courthouee ae the tinic and plsce for hearins on eaid petition, snd directed the County Auditor to give P:op(,r notirc of eaid hearing, t►nd SYNERFAS, at the ttmc and place for eaid hcaring, the Board proceaded to hear ea{d petition, and uo r- prreon appoarcd to object, NCW, THEREFCRE. IT IS CRDERED THAT eaid petitier. ie hereby epproveJ nnd franchise No. 57-35C ~ as branicd September 3. 1957. is hereby amendcd ta inctude the above ment{oned rcods, !'nSSED BY THE BCARD thie 13th day of Septcmbcr, 1960.