Order Granting Amendment 09/17/1970 . 7LI40 No. 70-- 537 . . . BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOK.P,NE COUNTY, . WASHINGTON . . Zn. the Ma.tter ot Application of ) ORDER GRANTING City of Spokane for Amendment to Franchise No. 57--350 to znclude. AMENDMENT . Additional County Roads ) - WHEREAS, the City of Spokane has filed an application'for an amendment to Franch.ise No. 57-350 to incl-ude the additional portions of roads as follaws,: . Eastern Road - from Alki Avenue to Va.C7..ey Way . Valley Way ~ from approxim.a.tely 254 feet eas.t ot Eastern Road to Eastem Road WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane Covnty, Washington, thereupon fixed Thuxsda.y, September 17, 1970, at 14:00 0' clock A.M., of said day, at the office of the Board of County Commissioners in the Spokane County. Cour.thouse as o, and directed the time and place.for hearing on said applicati n the County Auditor to give proper notice of said heari-ng, a-nd WHEREAS, at the time and place f ixed f or said hearing, the . application was heaxd and n.o person appeared to object. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED tha.t the application is approved and Franchise No. 57-350, as granted September.3, 1957,. is : hereby amended to include the above mention.ed portions of Co-unty roads. PASSED•BY THE BOARD this 17 day of September, 1970. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF SPOK:ANE. COUNTY, WASHINGTON . • r~'' . . . , . _ ' ' ° • . . . . . . . : . • ' . . y~ _ • . ~'Ki~~ : • •P i . ' ' ' • . . . - ' . - . . . . , . • • E.~ • \ ' ~ . ' ' ~ • Attest: VERNON W e OHLAND Clerk of the Board By - R sant,:e evers, beputy. , . ~